Browsing Student papers by Title
Now showing items 1040-1059 of 3174
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)I denne studien ønsker vi å bidra til den eksisterende forskningen på gamification innen digital markedsføring, samtidig som vi vil gi praktiske innsikter og anbefalinger for markedsførere som ønsker å optimalisere ... -
Gamification : A potential game changer within the field of charity
(Master thesis, 2016) -
Gamification as a Marketing Tool in Life-defining Decision-making Processes
(Master thesis, 2024)This study investigates the influence of gamification on the ease of life-defining decision-making processes, with a particular focus on its application in marketing. By employing various statistical analyses, the study ... -
Går alt etter planen
(Bachelor thesis, 2015-06-01)Bacheloroppgaven omhandler planleggingen for utbygging – og ombyggings prosjektet til bedriften Polarbröd AB. Det er et svensk foretak plassert i Bredbyn som ligger i Väster-Norrland i Sverige, som produserer brød. Firmaet ... -
Gender Diversity and Earnings Management: A study on Norwegian Firms
(Master thesis, 2023)Due to the ethical and moral complexities associated with earnings management, the examination of gender differences has generated interest in relation to the quality of earnings reporting. However, the available studies ... -
Gender diversity and its impact on firms’ financial performance
(Master thesis, 2019)In this research, we examine if there exists a link between board gender diversity and financial performance, hereunder what is believed to be the very worst of financial performance – bankruptcies. After the gender ... -
Gender Diversity on Boards and Firm Financial Performance: A study of Norwegian firms
(Master thesis, 2022)We examine the effect of gender diversity on boards on firm financial performance. Our data are Norwegian AS and ASA firms from 2002 to 2020. As previous literature on this topic is ambiguous, we start by presenting economic ... -
Gender Diversity on the Board of Directors and CEO Compensation in Norway
(Master thesis, 2018)In 2003, Norway passed a gender balance law requiring public limited companies to have at least 40% of each gender represented on the board by 2008. This paper contributes to the understanding of the effects of increased ... -
The Gender Pay Gap in Leadership Positions in Norway
(Master thesis, 2023)Our hypothesis posits that the magnitude of the gender pay gap may be exaggerated because such representations typically fail to account for individual and group characteristics1. The escalating wage disparity with ... -
Gender Representation and Gender Pay Disparities in Norwegian Private Sector Firms: Analysing Organisational Hierarchies and Firm-Level Data
(Master thesis, 2024)This master thesis investigates gender representation and gender pay disparities within organisational hierarchies and at the firm level in Norwegian private sector firms. Using data collected from 202 companies mandated ... -
Gendered Constructions of Leadership in Norwegian Job Advertisements
(Master thesis, 2018)Women are traditionally underrepresented in managerial positions, and especially considering top managerial positions. Several factors might contribute to keeping women from reaching their full potential and rise to ... -
General Partner Persistence in European Private Equity
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis investigates the persistence in General Partner performance in European private equity based on fund data between 1985 and 2023. We find strong evidence of persistence, particularly among the top and bottom ... -
Generalizing across generations, or not? A comparative study of sport sponsorship outcomes across generational cohorts
(Master thesis, 2019)Millennials are the ‘new shiny thing’ - everyone seems to want a piece of the largest consumer segment in history. However, alarmingly for sports businesses, Millennials do not seem to be consuming sport. TV viewership ... -
Generasjon Z - En studie om forventninger til ledelse og motivasjon
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)Generasjon Z er den yngste generasjonen som er i arbeidslivet og vi har i denne oppgaven ønsket å se nærmere på hva de motiveres av og hvilket syn de har på ledelse. Våre respondenter er i aldersgruppen til generasjon Z ... -
Generational differences in employee work values : an explorative study in a Norwegian work context
(Master thesis, 2012-05-15)In an increasingly knowledge intensive economy, it is essential to determine what drives knowledge workers into action and motivate them to excel. According to the value- based view on motivation, work values underlie these ... -
Geofiltermarkedsføring på snapchat
(Bachelor thesis, 2020)I denne bacheloroppgaven undersøkes det hva geofiltermarkedsføring på Snapchat er og hva som er fordeler og ulemper med denne typen markedsføring og sette dette i et større lys. Formålet med oppgaven er å se dette både ... -
Geografisk avstand er ingen hindring for psykologisk trygghet
(Master thesis, 2022)Denne prosjektoppgaven handler om hvordan psykologisk trygghet kan fremmes i et team med spredt geografisk deltakelse. Et psykologisk trygt arbeidsmiljø defineres som et arbeidsmiljø der mennesker opplever å føle seg frie ... -
German and Norwegian foreign direct investments into South East Asia
(Master thesis, 2015-08-07)The aim of this study is to investigate how German and Norwegian cultural traits influence companies in their Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) decision-making in South East Asia. The propositions evaluated in this paper ... -
Get angry? Et eksperiment som utforsker effekten av ulike emosjoner på fysisk selvkontroll
(Bachelor thesis, 2019)Denne oppgaven baseres på menneskers fysiske selvkontroll og er utført som et forsøk på å besvare problemstillingen: “hvilken effekt har emosjoner på fysisk selvkontroll?”. Vi har benyttet en kombinasjon av kvantitativ ... -
Gevinster ved bruk av robotisert prosess automatisering i direktoratet for økonomistyring
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)I denne oppgaven har vi sett på implementering av robotisert prosessautomatisering hos Direktoratet for økonomistyring, og hvilke fordeler automatiseringen vil medføre. Direktoratet for økonomistyring har planlagt ...