Now showing items 383-402 of 6147

    • Back to Basis: Recent Evidence on Arbitrage Strategies and Interest Rate Derivatives 

      Goldaman, Angelica; Holmedal, Daniel (Master thesis, 2019)
      We examine near-arbitrage strategies in the market for interest rate derivatives. Using futures and forward rate agreements, we construct replication portfolios that match cash flows of vanilla interest rate swaps. ...
    • Back to the future - a meta-analysis of biases in innovation prediction 

      Berenett, Renate; Myrmel, Caroline Eidem (Master thesis, 2017)
      The contribution of this paper is to review predictions of the adoption and diffusion of smart home technology, and investigate whether, and how researcher bias might influence such predictions. The background for the ...
    • ”Bad banking, bad policy and bad luck” – En case-studie av Islands lille, store finanskrise 

      Stangeland, Håvard Midtun; Thorsen, Andreas; Engebretsen, Sarita (Bachelor thesis, 2016)
      Island var lenge en del av den nordiske suksesshistorien. Landet var preget av politisk stabilitet, lav arbeidsledighet, en solid økonomi og gode levekår. Suksesshistorien fikk seg imidlertid en knekk i 2008, da landet ...
    • Balance in Social and Economic LMX Relationships and its Relation to Work Performance - Relational Schemas as Moderator 

      Motzfeldt, Gyda Flaaten; Evensen, Ingrid Kjølberg (Master thesis, 2020)
      The aim of this study is to examine the link between social leader-member exchange (SLMX) balance, economic leader-member exchange (ELMX balance), and work performance. It also examines whether followers’ expressive and ...
    • Balancing Efficiency and Co-Creation in Networks: A Case Study of Ruter 

      Engh, Kristine Hageselle; Lund, Hanna Marie (Master thesis, 2018)
      This thesis aims to explore how efficient coordination and co-creation for innovation can be combined in a business network. To study this, we build on literature about networks and knowledge sharing, to provide insight ...
    • Balancing leadership in projects: Role of the socio-cognitive space 

      Drouin, Nathalie; Müller, Ralf Josef; Sankaran, Shankar; Vaagaasar, Anne Live (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Balanced leadership has emerged as a contemporary theory of the dynamics in the continuous transfer of leadership authority between project managers and team members in projects. This article addresses the cognitive ...
    • The balancing of leadership between project managers and team members in the consulting industry: The role of empowerment and social-normative motivation to lead. 

      Amland, Ingvild Reksten; Vemmestad, Helene Rose Wahr-Hansen (Master thesis, 2022)
      This master thesis examines the nature of the relationship between a vertical leader’s empowerment of a team member and the empowered team member’s social-normative motivation to lead (SN-MTL) in project teams within ...
    • Balancing Profitability and CSR: Industry Perspectives on Digitalization of Financial Advisory 

      Trulsrud, Liv-Anne; Onshuus, Hannah (Master thesis, 2023)
      The study explores how digitalization of financial advisory affects the financial institutions' ability to perform CSR activities in savings and investment. The qualitative study applies a cross-sectional design by ...
    • Balancing vertical and horizontal leadership in projects: Empirical studies from Australia, Canada, Norway and Sweden 

      Drouin, Nathalie; Müller, Ralf; Sankaran, Shankar; Vaagaasar, Anne Live (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Purpose The purpose of this paper is twofold: to identify how horizontal leaders (within project teams) execute their leadership task in the context of balanced leadership; and to pinpoint scenarios that can occur when ...
    • Balanse mellom jobb og fritid 

      Boge, Thom Ruben; Nilsen, Dag Josef; Moldekleiv, Janicke (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      I denne oppgaven har vi sett nærmere på fenomenet balansen mellom jobb og fritid hos et utvalg av ledere i en bedrift på Vestlandet. Vi har jobbet med en ledergruppe bestående av 6 personer. Interessen for temaet økte da ...
    • Balansert lederskap 

      Vaagaasar, Anne Live; Müller, Ralf Josef (Journal article, 2020)
      Denne artikkelen diskuterer hvordan man kan kombinere vertikalt og horisontalt lederskap effektivt i prosjekter, altså hvordan lederskapet i prosjektet kan skifte mellom teammedlemmer og den formelt utpekte prosjektlederen ...
    • Balansert målstyring 

      Madsen, Dag Øivind; Stenheim, Tonny (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      The Balanced Scorecard, kjent som balansert målstyring på norsk, er et av de mest innflytelsesrike konseptene innen fagfeltet økonomisk styring. Siden begrepet balansert målstyring ble introdusert for litt over 20 år siden, ...
    • Bananer, stål og WTO: Transatlantiske økonomiske relasjoner 

      Isachsen, Arne Jon (CME Working paper series;4/2004, Working paper, 2004)
    • Bank deregulation and relative wages in finance 

      Boustanifar, Hamid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Rising wages in the finance industry has been a source of debate and are usually liked to financial deregulations. Exploiting the cross-state and over-time variation in the timing of US bank deregulations, this paper ...
    • Bank og finans - hva har hendt? - og hva har vi lært? 

      Isachsen, Arne Jon (Journal article, 2013)
    • Bank og finans - hva har hendt? Og hva har vi lært? 

      Isachsen, Arne Jon (CME Working Papers;4/2013, Working paper, 2013)
      Verdien av bank og finans må sees i lys av i hvilken grad virksomheten her bidrar til mer veldrevne bedrifter, og til at sparerne får en sikker og grei avkastning på sine midler. Regulering av banker bør ligne på regulering ...
    • Bank og finans i Kina 

      Isachsen, Arne Jon (CME Working paper series;5/2005, Working paper, 2005)
      Hensikten med dette notatet er å redegjøre for utviklingen fra et ”monobanksystem” til et markedsbasert opplegg for kinesisk bank- og finansvesen.
    • Bank og pølsebod - Hva er forskjellen? 

      Isachsen, Arne Jon (CME Working Papers;5/2014, Working paper, 2014)
      Dette arbeidsnotatet setter sammen brevene fra årets seks første måneder: Forfengelighet og følelser Norge som verdens største investor Bank og pølsebod – Hva er forskjellen? Norge er et lite land På’n igjen i ...
    • Banking regulation - A study of its effectiveness in reducing risk in European banks 

      Andersen, Hermann Maarud; Kepinski, Adam (Master thesis, 2019)
      We gathered a dataset of 24 European banks from 10 different countries in order to test the effectiveness of European banking regulation through a fixed effects panel regression. Our results suggest that increased capital ...
    • Banner Blindness-fenomenet: Hvordan kan det unngås? 

      Henanger, Line; Pålgardhaugen, Guro (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Bacheloroppgaven vår er basert på det såkalte “banner-blindness” fenomenet ved digitale bannerannonser. Fenomenet beskriver hvordan forbrukere blir eksponert for tusenvis av reklamer i det daglige liv, og derfor er blitt ...