Now showing items 5766-5785 of 6097

    • Value creating boards and gender diversity: Suggestions to progress in getting women on boards in Spain 

      Izquierdo, Mirian; Huse, Morten; Möltner, Hannah (Research Report;2/2016 (English version), Research report, 2016)
      Spain was one of the first countries in Europe to set out a gender balance legislation on corporate board by the organic law 3/2007 of 22nd of March. However, the recommendation included in the law for big companies to ...
    • Value Creation using the Mission Breakdown Structure 

      Andersen, Erling S. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      The modern concept of project success includes the project contributing to the value creation of its base organization. We need tools to discuss what the project itself and the base organization should do to enhance this ...
    • Value for money? German local government efficiency in a comparative perspective 

      Kalb, Alexander; Geys, Benny; Heinemann, Friedrich (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      In this paper, we investigate the cost efficiency of German local governments in the state of Baden-Württemberg in 2004 using a stochastic frontier approach. Besides being the first study on German data, we add two elements ...
    • The Value of Management Education - Fostering Sustainability Engagement Among Students 

      Merødningen, Silje Magnetun; Stokka, Helene (Master thesis, 2023)
      The following thesis examines how sustainable management education can empower individuals to foster sustainability engagement. While sustainability has been a topic of discussion for several years and has been incorporated ...
    • Value Propositions in the Cryptocurrency Ecosystem: A Stakeholder Analysis 

      Abdat, Mostafa; Lesueur, Raymond San (Master thesis, 2019)
      With the emergence of the blockchain technology and Bitcoin, much attention has been placed on the development of the industry. Considerable hype has been placed around potential applications of blockchain solutions as ...
    • The value relevance of Sustainability reporting in Norway 

      Li, Jiacheng; Xu, Kairui (Master thesis, 2022)
      This master thesis studies the effect of sustainability reporting quality on firm valuation. The existing literature presents a mixed view on this relation, partly because it is difficult to disentangle the disclosure ...
    • Value relevance of accounting : emphasis on quarterly earnings reports in Norway 

      Bueide, Geir Ove; Heiberg, Carl Christian (Master thesis, 2014-02-10)
      In this thesis we study the value relevance of accounting information on the Oslo Stock Exchange. We address two questions; 1) are quarterly earnings reports value relevant and 2) are quarterly earnings more value relevant ...
    • The Value Relevance of Accounting Information - Empirical Evidence from the Oslo Stock Exchange 

      Voroshnina, Maria; Martinsen, Christin Sand (Master thesis, 2022)
      The objective of the master thesis is to investigate value relevance of accounting information for the firms listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. We employ 16 years of data (from 2005 until 2020) and explore three broad ...
    • The value relevance of the environmental impact of firms: Evidence on data provided by the impact-weighted accounts initiative 

      Fiska, Pauline; Holtet, Rebekka Nicoline Damm (Master thesis, 2022)
      In the absence of sophisticated and clearly defined ESG metrics, companies’ positive and negative impacts on the planet are likely to be absent from decisionmaking. To provide accurate signals for business leaders and ...
    • The value-creating board: theory and evidence 

      Bøhren, Øyvind; Strøm, R. Øystein (Research Report, Research report, 2005)
    • Value-creating boards in SMEs: Team production efforts 

      Huse, Morten; Gabrielsson, Jonas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      This study theoretically and practically contributes to show how boards in SMEs can contribute to value-creation. Furthermore, a value-creating conceptual framework is developed integrating an extended team production ...
    • Valuing Banks: Case Study of Sparebank 1 SR-Bank 

      Indergaard, Einar Lie; Thiis-Evensen, Asbjørn (Master thesis, 2018)
      The purpose of this thesis is to identify the value of Sparebank 1 SR-Bank (SRBANK) as of 31.12.2017. Furthermore, the thesis identifies why bank valuation is problematic and which approaches the literature recommends ...
    • Valutabruk i norsk utenrikshandel 

      Rebnor, Robert; Straume, Hans-Martin; Vårdal, Erling (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Basert på opplysninger fra detaljerte tolldeklarasjoner fra norsk fastlandsøkonomi undersøker vi valutabruk i norsk utenrikshandel i perioden 2004–2018. Det er velkjent at dollaren har en dominerende posisjon som internasjonal ...
    • Valutasikringsstrategier : praksis og regnskapsmessige konsekvenser 

      Christensen, Christiane Meløy; Gjengstø, Marius (Master thesis, 2015-08-07)
      Oppgaven tar sikte på å vise hvilke former for valutasikringsstrategier som benyttes av ikke-finansielle selskaper notert på Oslo Børs, samt hvilke regnskapsmessige effekter de ulike strategiene gir, herunder hvordan ...
    • Vaner spiser intensjoner til frokost: Myten om de gjennomtenkte valg 

      Samuelsen, Bendik M. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Valg foretas mellom alternativer i alle markeder. Noen valg er intensjonsdrevne, mens andre er vanebasert. Vaner har ikke fått den oppmerksomhet de fortjener verken i utdanning eller vanlige modeller innen markedsføring. ...
    • Den vanskelige valutakursen 

      Isachsen, Arne Jon (CME Working paper series;7/2002, Working paper, 2002)
    • Vareplasseringens effekt på kundeatferd 

      Johansen, Vilde Aas; Holtekjølen, Andrea (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      Denne bacheloroppgaven tar for seg produktplassering av varer foran kassaområdet i detaljvarehandelen. Temaet vareplassering er godt forsket på i dagligvarehandelen, men vi ønsker å teste om denne forskningen også gjelder ...
    • Variations in Critical Factors Influencing Blockchain Adoption Across European Industries 

      Khawas, Isha; Reddy, Kiran Nagaraja (Master thesis, 2023)
      This paper investigates the factors influencing blockchain technology adoption across various industry sectors in Europe. Through quantitative research involving 74 European blockchain companies, it identifies key trends ...
    • Varm og kompetent? En medarbeiders førsteinntrykk av ledere på sosiale medier 

      Reikrås, Hilde; Yri, Cecilie Jacobsen; Haug, Ragnar (Master thesis, 2023)
      Diverse sosiale plattformer har i økende grad blitt et møtested for medarbeidere og ledere. Innenfor ledelsesteorien er det allment anerkjent at oppfatningen av en leder som både varm og kompetent er viktig for å oppnå høy ...
    • Varsling som aktuelt fenomen i Norge 

      Matthiesen, Stig Berge (Journal article, 2018)
      Artikkelen setter dagsorden for valget av varsling som tema. Først skisseres samfunnsaktuelle problemstillinger fra den siste tid, detter gjennomgås aktuelle endringer i lovverket og så presenteres kort de ulike bidragene ...