Now showing items 2090-2109 of 6147

    • Gender in the Boardroom: Learnings from world-leader Norway 

      Huse, Morten (FACTBase Bulletin;, Research report, 2018)
      The key findings of this Bulletin are: • Voluntary actions to get more women on boards did not work in Norway. A legal quota for gender balance was therefore implemented. Many countries have been influenced by the snowball ...
    • Gender in White-Collar Crime: An Empirical Study of Pink-Collar Criminals 

      Gottschalk, Petter; Glasø, Lars (Journal article, 2013)
      White-collar crime is financial crime committed by white-collar criminals. Sensational white-collar crime cases regularly appear in the international business press and studies in journals of ethics and crime. This article ...
    • The Gender Investment Gap over the Life-Cycle 

      Bacher, Annika (HOFIMAR Working Paper Series;3/2023, Working paper, 2023)
      Single women hold less risky financial portfolios than single men. This paper analyzes the determinants of the “gender investment gap” based on a structural life-cycle framework. The model is able to rationalize the ...
    • The Gender Pay Gap in Leadership Positions in Norway 

      Skjelbred, Sara; Andreassen, Ida Johansen (Master thesis, 2023)
      Our hypothesis posits that the magnitude of the gender pay gap may be exaggerated because such representations typically fail to account for individual and group characteristics1. The escalating wage disparity with ...
    • Gendered Constructions of Leadership in Norwegian Job Advertisements 

      Kopland, Silje; Yeomans, Sandra (Master thesis, 2018)
      Women are traditionally underrepresented in managerial positions, and especially considering top managerial positions. Several factors might contribute to keeping women from reaching their full potential and rise to ...
    • A general efficient neighborhood structure framework for the job-shop and flexible job-shop scheduling problems 

      Tamssaouet, Karim; Dauzère-Pérès, Stéphane (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This article introduces a framework that unifies and generalizes well-known literature results related to local search for the job-shop and flexible job-shop scheduling problems. In addition to the choice of the metaheuristic ...
    • Generalizing across generations, or not? A comparative study of sport sponsorship outcomes across generational cohorts 

      Mehta, Mithila; Shah, Kunal (Master thesis, 2019)
      Millennials are the ‘new shiny thing’ - everyone seems to want a piece of the largest consumer segment in history. However, alarmingly for sports businesses, Millennials do not seem to be consuming sport. TV viewership ...
    • Generating customer's credit behavior with deep generative models 

      Andrade Mancisidor, Rogelio; Kampffmeyer, Michael; Aas, Kjersti; Jenssen, Robert (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Innovation is considered essential for today's organizations to survive and thrive. Researchers have also stressed the importance of leadership as a driver of followers' innovative work behavior (FIB). Yet, despite a large ...
    • Generational differences in employee work values : an explorative study in a Norwegian work context 

      Sillerud, Henriette (Master thesis, 2012-05-15)
      In an increasingly knowledge intensive economy, it is essential to determine what drives knowledge workers into action and motivate them to excel. According to the value- based view on motivation, work values underlie these ...
    • Geofiltermarkedsføring på snapchat 

      Munkejord, Johannes Vea (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      I denne bacheloroppgaven undersøkes det hva geofiltermarkedsføring på Snapchat er og hva som er fordeler og ulemper med denne typen markedsføring og sette dette i et større lys. Formålet med oppgaven er å se dette både ...
    • Geografisk avstand er ingen hindring for psykologisk trygghet 

      Billington, Lasse; Kråkstad, Mia Louise Christensen; Lund, Caroline (Master thesis, 2022)
      Denne prosjektoppgaven handler om hvordan psykologisk trygghet kan fremmes i et team med spredt geografisk deltakelse. Et psykologisk trygt arbeidsmiljø defineres som et arbeidsmiljø der mennesker opplever å føle seg frie ...
    • Geographic dispersion and stock returns 

      Garcia, Diego; Norli, Øyvind (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      This paper shows that stocks of truly local firms have returns that exceed the return on stocks of geographically dispersed firms by 70 basis points per month. By extracting state name counts from annual reports filed with ...
    • Geometry of noncommutative algebras 

      Eriksen, Eivind; Siqveland, Arvid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      There has been several attempts to generalize commutative algebraic geometry to the noncommutative situation. Localizations with good properties rarely exists for noncommutative algebras, and this makes a direct generalization ...
    • German and Norwegian foreign direct investments into South East Asia 

      Krause, Sebastian; Bøe, Ruth Helen (Master thesis, 2015-08-07)
      The aim of this study is to investigate how German and Norwegian cultural traits influence companies in their Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) decision-making in South East Asia. The propositions evaluated in this paper ...
    • Get angry? Et eksperiment som utforsker effekten av ulike emosjoner på fysisk selvkontroll 

      Boman, Alexander Claes Marcus; Aadland, Simon; Nesse, Elsa Hrund Erlingsdottir (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      Denne oppgaven baseres på menneskers fysiske selvkontroll og er utført som et forsøk på å besvare problemstillingen: “hvilken effekt har emosjoner på fysisk selvkontroll?”. Vi har benyttet en kombinasjon av kvantitativ ...
    • Getting started with virtual reality for sensory and consumer science: Current practices and future perspectives 

      Wang, Qian Janice; Barbosa Escobar, Francisco; Alves Da Mota, Patricia; Velasco, Carlos (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      While virtual reality (VR) has become increasingly popular in food-related research, there has been a lack of clarity, precision, and guidelines regarding what exactly constitutes a virtual reality study, as well as the ...
    • Gevinster ved bruk av robotisert prosess automatisering i direktoratet for økonomistyring 

      Sæstad, Rakel Bjorland; Skori, Ingrid Havnen; Syverrud, Sandra (Bachelor thesis, 2017)
      I denne oppgaven har vi sett på implementering av robotisert prosessautomatisering hos Direktoratet for økonomistyring, og hvilke fordeler automatiseringen vil medføre. Direktoratet for økonomistyring har planlagt ...
    • Gevinstrealisering hos Berthas Bakerier 

      Pryer, Håkon Bjerklund; Viken, Michael; Mølbach, Andreas Mølbach (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      I denne oppgaven skriver vi om et fremvoksende tema innen prosjektledelse. Gevinstrealisering har gjennom de siste årene fått mye oppmerksomhet, og vi ønsket derfor å utforske hvordan en bedrift jobbet med dette temaet ...
    • Ghost kitchens i Norge 

      Pedersen, Pelle; Bergh, Johannes (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Bacheloroppgaven omhandler et dypdykk i det nye fenomenets ghost kitchens varierende forretningsmodeller. På bakgrunn av forretningsmodellens relative nyhet er det verken etablert anerkjente definisjoner knyttet til ghost ...
    • GHQ score changes from teenage to young adulthood 

      Furnham, Adrian; Cheng, Helen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This study investigated the change in the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) scores from teenage years to young adulthood using a large, nationally representative sample in the UK. It took account of socio-demographic ...