Browsing BI Open by Title
Now showing items 2948-2967 of 6192
International portfolio diversification: currency, industry and country effects revisited
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)We examine the relative importance of country, industry, world market and currency risk factors for international stock returns. Our approach focuses on testing the mean-variance efficiency of the various factor portfolios. ... -
International Transmission of Macroeconomic Uncertainty in Small Open Economies: An Empirical Approach
(CAMP Working Paper Series Paper No. 12/2018;, Working paper, 2018-11)We estimate the effects of domestic and international sources of macroeconomic uncertainty in three small open economy (SOE) inflation targeting countries: Australia, Canada and New Zealand. To this end, we propose a structural ... -
Internationalization of an academic invention through successive science-business networks: The case of TAVI
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The aim of this paper is to explain how new technology ventures move, grow, and scale. Such ventures internationalize much faster than depicted by the traditional Uppsala model (Johanson and Vahlne, J Int Bus Stud 8:23–32, ... -
Internet IPOs & the DotCom Bubble: Determinants of Post- Issue Performance
(Master thesis, 2020)This paper investigates the short-term and long-term performance of initial public offerings (IPO) within the internet industry using a sample of 596 and 572 US listings from 1996 until 2016, respectively. Internet ... -
Internett-basert piratkopiering av musikk og film: Økonomiske konsekvenser og forutsetninger for overgang til bærekraftig nettbasert distribusjon
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)Den internett-baserte piratkopieringens økonomiske betydning for musikk- og filmbransjene sees best i lys av de formene for flerkanaldistribusjon disse bransjene benytter. I denne konteksten representerer piratkopieringen, ... -
Internprising - Kostnadseffekten for norske skattytere som følge av endringene i OECDs retningslinjer etter BEPS-prosjektet
(Master thesis, 2018)På toppmøtet i Mexico i 2012 forespurte G20 landene OECD om de kunne komme med en utredning angående BEPS. OECD tok dette til seg, og det var starten på BEPS-prosjektet. 2013 kom rapporten ved navn «Adressing base erosion ... -
Internprising : fungerer dagens internprisingsregler etter sin hensikt eller bør det iverksettes tiltak eller endringer for å bedre dagens situasjon
(Master thesis, 2014-02-10)I denne oppgaven vil det bli satt fokus på dagens internprisingsregler og hvorvidt de fungerer etter sin hensikt. Videre tar oppgaven for seg i hvilken grad alternative tiltak eller endringer bør iverksettes for å bedre ... -
Internprising av immaterielle eiendeler
(Master thesis, 2020)Oppgavens team er en analyse av hvordan OECDs oppdatere retningslinjer etter BEPS arbeidet, vil påvirke internprising av immaterielle eiendeler. BEPS arbeidet har ledet til et helt nytt kapittel 6 i retningslinjene som ... -
Internprising av immaterielle eiendeler
(Master thesis, 2017)Denne masteroppgaven drøfter hvordan de nye BEPS-retningslinjene til OECD vil påvirke internprising av immaterielle eiendeler. Armlengdeprinsippet er det sentrale begrepet innenfor internprising, og er nedfelt både i ... -
Internprising med særlig fokus på immatrielle eiendeler
(Master thesis, 2022)Hovedformålet med oppgaven er å se nærmere på ulike problemstillinger som kan oppstå ved internprising av immaterielle eiendeler, blant annet hvilke skattepliktige som skal tilordnes profitt, hvilken internprisingsmetode ... -
Internprising på forwardkontrakter
(Master thesis, 2022)Det bakenforliggende temaet i oppgaven er internprising. Jeg har valgt å besvare en problemstilling som skal vise hvilke ulike utfordringer som finnes med sammenlignbarhetsanalysen. Dette er gjort ved bruk av en oppgitt ... -
Internprising ved restrukturering av konsernintern forretningsvirksomhet «under hvilke omstendigheter krever armlengdeprinsippet at det ytes vederlag ved konsernintern omfordeling av eiendeler, funksjoner og/eller risiko, og potensiell påfølgende allokering av fortjenestepotensial som følge av endringene?»
(Master thesis, 2023)I vår avsluttende oppgave på Handelshøyskolen BI har vi valgt å granske de internprisingsspørsmål som kan oppstå når et multinasjonalt konsern velger å foreta restruktureringer innenfor samme interessefellesskap, jf. ... -
Interpersonal Mistreatment in the Workplace: The Experience of Envy and Incivility Related to Turnover Intention
(Master thesis, 2019)Workplace incivility violates the norms of mutual respect between employees. Milder forms of aggression are common in business, despite their negative interpersonal effects and impact on organizations as a whole. Even ... -
Interpersonal trust and welfare state support
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)The economic importance of the welfare state has increased strongly over time, which has generated a vast academic literature studying the determinants of (preferences towards) redistribution. This article argues that ... -
The interplay between monetary and fiscal policy in a small open economy
(CAMP Working Paper Series;07/2023, Working paper, 2023-08)We develop a theory for the optimal interaction between monetary and fiscal policy. While one might initially think that monetary and fiscal policy should pull in the same direction, we show within a simple model that this ... -
The interplay between relational job design and cross‐training in predicting employee job/task citizenship performance
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Drawing on a relational perspective to human resource development and management (HRD/M), a multilevel and multisource field study has been conducted examining how HRM practices of job interaction requirements/task ... -
The Interplay Between Structural and Cultural Barriers to Knowledge Sharing in Project-Based Organizations : A Single Case Study from the Norwegian Construction Industry
(Master thesis, 2022)The learning paradox, that is frequently associated with project-based organizations, is commonly linked to both structural and cultural barriers to knowledge sharing. While a significant amount of research has been ... -
The Interplay of Brand Associations in Market Transitions: An Examination of Non-FMCG Brands in the FMCG Landscape
(Master thesis, 2023)This thesis aimed to examine a research gap within brand extensions to uncover the impact of luxury value dimensions, presented as associations, on consumer attitudes towards brand extensions from outside and into the ... -
The interplay of international alliance and subsidiary portfolios: Implications for firms’ innovation and financial performance
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The benefits of having an internationally diverse alliance portfolio are well known. However, the challenges remain overlooked, especially the potential to curb firms’ international expansion beyond such alliances. Building ... -
An interpretable unsupervised Bayesian network model for fault detection and diagnosis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Process monitoring is a critical activity in manufacturing industries. A wide variety of data-driven approaches have been developed and employed for fault detection and fault diagnosis. Analyzing the existing process ...