Browsing Student papers by Title
Now showing items 915-934 of 3217
Extracting Sentiment of Selected Twitter Accounts and Considering Its Relationship with the S&P 500 Index
(Master thesis, 2021)Twitter is a source of streaming data. In this thesis, we examine whether and to what extent we can find a relationship between the sentiment of selected Twitter accounts and the S&P 500 index. This thesis uses data from ... -
Eyr Medical
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)Eyr Medical initierte i januar 2017 prosjektet «Content Marketing», med et mål om å øke brukerengasjement ved en økning av antall videokonsultasjoner gjennom applikasjonen innen juni 2017. Selskapet er et nyetablert ... -
Ezinne Athletics
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)I denne oppgaven har vi tatt for oss organisasjonen Ezinne Athletics, som per dags dato er en veldedig organisasjon som har som mål å få økt antallet av jenter med minoritetsbakgrunn i friidretten, da det tilbudet som ... -
Facebook truet av transformativ teknologi
(Bachelor thesis, 2022)Denne oppgaven tar for seg problemstillingen: «Hvilken innvirkning har utviklingen av blokkjede-teknologi for makten Facebook/Meta innehar, sett i lys av forbrukere sine holdninger og preferanser?». Problemstillingen ... -
Factors Impact on Profitability for Norwegian Private Firms
(Master thesis, 2018)This paper investigates what factors have an impact on the profitability of Norwegian private firms divided by size. Profitability is measured using Return on Assets (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE). The factors tested ... -
Factors influencing advertising effectiveness and purchase intention on Instagram
(Master thesis, 2017)Instagram has emerged as an important social media and advertising platform, but little or no research has been done to investigate how the users perceive various Instagram advertisement. The current research relies on ... -
Factors Influencing Metaverse Adoption: A Study on Gen Z and Millennials
(Master thesis, 2024)Purpose - Our master thesis aims to look at both the practical needs for developers and designers, as well as the academic needs of professors and researchers, in understanding the factors that influence metaverse adoption. ... -
Factors that influence Tech IPO underpricing and their applicability in pricing decision
(Master thesis, 2018)The aim of this thesis was to identify the main factors impacting underpricing in the Tech industry and analyse their applicability in IPO pricing decisions. The main factors that were examined: Number of Underwriters, ... -
Failing to succeed : How can an accelerator facilitate learning from failure?
(Master thesis, 2018)This master thesis aims at exploring how accelerator programs can facilitate learning from failure. Failure, defined as deviance from desired results, has seen a shift in its surrounding literature. Instead of perceiving ... -
A Fair Day's Pay for a Fair Day's Work? The Mediating Role of Justice Perceptions in Compensation and Exchange Relationships
(Master thesis, 2021)This study explores the dynamic between compensation and employee-organization relationships amongst hairdressing professionals. We investigate the relationships between the pay administration (fixed or variable) and the ... -
Faktorer for valg av innkjøpsmetode av dagligvarer
(Bachelor thesis, 2022)Oppgaven handler om hvilke faktorer som er avgjørende når en forbruker skal bestemme seg for innkjøpsmetode av dagligvarer. Problemstillingen blir altså: «Hvilke faktorer påvirker forbrukernes valg av innkjøpsmetode for ... -
Faktorer som kan påvirke grad av arbeidsnarkomani
(Bachelor thesis, 2022)Hensikten med denne studien er å finne ut av hvordan spesifikke faktorer kan påvirke graden av arbeidsnarkomani. Vi ønsket å se nærmere på hvilke konsekvenser arbeidsnarkomani har for jobb-hjem balansen, da det også har ... -
Fallgruver i byggeprosjekter
(Bachelor thesis, 2014-09-10)Denne rapporten tar utgangspunkt i bruprosjektet Tverrforbindelsen for å illustrere hvilke fallgruver det er vanlig å møte på og hvordan disse kan håndteres på en god måte. Tverrforbindelsen ble planlagt og bygget i årene ... -
Fallgruver i prosjekt innen landbasert oppdrettsanlegg
(Bachelor thesis, 2022)Denne bacheloroppgaven tar for seg tematikken rundt hvilke fallgruver prosjekter innen landbaserte oppdrettsanlegg står overfor. Bakgrunnen for oppgaven baserer seg på et individuelt engasjement om å lære mer om en ... -
Falling Between The Silos: Fragmentation in Roles and Responsibilities Create Barriers to Climate Adaptation : A Case Study of Stormwater Management in the Municipality of Oslo
(Master thesis, 2018)The aim of this master thesis is to contribute to the literature on institutional change for climate adaptation by investigating the identified gap in literature of how, why, and where changes need to happen for more ... -
False positive reduction endeavors with automated feature engineering
(Master thesis, 2021)Credit card fraud has been a problem for decades, and with the booming trend of online shopping fraud losses expected to rise for every year to come. Fraud detection systems often generate more false positives than true ... -
A Fama-French Replication and Extension including Momentum: Evidence from the US and the UK Stock Market
(Master thesis, 2022)This paper examines the effects of size, value, profitability, investments, and momentum on the cross-sectional and time-series relation between expected returns and risk in the US and the UK markets, from July 1990 to ... -
Family Firms & Diversification Through M&A: Evidence From Norway
(Master thesis, 2019)This study examines the behavior of family firms on whether they are more inclined to engage in diversifying M&As than non-family firms due to their high value of control. To analyse this theory, data has been manually ... -
Family firms, do they grow slower than non-family firms?
(Master thesis, 2017)This study seeks to answer whether family firms grow slower than non-family firms in Norway, and if family firm’s inherent characteristics explains differing growth. Our research analyses four different measurements of ... -
Family Ownership and Cash Holdings : Empirical Evidence from Norway
(Master thesis, 2016)This master thesis examines the level of cash holdings in Norwegian private firms in the period 2004 to 2014. We compare family firms to non-family firms and explore whether there are differences in their cash holding ...