Now showing items 5159-5178 of 6119

    • Teknologi eller personlig service: Hvordan påvirkes kundenes lojalitet? 

      Olsen, Line Lervik; Singh, Sangeeta (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)
      Det er veldokumentert at bruk av teknologi kan redusere kostnader, men få studier har sett nærmere på teknologiens innvirkning på forbrukernes atferd. I denne studien anvender vi en anerkjent modell fra ...
    • Teknologi og nye undervisningspraksiser: Videofortellinger som redskap for pedagogisk refleksjon 

      Aagaard, Toril; Breivik, June; Erikson, Inger C.; Hjukse, Hjørdis; Swanberg, Anne Berit; Steen-Utheim, Anna Therese; Tveiten, Oddgeir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Ved universiteter og høgskoler tar ledelsen og støtte- og utviklingsmiljøer ulike grep for å motivere fagansatte til å utforske digitale teknologiers pedagogiske potensialer. De ønsker også å utvikle mer aktive og fleksible ...
    • Teknologiens påvirkning på det norske arbeidsmarkedet i finansnæringen i moderne tider 

      Karlsson, Jeanette; Østerud, Endre (Bachelor thesis, 2017)
      Intensjonen med oppgaven er å se på arbeidsmarkedets mekanismer og teknologisk utvikling som en sentral faktor. Vi vil avgrense oss til det norske arbeidsmarkedet med en spisset fordypning innenfor finansnæringen. Nye ...
    • Televised sport: Exploring the structuration of producing change and stability in a public service institution 

      Solvoll, Mona Kristin (Series of Dissertations, Doctoral thesis, 2009)
      This thesis has both an empirical and a theoretical ambition. First, the empirical concern is uncovering the processes that shaped and influenced the production of televised football in the Norwegian Public Service ...
    • Tell it like it is in SME teams: Adverse Working Conditions, Citizenship Behaviour, and the role of Team Information Sharing in a Turbulent Economy 

      Nyfoudi, Margarita; Theodorakopoulos, Nicholas; Psychogios, Alexandros; Dysvik, Anders (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      This article examines the relationship between the deterioration of working conditions concomitant with macroeconomic turbulence and employees’ citizenship, i.e. discretionary effort, towards the organisation. In particular, ...
    • Tell Me If You Can: Time Pressure, Prosocial Motivation, Perspective Taking, and Knowledge Hiding 

      Škerlavaj, Miha; Connelly, Catherine; Černe, Matej; Dysvik, Anders (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Purpose The belief that knowledge actually expands when it is shared has been deeply rooted in the mainstream knowledge management literature. Although many organizations and managers expect employees to share their ...
    • The temperature of emotions 

      Barbosa Escobar, Francisco; Velasco, Carlos; Motoki, Kosuke; Byrne, Derek V.; Wang, Qian Janice (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Emotions and temperature are closely related through embodied processes, and people seem to associate temperature concepts with emotions. While this relationship is often evidenced by everyday language (e.g., cold and warm ...
    • Temporal distanse ved showrooming 

      Marthinsen, Julie Sandal; Valland, Isak Øye (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Hensikten med studien var å undersøke sammenhenger mellom temporal distanse og folks moralske evaluering av showrooming. Studien ble gjennomført som et eksperiment med manipulerte betingelser. Basert på tidligere forskning ...
    • Temporality and the first foreign direct investment 

      Amdam, Rolv Petter Storvik; Benito, Gabriel R.G. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      This study examines the timing of the first foreign direct investment (FDI). It explores how the conceptualization and, hence, the understanding of time affects our insights into major internationalization decisions in ...
    • Temporary Employment Legislation and Capital Structure 

      Knutsen-Øy, Vetle; Christensen, Herman K. (Master thesis, 2016)
      In this paper, we examine the effect of changes in temporary employment legislation on leverage for Norwegian firms in the period 1997-2013. Adopting a difference-indifferences research design, in which we use labor ...
    • Tenner på trivsel - positiv avviksregistrering på tannklinikken 

      Skjold, Nina (Master thesis, 2023)
      Jeg har som mål med oppgaven å undersøke hvordan et positivt avvikssystem innvirker på ytringsklima, læring og resiliens på Sandnes Tannklinikk. Sandnes Tannklinikk er en enhet i den offentlige tannhelsetjenesten i Rogaland, ...
    • Testing for micro-efficiency in the housing market 

      Anundsen, Andre Kallåk; Røed Larsen, Erling (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Using highly granular transaction-level data for the Norwegian housing market over the period 2002–2014, we investigate whether excessive prices persist or revert in repeat sales. Excessiveness in prices is detected by ...
    • Testing for predictive power of price/rent ratio for determining house prices in OECD countries 

      Buzynnyk, Anastasiia; Somyk, Kateryna (Master thesis, 2018)
      We study the predictability of price and rent changes by rent-to-price ratio for 20 OECD countries over the period 1970 to 2017. To investigate the relationship we used Vector Error-Correction Model (VECM) and ...
    • Testing Model Fit by Bootstrap Selection 

      Grønneberg, Steffen; Foldnes, Njål (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Over the last few decades, many robust statistics have been proposed in order to assess the fit of structural equation models. To date, however, no clear recommendations have emerged as to which test statistic performs ...
    • Testing structural equation models: the effect of kurtosis 

      Foss, Tron; Jøreskog, Karl Gustaf; Olsson, Ulf Henning (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      The Satorra Bentler (SB) and the Browne ADF chi-square statistics are used for testing structural equation models with non-normal data. The relationships between the SB and ADF statistics and kurtosis are developed and it ...
    • Testing structural equation models: the impact of error variances in the data generating process 

      Hammervold, Randi; Olsson, Ulf Henning (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Yet another paper on fit measures? To our knowledge, very few papers discuss how fit measures are affected by error variance in the Data Generating Process (DGP). The present paper deals with this. Based upon an extensive ...
    • Testing the differentiation of intelligence by neuroticism hypothesis 

      Schermer, Julie Aitken; Furnham, Adrian; Treglown, Luke (Journal article, 2022)
      The prediction that neuroticism (or emotional instability) will change the definition of an intelligence factor, or g, was tested in a large sample (N = 2,716) of British managers who completed both personality and ...
    • Testing the Efficiency of the Housing Market in Oslo and Stavanger 

      Grønstad, Marte; Graarud, Emil (Master thesis, 2016)
      Our research tests the efficiency hypothesis on data from the housing market in Oslo and Stavanger, covering the period 2002-2014. We utilize the Case-Shiller time structure test on a repeated sales house price index and ...
    • Testing, Disclosure and Approval 

      Bizzotto, Jacopo; Vigier, Adrien Henri; Rudiger, Jesper (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Certifiers often base their decisions on a mixture of information, some of which is voluntarily disclosed by applicants, and some of which they acquire by way of tests or otherwise. We study the interplay between the ...
    • The Tetradic Heart of Darkness: Comparing three dark-side instruments 

      Furnham, Adrian; Horne, George (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      In this two-study paper we examined three dark-side measures: the short Dark Tetrad measuring four dark-side traits; the SCATI measuring 14 personality disorders (PDs) and the SAPAS a single item measure for each disorder. ...