Browsing Student papers by Title
Now showing items 1381-1400 of 2935
The Impact of State Ownership and Regulatory Changes on ESG Performance
(Master thesis, 2023)In this study, we explore the dynamic relationship between state ownership and ESG performance in Chinese firms, focusing on the impact of the 2018 Corporate Governance Code and the different ESG Category scores. Our ... -
Impact of the decentralized economy of the WEB3 on the business strategies
(Master thesis, 2022)Having an initial interest in new technologies and in particular in blockchain technology, we discovered this year the world of WEB3, an ecosystem that encompasses all the decentralized companies (DApp) located on ... -
(Master thesis, 2023)This thesis investigates the phenomenon of woke washing and the impact on consumer attitudes, perception of credibility, and behavior. With an increasing expectation for brands to engage in socio-political matters, genuine ... -
The Impact of Working Arrangement on Employee Job Performance : Measuring and understanding by using the Job Demands- Resources model
(Master thesis, 2022)Covid-19 has led to lasting changes in working life. Remote work has become increasingly prevalent, and many organizations are adopting more flexible working arrangements that allow employees to work from their homes. ... -
Implementering av balansert målstyring hos Møller Bil Leangen
(Bachelor thesis, 2015-06-01)Oppgaven er skrevet i samarbeid med Møller Bil Leangen, og har ledelsesverktøyet balansert målstyring som tema. Formålet med oppgaven har vært på utarbeide en modell for implementering av balansert målstyring i virksomheten. ... -
Implementering av Black Litterman-modellen i DNB Asset Management
(Bachelor thesis, 2020)Denne oppgaven er skrevet i et samarbeid med forvaltningsselskapet DNB Asset Management AS. Formålet med oppgaven er å undersøke hvorvidt allokeringen utledet av Black Litterman-modellen kan tilføre forvaltningen i DNB ... -
Implementering av bærekraft i et samvirkelag i Coop
(Master thesis, 2022)Samvirkelaget Coop Sørvest, som er del av Coop i Norge, har startet en prosess med styrking og systematisering av bærekraftsarbeidet i virksomheten, og proses-sen skal resultere i en bærekraftstrategi som kan vedtas av ... -
Implementering av EPJ-system i Nordre Follo kommune
(Bachelor thesis, 2019)Oppegård og Ski kommune skal slås sammen til Nordre Follo kommune. I forbindelse med sammenslåingen skal de blant annet anskaffe et elektronisk pasientjournalsystem (EPJ-system). Dette systemet må være implementert og ... -
Implementering av et bærekraftig reiseliv
(Bachelor thesis, 2010-10-15)Denne oppgaven har tatt utgangspunkt i prosjektet Bærekraftig reiseliv 2015 som har sin bakgrunn fra Regjeringens reiselivsstrategi fra 2007. Vi har fokusert på Destinasjon Røros som en av fem piloter for i dette prosjektet. ... -
Implementering av IFRS 15 i bygg- og anleggsbransjen
(Master thesis, 2022)Bakgrunnen for denne masteroppgaven er den nye standarden for inntektsføring som trådte i kraft fra 1. januar 2018, IFRS 15. Arbeidet med en felles standard for inntektsføring mellom International Accounting Standard Board ... -
Implementing Circular Business Models in the Norwegian Construction Industry: Barriers and Enablers
(Master thesis, 2020)This thesis provides potential enablers to overcome the current barriers to implement circular business models in the Norwegian built environment. Based on interviews with 20 participants from 16 different organizations ... -
Implications and opportunities of regulatory action for crypto assets
(Master thesis, 2022)Throughout the thesis we have examined the crypto market along with the EU pro-posed Markets in Crypto Assets regulation. With the objective of gaining an under-standing of what crypto assets entail, such as their components, ... -
Implicit Gender Bias in Job Advertisements: The Interactive Influence of Masculine Wording, and Gender and Professional Closeness of the Contact Person on Job Appeal
(Master thesis, 2018)To understand the extent to which gendered wording exists in job advertisements in the Norwegian context, and what the implications of using masculine wording in job advertisements for male-dominated professions could ... -
The importance of ESG ratings on risk-adjusted stock performance
(Master thesis, 2022)In this thesis, we conduct an empirical study of whether Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) ratings impact risk-adjusted stock performance and its ability to be used as a signal in investment strategies. We form ... -
The Importance of Trust during COVID-19
(Master thesis, 2022)It is well established that trust benefits societies in numerous ways, contributing to cooperation, economic growth, and higher quality of institutions. What is less known is the role of trust in crises, where societies ... -
Important mechanisms to succeed with facilitating a continuous learning culture and change processes within hospitals
(Master thesis, 2019)This paper examines the implementation of new initiatives within the healthcare sector. Our motivation for the study is the positive impact a successful new initiative can have on patient treatment and thereby affect ... -
Importmerverdiavgift på fjernleverbare tjenester, næringsdrivende-kravet i mval § 3-30 annet ledd.
(Master thesis, 2019)I denne oppgaven har jeg redegjort for, drøftet og analysert begrepet næringsdrivende i mval § 3-30 annet ledd, som omhandler import-merverdiavgift på fjernleverbare tjenester. Når anses et foretak som næringsdrivende ... -
Improving humanitarian response through an innovative pre-positioning concept : an investigation of how commercial vessels can be used to store and transport relief items
(Master thesis, 2013-02-19)Both the number of natural disasters and the people affected by these disasters have increased substantially during the recent decades. Not only is the frequency higher, but the complexity, severity and magnitude of natural ... -
Improving service innovation in Aker Solutions – How clients’ knowledge, management and organisational structure can facilitate service innovation
(Master thesis, 2014-10-20)Services have long been perceived as non-innovative or technologically backward. It is only recently that innovation in services has attracted greater interest. However, service innovation is important for organisational ... -
In the Shadow of a Product With a Sustainability Label:Will the introduction of a product with a sustainability label spill over on the perceptions of the mainstream product line,general attitude towards the company & perceived CSR image?
(Master thesis, 2021)Consumers and society are increasingly emphasizing the importance of new, green products. In response, companies are investing in developing more environmentally sustainable options. However, there is still a lack of ...