Browsing Student papers by Title
Now showing items 895-914 of 3204
Exploring the Causal Link between Early Life Experiences and Risk-Taking Behavior: Evidence from Venture Capitalists
(Master thesis, 2023)This master thesis examines the causal relationship between early-life exposure to natural disasters and risk-taking behavior among venture capital investors. Drawing on a comprehensive literature review, we define specific ... -
Exploring the challenges of implementing a sustainable strategy : A case study
(Master thesis, 2016)Sustainability has become the defining challenge of our time and companies have started to realize the many benefits that lie within this field. However, sustainability is known for its complexity and implementing ... -
Exploring the drivers and prediction of fund flow in the Norwegian Bond Fund Market: Deploying classic statistics and machine learning methods
(Master thesis, 2023)This paper aims to analyze the drivers and predict flow of Norwegian bond funds one month in advance using machine learning models and macro variables. The study investigates a sample of 79 bond funds and a subset of medium ... -
Exploring the influence of entrepreneurial leadership on the context for creativity : the case of Åpent Bakeri
(Master thesis, 2014-02-12)BACKGROUND AND CASE SELECTION In the post-industrial society organisations are increasingly recognising ideas as their most valuable commodity and their employee’s creative potential as a huge resource. The creative ... -
Exploring the Interplay Between Digitalization and Sustainability in the Maritime Industry
(Master thesis, 2021)The following Master thesis investigates the interplay between two of the current important and pervasive trends: digitalization and sustainability. The academic literature shows how these trends impact business separately ... -
Exploring the Leverage and Profitability Relation in the Norwegian Market
(Master thesis, 2023)The Leverage-Profitability Puzzle has long been one of the most well-known empirical inconsistency in the literature on capital structure. There are few empirical studies that focus solely on the Norwegian market in relation ... -
Exploring the link between gender diversity and financial performance on Norwegian boards
(Master thesis, 2023)In recent years, gender diversity has become a much-debated topic with regards to optimal board compositions. This paper studies the relationship between gender diversity on Norwegian boards and firms’ financial performance. ... -
Exploring the relationship between ESG-scores and company performance: Insights from the Covid-19 pandemic
(Master thesis, 2023)This thesis explores the relationship between Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) scores and company performance within the S&P 500 and STOXX 600 indexes during the Covid-19 pandemic. We investigated ESG scores and ... -
Exploring the Relationship Between Exploitative Leadership and Employee Turnover Intentions: The Role of Affective Commitment, Length of Service and Organizational Tenure
(Master thesis, 2024)This study's purpose was to examine exploitative leadership's negative effect on turnover intentions and whether this expected relationship was mediated by lower affective commitment and moderated by shorter length of ... -
Exploring the Relationship between Leader Support, Communication, and Change Recipients' Well-being during Organizational Change
(Master thesis, 2024)This study investigates the relationship between leader support, communication, and the well-being of change recipients during an organizational change process. Concretely, the thesis aims to answer the research question: ... -
Exploring the Relationship Between Management, Corporate Governance, and Agency Theory: An Empirical Examination of Their Impact on Net Asset Value Premiums or Discounts in Publicly Listed Shipping Companies
(Master thesis, 2023)This paper investigates the relationship between corporate governance and the premiums or discounts between the market capitalization and the net asset value (NAV) of publicly listed maritime shipping companies. We employ ... -
Exploring the Relationship Between the Slope of the Yield Curve, Volatility, and the Profitability of Momentum Trading Strategies in US Stocks: An Empirical Analysis
(Master thesis, 2023)This thesis explores the interplay between yield curve inversions, volatility and Momentum trading strategy performance in the US stock market. We test the theory that yield curve dynamics can predict fluctuations in ... -
Exploring the Role of the Momentum Factor in Asset Pricing Models: An Empirical Analysis of the Oslo Stoel! Exchange (OSE) from July 1989 to June 2020
(Master thesis, 2023)This thesis tests if the Fama and French five-factor model including momentum can explaining stock returns on OSE. The inclusion of momentum factor enhances model performance, with an increased adjusted R2 from 0.65 to ... -
Exploring the Truck Driver Shortage Phenomenon with Evidence and Insights from the Norwegian Freight Transport Industry
(Master thesis, 2024)Trucking is one of the most critical links in modern supply chains, as most shipments rely on trucks to reach their final destination. Ironically, a shortage of professional truck drivers is reported to be one of the most ... -
Exploring the validity of behavioral cues perceived to indicate violence in the context of police-citizen interactions
(Master thesis, 2018)The aim of this thesis is to explore whether behavioral cues, which are thought to be predictive of violence, correspond with violent behavior in police-citizen interactions. The method applied consisted of qualitatively ... -
Exploring Unconscious Gender Bias in the Job Analysis Process: An Investigation into the Factors Influencing and Mitigating Bias in the Evaluation of Job Roles and Requirements
(Master thesis, 2024)In today’s pursuit of workplace equality, our master’s thesis delves into a critical yet often overlooked aspect of recruitment: the job analysis process. Despite organizational efforts toward diversity, unconscious gender ... -
Extracting Sentiment of Selected Twitter Accounts and Considering Its Relationship with the S&P 500 Index
(Master thesis, 2021)Twitter is a source of streaming data. In this thesis, we examine whether and to what extent we can find a relationship between the sentiment of selected Twitter accounts and the S&P 500 index. This thesis uses data from ... -
Eyr Medical
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)Eyr Medical initierte i januar 2017 prosjektet «Content Marketing», med et mål om å øke brukerengasjement ved en økning av antall videokonsultasjoner gjennom applikasjonen innen juni 2017. Selskapet er et nyetablert ... -
Ezinne Athletics
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)I denne oppgaven har vi tatt for oss organisasjonen Ezinne Athletics, som per dags dato er en veldedig organisasjon som har som mål å få økt antallet av jenter med minoritetsbakgrunn i friidretten, da det tilbudet som ... -
Facebook truet av transformativ teknologi
(Bachelor thesis, 2022)Denne oppgaven tar for seg problemstillingen: «Hvilken innvirkning har utviklingen av blokkjede-teknologi for makten Facebook/Meta innehar, sett i lys av forbrukere sine holdninger og preferanser?». Problemstillingen ...