Browsing BI Open by Title
Now showing items 5548-5567 of 6610
Ta tak i ledelsen av kontraktsprosessen - øk bedriftens konkurransekraft
(Bachelor thesis, 2019)Denne bacheloroppgaven tar for seg hvordan vår valgte rådgivning- og konsulentvirksomhet praktiserer kontraktsledelse i gjennomføringen av deres prosjekter. Analysen er bygget på en eksplorativ tilnærming, der sekundærdata ... -
Tackling the Grand Challenge of Algorithmic Opacity Through Principled Robust Action
(Journal article, 2021)Organizations increasingly delegate agency to artificial intelligence. However, such systems can yield unintended negative effects as they may produce biases against users or reinforce social injustices. What pronounces ... -
Tailoring the Consumer Connection: The Role of Personalized Packaging and Gender in Influencing FMCG Purchase Intentions Across Product Categories
(Master thesis, 2023)Inspired by the increased use of personalized packaging as a marketing tool within the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) market, this thesis examines the impact of personalized packaging communication on consumer purchase ... -
Taking advantage of mutual synergies: A multiple case-study of CVCs and High-Growth Start-ups
(Master thesis, 2019)This thesis explores how Corporate Venture Capital (CVC) firms and high-growth start-ups cooperate to attain mutual synergies. Specifically, how start-ups become scale-ups, and corporations obtain competitive advantages ... -
Taking it apart and putting it back together again: Using Item PoolVisualisation to summarise complex data patterns in (positive) bodyimage research
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Issues of construct commonality and distinguishability in body image research are typically addressed using structural equal models, but such methods can sometimes present problems of interpretation when data patterns are ... -
Talent designation as a mixed blessing: Short- and long-term employee reactions to talent status
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Talent management (TM) continues to attract considerable attention from both practitioners and academics. Existing research investigating employee reactions to being awarded talent status has not elucidated the processual ... -
Talent Management and Career Management
(Chapter, 2021)This chapter explores the assumptions about Talent Management (TM) held in the TM versus the career management literature, highlighting areas of overlap and contradiction, and their implications for research and practice. ... -
Talents Under Threat: The Anticipation of Being Ostracized by Non-Talents Drives Talent Turnover
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Based on social identity theory, exclusive talent programs can be understood to divide employees into two groups—‘talents’ versus ‘non-talents’—creating a setting where ostracism may occur. Using 360°-video vignettes (Study ... -
Talking the talk : an empirical investigation into the economic effects of strategy disclosure
(Master thesis, 2017)What is the economic value of strategy? Although the extant literature in strategic management has explored many different theories of the firm, the research field has centered on an underlying consensus that strategy ... -
Tap på utestående fordring og heving - Merverdiavgiftsloven § 4-7
(Master thesis, 2023)I denne oppgaven ser jeg på muligheten til å fradragsføre merverdiavgift som tap på fordring i henhold til Merverdiavgiftsloven § 4-7 (1) (mval.). Jeg vil også se på når det foreligger heving av kjøp jamfør mval. § 4-7 ... -
Target Firms of SPACs – Are They Set up to Fail? An empirical study of firms’ features and their unconventional choice of merging with a SPAC
(Master thesis, 2022)We study the determinants of why target firms choose to merge with SPACs, despite severe underperformance for the common stocks. The SPAC asset class has experienced extraordinary growth in the latest years, suggesting ... -
Targeting crowds: A study of how the Norwegian Labour Party adapted Nazi rhetorical methodology
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The immense success of post WWI Europeantotalitarian regimes form the backdrop for this study. Political success is often credited cleverly crafted communication strategies. The Norwegian Labour Party applied methods similar ... -
Tariffavtalen og dens sentrale rettsvirkninger
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Artikkelen gir en introduksjon til den kollektive arbeidsretten. I denne delen av arbeidsretten er tariffavtalen helt sentral. Tariffavtalen er en særegen kontrakt. Flere av dens rettsvirkninger skiller seg markant fra ... -
Tariffavtalen som et rettslig instrument
(Chapter, 2020) -
Task characteristics as a mediator of the LMX-OCB relationship
(Master thesis, 2013-02-06)The current study investigated the extent to which certain characteristics with job tasks mediate the relationship between leader-member-exchange (LMX) and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Data were collected ... -
Task Complexity and Expertise as Determinants of Task Perceptions and Performance: Why Technology-Structure Research has been unreliable and inconclusive
(Series of Dissertations;5/2002, Doctoral thesis, 2002)The revolutionary developments of new technologies are not paralleled in the research on consequences of technology in organizations. Approximately four decades have passed since Woodward’s (1958) findings of relationships ... -
The taste of colours
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)A multitude of crossmodal correspondences have now been documented between taste (gustation) and visual features (such as hue). In the present study, new analytical methods are used to investigate taste-colour correspondences ... -
The taste of visual textures
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Numerous crossmodal correspondences between visual elements and basic tastes have been documented in recent years. Research has shown that many of these correspondences can influence taste expectations when applied in food ... -
Taste-shape correspondences in context
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)A significant body of research demonstrates the existence of taste-shape correspondences. People associate tastes and visual shapes non-randomly. For example, round shapes are associated with sweet taste, while angular ... -
Tasting brands: Associations between brand personality and tastes
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)We test how and why food taste and brand personality interactively influence consumer evaluations. Although food branding is a substantial and large market, studies on food taste and brand personality have only been conducted ...