Browsing Student papers by Title
Now showing items 2980-2999 of 3188
Valget av valutakursregime med hensyn på prisstabilitet: en empirisk analyse av inflasjon og inflasjonsvolatilitet i Norge og Danmark
(Bachelor thesis, 2019)Det er en tydelig konsensus blant forskere og økonomer om at høy og volatil inflasjon fører med seg en rekke kostnader for et samfunn. Flere og flere land har siden 90-tallet innført inflasjonsmål for pengepolitikken og ... -
Valuation Norway Royal Salmon
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)This bachelor thesis is a valuation of the Norwegian fish farming firm, Norway Royal Salmon (NRS). The purpose is to estimate the fundamental value of NRS’ equity and their fair value per share. The fish farmers in ... -
Valuation of Carlsberg Group A/S
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)This bachelor thesis aims to assess Carlsberg's equity as of December 31, 2023. We will conduct a thorough analysis of the company's financial standing, employing both qualitative strategic analysis and quantitative ... -
Valuation of housing attributes and the effect of tenant and landlord characteristics in the Norwegian rental market
(Master thesis, 2012-05-10)The present study uses a standard hedonic log–log framework to analyze rent variations in the Norwegian housing market. Using data from the national rental survey (Leiemarkedsundersøkelsen) as a basis, this study finds ... -
Valuation of Nordic Nanovector ASA
(Master thesis, 2018)The purpose of this paper is to conduct a valuation of Nordic Nanovector ASA through the use of both traditional discounted cash flow models and real option analysis. We have therefore arrived at three different estimates ... -
Valuation of Norway Royal Salmon ASA
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)In this bachelor thesis, I have performed a valuation of Norwegian Royal Salmon ASA (NRS). The problem statement in the thesis is defined as: ‹‹What is the fundamental value of a share in NRS, traded at the Oslo Stock ... -
A valuation of Norwegian ASA in COVID-times
(Master thesis, 2021)This thesis aims to estimate the value of Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA, both pre- COVID and in 2021, to assess the effect of the pandemic. Our thesis concludes whether support from the government and investors was justified, ... -
Valuation of Norwegian Property ASA
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)Norwegian Property ASA was established in 2006 with the goal of having an extensive and liquid portfolio of commercial real estate. The company is today considered to be dividend-driven with a goal of paying 30-50% of its ... -
Valuation of the Statkraft Group
(Master thesis, 2023)The purpose of thesis is to do a valuation of the Statkraft Group. Statkraft is Norwegians largest energy producer, generating its power mainly from hydropower. In 2020 the Group generated 65,4 TWh energy. (Statkraft, 2021) ... -
Valuation of XXL ASA
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)I have performed a valuation for the XXL ASA company in this thesis. My research question has been about finding the company's fundamental value and suggesting to a fictive investor whether to buy, sell or hold the shares ... -
The value and market effects of eco-labeled products in the Norwegian grocery market - An empirical analysis
(Master thesis, 2020)The existing research on eco-friendly purchasing relies heavily on stated preferences, which are commonly measured through consumer surveys based on hypothetical market settings. In this study, we instead utilize real ... -
The Value of Management Education - Fostering Sustainability Engagement Among Students
(Master thesis, 2023)The following thesis examines how sustainable management education can empower individuals to foster sustainability engagement. While sustainability has been a topic of discussion for several years and has been incorporated ... -
Value Propositions in the Cryptocurrency Ecosystem: A Stakeholder Analysis
(Master thesis, 2019)With the emergence of the blockchain technology and Bitcoin, much attention has been placed on the development of the industry. Considerable hype has been placed around potential applications of blockchain solutions as ... -
The value relevance of Sustainability reporting in Norway
(Master thesis, 2022)This master thesis studies the effect of sustainability reporting quality on firm valuation. The existing literature presents a mixed view on this relation, partly because it is difficult to disentangle the disclosure ... -
Value relevance of accounting : emphasis on quarterly earnings reports in Norway
(Master thesis, 2014-02-10)In this thesis we study the value relevance of accounting information on the Oslo Stock Exchange. We address two questions; 1) are quarterly earnings reports value relevant and 2) are quarterly earnings more value relevant ... -
The Value Relevance of Accounting Information - Empirical Evidence from the Oslo Stock Exchange
(Master thesis, 2022)The objective of the master thesis is to investigate value relevance of accounting information for the firms listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. We employ 16 years of data (from 2005 until 2020) and explore three broad ... -
The value relevance of the environmental impact of firms: Evidence on data provided by the impact-weighted accounts initiative
(Master thesis, 2022)In the absence of sophisticated and clearly defined ESG metrics, companies’ positive and negative impacts on the planet are likely to be absent from decisionmaking. To provide accurate signals for business leaders and ... -
Valuing Banks: Case Study of Sparebank 1 SR-Bank
(Master thesis, 2018)The purpose of this thesis is to identify the value of Sparebank 1 SR-Bank (SRBANK) as of 31.12.2017. Furthermore, the thesis identifies why bank valuation is problematic and which approaches the literature recommends ... -
Valutasikringsstrategier : praksis og regnskapsmessige konsekvenser
(Master thesis, 2015-08-07)Oppgaven tar sikte på å vise hvilke former for valutasikringsstrategier som benyttes av ikke-finansielle selskaper notert på Oslo Børs, samt hvilke regnskapsmessige effekter de ulike strategiene gir, herunder hvordan ... -
Vareplasseringens effekt på kundeatferd
(Bachelor thesis, 2019)Denne bacheloroppgaven tar for seg produktplassering av varer foran kassaområdet i detaljvarehandelen. Temaet vareplassering er godt forsket på i dagligvarehandelen, men vi ønsker å teste om denne forskningen også gjelder ...