Now showing items 286-305 of 2901

    • Capital structure and ipo market timing in the U.S. high-tech industry 

      Bjørkman, Fredrik; Forina, Francesco Paolo (Master thesis, 2017)
      The scope of this master thesis is to understand what drives the decision by American firms to raise capital through initial public offerings. In particular we assess whether American technology firms try to time the IPO ...
    • Carbon Emission and Corporate Financial Performance: an empirical study of the US Energy and Technology Sectors Navn: 

      Franchino, Grégoire Harold Michel; Maistre, Grégoire (Master thesis, 2020)
      Corporate transparency and socially responsible actions, for the past decade, have become fundamental values as well as strong variables in nowadays business operations. Today, firms have to disclose more about their ESG ...
    • Carbon forestry and trading : a case study of Green Resources in Uganda 

      Bondevik, Susanne (Master thesis, 2014-02-10)
      This study was conducted in Norway and Uganda. The objective was to investigate the carbon forestry markets using Green Resources AS as an example. Green Resources is an interesting case because it is one of the largest ...
    • Carbon Risk and Expected Return 

      Ali, Haider; Khalid, Abubakar (Master thesis, 2022)
      This thesis examines whether climate risk and carbon emissions can be identified as separate risk factors in European listed equities. We build and extend on the methods of Bolton and Kacperczyk, by applying those methods ...
    • Cash flow permanence and payout policy in the Norwegian market 

      Bøe, Eirik Aleksander; Strandås, Henning (Master thesis, 2017)
      We investigate the relationship between cash flow shocks, its permanence and its link to payout policy for publicly listed firms in Norway. We reject the “permanence hypothesis” suggested by Guay and Harford (2000) ...
    • Cash Holdings and Corporate Diversification: Evidence From Nordic Companies 

      Singh, Harman Uppal; Hellerslien, Bjørnar (Master thesis, 2019)
      We examine the relationship between diversification and corporate liquidity in Nordic firms. The significant findings of this paper show that multidivisional firms hold less cash relative to their stand-alone counterpart ...
    • Causes of price premiums with the presence of performance ambiguity in the occupational health services market 

      Lindberg, Joakim; Karlsen, Simen (Master thesis, 2012-05-11)
      Managers and academics have historically paid little attention to pricing. To set the right price is the fastest and most effective way for a company to maximize profits. Therefore, it is surprising that it has received ...
    • CbCr – nytte vs kostnad - bør opplysningene være offentlig tilgjengelige? 

      Instwgleen-Erviksæter, Sigrun Vidike (Master thesis, 2023)
      Som del i OECD’s arbeid mot undergraving og forflytning av skattegrunnlag ble det i 2016 internasjonal enighet om å opprette pliktig innrapportering av opplysninger for multinasjonale konsern av en viss størrelse. ...
    • CDS-Bond Basis: An Empirical Study of European Souereign Credit Spreads 

      Stangeland, Peter Marius; Flaten, Sondre Idsøe (Master thesis, 2022)
      We study the eurozone sovereign CDS-bond basis and evaluate the link between the sovereign CDS premiums and the corresponding bond yield spreads. We find statistically significant differences in determinants of sovereign ...
    • CEO Characteristics and Corporate Leverage A Norwegian Perspective 

      Sjølie, Henrik Bruskeland; Skjold, Simen Sørgard (Master thesis, 2022)
      We study the relationship between CEO Characteristics and corporate leverage in Norwegian listed companies using an unbalanced panel of 303 firms from 2000 to 2017. To study the relationship, fixed effects regressions and ...
    • CEO Dismissals - A Financial Analysis 

      Tsoi, Maxim; Stensøe, Andreas (Master thesis, 2022)
      This thesis investigates the relationship between financial reporting data and the board’s decision to dismiss a CEO. The analysis was performed on a sample of 30 CEO dismissals from S&P 1500 companies in the year of ...
    • CEO gender and its impact on profitability, growth and volatility in Norwegian startups 

      Encinas, Helena Kristine Auran; Bårdsen, Irina Elvik (Master thesis, 2022)
      Abstract There has been a lot of discussion on CEO gender and its impact on firm performance, growth and volatility. This paper examines whether Norwegian female-led startups financially underperform, grow slower and are ...
    • Challenges to environmental sustainability in humanitarian logistics activities 

      Lid, Ingrid; Petermann, Karine Alette (Master thesis, 2023)
      With the changing climate causing an emerging number of disasters, the demand for humanitarian relief operations is likely to grow. While humanitarian operations aim to alleviate and improve the lives of the beneficiaries, ...
    • Change Initiatives After Financial Crime. 

      Sandvik, Raija Kristin; Hals, Anniken (Master thesis, 2019)
      Financial crime poses a threat to organizations around the world, necessitating robust internal frameworks to counter applicable risks adequately. Furthermore, financial crime puts an affected organization in distress, ...
    • Characteristics of expatriates' knowledge sharing practices in a humanitarian organization 

      Hauge, Benedicte (Master thesis, 2013-02-12)
      The topic of this thesis is to examine how expatriates, that is, people taking employment outside one’s native country, contribute to organizational learning, and what the characteristics of their knowledge sharing practices ...
    • Characteristics of family firms with family management 

      Søndergaard, Kathrine Lærke; Almli, Line Floan (Master thesis, 2012-05-09)
      In this paper we examine what characterizes family firms’ decisions when it comes to having a family member being the CEO or the chairman of the board of the company. We define this as family management, which is the ...
    • Charities presented as “sponsors” in sports: are sports teams’ benevolence beneficial for concurrent sponsors? 

      Gedde-Dahl, Haakon; Sæthren, Petter Karlsen (Master thesis, 2017)
      This study investigates implications of having a charity partner presented alongside sponsors in sports. This phenomenon is especially prevalent among football clubs, most prominently the partnership between Unicef and ...
    • Chat GPT som et verktøy for å forbedre kundeopplevelsen gjennom digital kommunikasjon 

      Braate, Simen Holmgren; Erlandsen, Bjørn-atle Moldeklev (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Kunstig intelligens har bidratt til å forenkle arbeidsoppgaver for mange de siste årene, og det benyttes også for å forenkle hverdagen til mange. Blant annet har vi datamaskiner som Google oversetter, Google Home og Alexa. ...
    • Chatbot avatar - Antropomorfisme og adopsjon 

      Bøhlum, Baard Emil; Bårtveit, Martin; Flo, Kasper Grung (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      En chatbot er et dataprogram som kommuniserer med mennesker via tekst eller tale. Chatboter er i sterk vekst og temaet i denne bacheloroppgaven handler om det visuelle utrykket til en chatbot. Formålet med studien er å ...
    • Chatbot og kundetilfredshet - fremtidens kundeservice 

      Kvernaas, Helene Broch; Skarpenes, Pernille; Sveen, Alexander (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      Denne bacheloroppgaven innen digital markedsføring tar for seg hvordan chatbots, som en underkategori av kunstig intelligens, påvirker oppfattet servicekvalitet. Dette vil gi oss en indikasjon på hvordan oppfattet ...