• Boligflipping og utleie, en potensiell merverdiavgiftsbombe 

      Aslesen, Andreas Dæhli (Master thesis, 2023)
      Denne avhandlingen tar for seg reglene om uttaksmerverdiavgift etter merverdiavgiftsloven § 3-26, for bygg- og anleggsarbeider i relasjon til såkalt boligflipping og utleie i et omfang som etter gjeldende praksis på ...
    • Boligmappa 

      Bratterud, Anny Margerethe; Huse, Åse Kjelsbøl (Master thesis, 2022)
      I denne oppgaven undersøker vi hvordan Boligmappa kan formalisere sitt arbeid med bærekraft og legge en plan for fremtidig forbedring av de allerede igangsatte tiltakene. Vi har ved hjelp av kvalitativ spørreundersøkelse ...
    • Bollinger champagne 

      Isachsen, Arne Jon (CME Working Papers;1/2013, Working paper, 2013)
      Dette arbeidsnotatet består av fjorårets seks siste arbeidsnotater og sommerbrevet til Arne Jon Isachsen. Bollinger Champagne Sommer, sol og sykkel Ugreit i Euroland Hva pengepolitikk ikke kan levere ...
    • Book Review: How Will You Measure Your Life? 

      kratochvil, Renate; Schmeisser, Bjoern (Others, 2020)
      How will you measure your life? is the question that Clayton M. Christensen, James Allworth and Karen Dillon set out to answer in this stimulating book, applying management theories to the task of developing a strategy for ...
    • Boom or gloom? Examining the Dutch disease in a two-speed economy 

      Bjørnland, Hilde C.; Thorsrud, Leif Anders (CAMP Working Paper Series;6/2013, Working paper, 2013)
      Traditional studies of the Dutch disease do not typically account for productiv- ity spillovers between the booming energy sector and non-oil sectors. This study identifies and quantifies these spillovers using a Bayesian ...
    • Boom or Gloom? Examining the Dutch Disease in Two-Speed Economies 

      Bjørnland, Hilde C.; Thorsrud, Leif Anders (CAMP Working Paper Series;6/2014, Working paper, 2014)
      Traditional studies of the Dutch disease do not account for productivity spillovers between the booming resource sector and other domestic sectors. We put forward a simple theory model that allows for such spillovers. ...
    • The Borderline Between Legitimate and Unfair Copying of Products – A Unified Scandinavian Approach? 

      Viken, Monica (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Freedom of imitation, outside the boundaries of intellectual property protection, can be considered as a prerequisite for free competition in a free market economy. The rules on unfair competition should therefore not serve ...
    • The Borderline Between Legitimate and Unfair Copying of Products – A Unified Scandinavian Approach? 

      Viken, Monica (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Freedom of imitation, outside the boundaries of intellectual property protection, can be considered as a prerequisite for free competition in a free market economy. The rules on unfair competition should therefore not serve ...
    • The Borderline Between Legitimate and Unfair Copying of Products – A Unified Scandinavian Approach? 

      Viken, Monica (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Freedom of imitation, outside the boundaries of intellectual property protection, can be considered as a prerequisite for free competition in a free market economy. The rules on unfair competition should therefore not serve ...
    • Borgerlønn: en samfunnsøkonomisk analyse 

      Dalen, Dag Morten; Moen, Espen R. (CREAM Publications;4/2010, Working paper, 2010)
      Borgerlønn har hatt en rekke talsmenn blant filosofer, samfunnsvitere og politikere, som med ulike begrunnelser og politisk ståsted har tatt til orde for ordninger som skal sikre alle en viss minsteinntekt. I alle ...
    • Born analytical or adopted over time? a study investigating if new analytical tools can ensure the survival of market oriented startups. 

      Skogen, Hege Janson; De la Cruz, Kai (Master thesis, 2017)
      This study investigates whether the prevalence of technological advances within quantitative analytics moderates the effect market orientation has on firm performance, and if startups can take advantage of the ...
    • The Born Global - Redefined: On the Determinants of SMEs Pace of Internationalization 

      Karlsen, Siv Marina Flø (Series of Dissertations, Doctoral thesis, 2007)
      The objective of this study was to describe the process of internationalization of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and to explore the reason for the differences in the pace of internationalization of firms. This ...
    • Born to run behind? Persisting birth month effects on earnings 

      Røed Larsen, Erling; Solli, Ingeborg F. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      The relative age effect is an established phenomenon in the literature, but estimates of its strength and duration vary. With Norwegian registry data we investigate how birth month affects earnings throughout the full ...
    • Bouncing back: The road to role mastery is paved with agency 

      Hovland, Andreas Qvale; Sørensen, Emilie Valand (Master thesis, 2018)
      Given the context of a Norwegian professional service firm, this case study design aimed to study the lived experience of organizational actors following a deliberate organizational change. The aim of the thesis was to ...
    • Boundary management preferences from a gender and cross-cultural perspective 

      Allen, Tammy D.; Beham, Barbara; Ollier-Malaterre, Ariane; Baierl, Andreas; Alexandrova, Matilda; Artiawati, T.; Beauregard, Alexandra; Carvalho, Vania Sofia; Chambel, Maria José; Cho, Eunae; Coden de Silva, Bruna; Dawkins, Sarah; Escribano, Pablo I.; Gudeta, Konjit Hailu; Huang, Ting-pang; Jaga, Ameeta; Kost, Dominique; Kurowska, Anna; Leon, Emmanuelle; Lewis, Suzan; Lu, Chang-qin; Martin, Angela; Morandin, Gabriele; Noboa, Fabrizio; Offer, Shira; Ohu, Eugene; Peters, Pascale; Rajadhyaksha, Ujvala; Russo, Marcello; Sohn, Young Woo; Straub, Caroline; Tammelin, Mia; Triki, Leila; van Engen, Marloes L; Waismel-Manor, Ronit (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Although work is increasingly globalized and mediated by technology, little research has accumulated on the role of culture in shaping individuals' preferences regarding the segmentation or integration of their work and ...
    • Boundary Work among Groups, Occupations, and Organizations: From Cartography to Process 

      Langley, Ann; Lindberg, Kajsa; Mørk, Bjørn Erik; Nicolini, Davide; Raviola, Elena; Walter, Lars (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This article reviews scholarship dealing with the notion of “boundary work,” defined as purposeful individual and collective effort to influence the social, symbolic, material, or temporal boundaries, demarcations; and ...
    • Boundary Work among Groups, Occupations, and Organizations: From Cartography to Process 

      Langley, Ann; Lindberg, Kajsa; Mørk, Bjørn Erik; Nicolini, Davide; raviola, elena; Walter, Lars (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This article reviews scholarship dealing with the notion of “boundary work,” defined as purposeful individual and collective effort to influence the social, symbolic, material, or temporal boundaries, demarcations; and ...
    • Boundaryless careers in the gig economy: An oxymoron? 

      Kost, Dominique; Fieseler, Christian; Wong, Sut I (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Advocates of the boundaryless career perspective have relied to a great extent on the assumption that actors take responsibility for their own career development and that they consequently take charge of developing their ...
    • Boundaryless careers in the gig economy: An oxymoron? 

      Kost, Dominique; Fieseler, Christian; Wong, Sut I (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Advocates of the boundaryless career perspective have relied to a great extent on the assumption that actors take responsibility for their own career development and that they consequently take charge of developing their ...
    • BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Claim Investigated by Special Master Freeh: A Case for Application of Convenience Theory to White-Collar Misconduct 

      Gottschalk, Petter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      After an oil spill in the Gulf, British Petroleum had to compensate victims of the accident. The total compensation was $11 billion. As suggested by the theory of convenience, a financial motive, an organizational ...