Now showing items 3530-3549 of 6119

    • Maximizing the service level on the makespan in the stochastic flexible job-shop scheduling problem 

      Flores-Gómez, Mario; Borodin, Valeria; Dauzère-Pérès, Stéphane (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This paper considers the flexible job-shop scheduling problem with stochastic processing times. To find a sequence insensitive to shop floor disturbances, the available probabilistic information related to the variability ...
    • Mål i norsk mediepolitikk 

      Rolland, Asle (Working paper, 2005)
      To (tre) tidligere undersøkelser av målhierarkiet i norsk mediepolitikk har resultert i 14 forskjellige målformuleringer. Denne undersøkelsen av mediepolitikkens hoveddokumenter resulterer i tre konvergente målhierarkier. ...
    • Målbærende plan eller plankritisk prognose? Om budsjettets plass i målstyring 

      Tangenes, Tor; Gjønnes, Svein H. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Problemstillingen som reises i denne artikkelen er hvilken rolle budsjettet bør ha i en læringsbasert målstyringskontekst, der vi konsentrerer oss om budsjettets målbærings- og prognosefunksjon. Internasjonale lærebøker ...
    • Måling av merkeassosiasjoner: Reaksjonstid som metode 

      Olsen, Lars Erling (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Et viktig mål i merkeledelse er å posisjonere merket med relevante og unike assosiasjoner i kundenes hukommelse. Styrken på merkeassosiasjonene – hvor nært en assosiasjon er koblet til merket i hukommelsen – er svært viktig ...
    • Måltidet som læringsarena 

      Mortensen, Louise Kirstine Skovgaard (Master thesis, 2022)
      Jeg har iverksatt fire endringseksperimenter i den barnehage jeg er pedagogisk leder i. Alle mine eksperimenter har tatt utgangspunkt i måltidet som læringsarena og hvordan vi gjennom forskjellige tiltak kan høyne kvaliteten ...
    • Measurement and Evaluation in the Digital Age: Challenges and Opportunities for Corporate Communication 

      Buhmann, Alexander; Volk, Sophia Charlotte (Chapter, 2023)
      Digital technologies offer significant advances for the measurement and evaluation (M&E) of corporate communication, as they allow for real time and automated data collection and anal-ysis and bring new predictive capabilities. ...
    • Measurement and Evaluation: Framework, Methods, and Critique 

      Buhmann, Alexander; Volk, Sophia Charlotte (Chapter, 2022)
      Measurement and evaluation (M&E) is the cornerstone of strategic communication: Whether and how the purposeful use of communication contributes to realizing the mission, strategy or particular objectives of an organization, ...
    • Measurement error in multiple equations: Tobin’s q and corporate investment, saving, and debt 

      Chalak, Karim; Kim, Daniel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      We characterize the sharp identification regions for the coefficients in a system of linear equations that share an explanatory variable measured with classical error. We demonstrate the identification gain from analyzing ...
    • Measurement Error Without the Proxy Exclusion Restriction 

      Chalak, Karim; Kim, Daniel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This article studies the identification of the coefficients in a linear equation when data on the outcome, covariates, and an error-laden proxy for a latent variable are available. We maintain that the measurement error ...
    • Measurement invariance of the modified brand luxury index scale across gender, age and countries 

      Yu, Shubin; Hudders, Liselot (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Many instruments have been developed to measure the perceived luxuriousness of brands, but one of the most frequently used scales is the ‘brand luxury index’ (BLI) from Vigneron and Johnson (2004) that distinguishes between ...
    • Measures of Agreement with Multiple Raters: Fréchet Variances and Inference 

      Moss, Jonas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Most measures of agreement are chance-corrected. They differ in three dimensions: their definition of chance agreement, their choice of disagreement function, and how they handle multiple raters. Chance agreement is usually ...
    • Measuring Agreement Using Guessing Models and Knowledge Coefficients 

      Moss, Jonas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Several measures of agreement, such as the Perreault–Leigh coefficient, the AC1 , and the recent coefficient of van Oest, are based on explicit models of how judges make their ratings. To handle such measures of agreement ...
    • Measuring individual differences in active smelling to evaluate products – The ENFAS-Instrument 

      Koller, Monika; Salzberger, Thomas; Floh, Arne; Zauner, Alexander; Sääksjärvi, Maria; Schifferstein, Hendrik N.J. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Consumers evaluate products with all their senses but exhibit considerable variability in the extent to which they actively use and rely on a specific sense. We know little about the variability in consumers’ propensity ...
    • Measuring price elasticities with a difference-in-difference design: Investigating the North-South electricity spot price gap in Norway 

      Jensen, Erik; Uksanovic, Milos (Master thesis, 2023)
      This study uses spot price and municipality-level electricity consumption panel data spanning around three years to derive short run estimates of the price elasticity of electricity demand (PEED) for the Norwegian ...
    • Measuring program success 

      Shao, Jingting; Müller, Ralf; Turner, Rodney J. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Growth in the use of programs has led to a requirement of understanding what constitute program success. A measurement construct for program success, which comprises four dimensions, namely, delivery capability, organizational ...
    • Measuring Skepticism to Cause Related Marketing 

      Brønn, Peggy (Discussion Paper, Working paper, 2000)
      This paper looks at the subject of corporate social responsibility and how companies use it in their marketing communication activities, a practice known as cause related marketing (CRM). Norwegian consumers were asked ...
    • Measuring sovereign contagion in Europe 

      Caporin, Massimiliano; Pelizzon, Loriana; Ravazzolo, Francesco; Rigobon, Roberto (CAMP Working Paper Series;4/2012, Working paper, 2014-06-24)
      This paper analyzes the sovereign risk contagion using credit default swaps (CDS) and bond premiums for the major eurozone countries. By emphasizing several econometric approaches (nonlinear regression, quantile regression ...
    • Measuring the Competitiveness of Elections 

      Cox, Gary W.; Fiva, Jon Hernes; Smith, Daniel M. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      The concept of electoral competition plays a central role in many subfields of political science, but no consensus exists on how to measure it. One key challenge is how to conceptualize and measure electoral competitiveness ...
    • Measuring the Knowns to Manage the Unknown: How to Choose the Gate Timing Strategy in NPD Projects 

      van Oorschot, Kim; Eling, Katrin; Langerak, Fred (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Stage‐wise timing of new product development (NPD) activities is advantageous for a project's performance. The literature does not, however, specify whether this implies setting and adhering to a fixed schedule of gate ...
    • Measuring the menu, not the food: “psychometric” data may instead measure “lingometrics” (and miss its greatest potential) 

      Arnulf, Jan Ketil; Olsson, Ulf Henning; Nimon, Kim (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      This is a review of a range of empirical studies that use digital text algorithms to predict and model response patterns from humans to Likert-scale items, using texts only as inputs. The studies show that statistics used ...