Measurement and Evaluation in the Digital Age: Challenges and Opportunities for Corporate Communication
Digital technologies offer significant advances for the measurement and evaluation (M&E) of corporate communication, as they allow for real time and automated data collection and anal-ysis and bring new predictive capabilities. This, in turn, also brings new challenges and con-cerns, e.g., with data-based profiling and microtargeting. This chapter examines how digitali-sation changes M&E and what remains the same, differentiating between two levels: (1) M&E at the activities level (of communication products, campaigns or programs), and (2) M&E at the administrative level (of managing the communication function, departments, and professionals). We critically reflect on societal, ethical, legal, organisational, and individual challenges related to the use of digital approaches to the M&E. The implementation of digital technologies for M&E in practice is illustrated by a case study of the UNICEF measurement framework. We conclude with directions for research and implications for the future of M&E practice. Measurement and Evaluation in the Digital Age: Challenges and Opportunities for Corporate Communication