Now showing items 1870-1889 of 6147

    • Få den på! 

      Bergvad, Anne Fatland; Banner, Maria Camilla Bech; Andersen, Edvard Nordahl (Master thesis, 2023)
      Vinteren 2022/23 viser tall fra Helsedirektoratet at den seksuelt overførbare sykdommen gonoré øker i smitte, ikke minst blant unge kvinner. Helsedirektoratet ønsker å redusere smitten, for å ivareta en god og trygg seksuell ...
    • Får eiere som forventet? Hvordan anbefalingen om styreevaluering gjennomføres i norske børsnoterte selskap 

      Rasmussen, Janicke L. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Undersøkelser om hvordan styreevalueringer gjennomføres viser at det er avvik mellom eiernes forventninger til styreevaluering identifisert gjennom norsk anbefaling for eierstyring og selskapsledelse, og hvordan de ...
    • Fear from Afar, Not So Risky After All: Distancing Moderates the Relationship Between Fear and Risk Taking 

      Mayiwar, Lewend; Björklund, Fredrik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      A growing line of research has shown that individuals can regulate emotional biases in risky judgment and decision-making processes through cognitive reappraisal. In the present study, we focus on a specific tactic of ...
    • Feels like home the effect of a sensory experiential set on purchase intention in a retail environment. 

      Silitrari, Alina; Monzon, Mauricio (Master thesis, 2019)
      This research is focused on the sensory dimension of experiential marketing. We argue that a brand that sells in a retail setting can improve its marketing key performance indicators by exposing its store visitors to ...
    • Fees, Reputation and Information Production in the Credit Rating Industry 

      Bizzotto, Jacopo; Vigier, Adrien Henri (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      We compare a credit rating agency's incentives to acquire costly information when it is only paid for giving favorable ratings to the corresponding incentives when the agency is paid up-front, i.e., irrespective of the ...
    • Feilbarlige ledere 

      Kvalnes, Øyvind (Journal article, 2010)
      Menneskelig feilbarlighet er en vesentlig utfordring for ledere. Ved å skape toleranse og trygghet for å snakke om feil kan det legges grunnlag for læring i organisasjonen. I operative miljøer vil det være avgjørende å ...
    • Felles mynt i Europa. Erfaringene så langt og utsiktene framover 

      Isachsen, Arne Jon (CME Working paper series;2/2000, Working paper, 2000)
    • Felles valuta krever felles vaner 

      Isachsen, Arne Jon (CME Working paper series;6/2011, Working paper, 2011)
      Notatet er en samling av Arne Jon Isachsens "Månedsbrev" for siste halvvår 2011. Samlingen består av følgende artikler: 1) Island – først alt galt, så alt riktig 2) I kajakk på Skurdalsfjorden – The Summer of 2011; 3) ...
    • Female ceos : why so few? 

      Rylova, Kateryna; Gohari, Mahdieh Vosough (Master thesis, 2017)
      There has been much debate on CEO gender and its effects on firm performance and characteristics. In this paper, we tried to explain the reasons for female chief executive officers (CEOs) fewness, while examining the ...
    • Ferjefri E39: Næringsliv og verdiskaping 

      Nordkvelde, Marius; Reve, Torger (Forskningsrapport;4/2013, Research report, 2013)
      Et næringslivsperspektiv kan tilføre mye når det gjelder å fremskaffe et bedre beslutningsgrunnlag for store infrastrukturinvesteringer som E39. Dette prosjektet sitter på både næringslivsdata og kompetansedata på ...
    • Ferjefri E39: næringsøkonomiske gevinster ved fjordkryssing 

      Sasson, Amir; Nordkvelde, Marius; Reve, Torger (Forskningsrapport;3/2014, Research report, 2014)
      Rapporten ser nærmere på næringseffektene av utbyggingen av en ny E39 over Boknafjorden (Rogfast) mellom Stavanger og Haugesund området, over Bjørnafjorden mellom Stord og Bergen området, over Sognefjorden mellom Oppedal ...
    • Few sex differences in dark side personality scale domains and facets 

      Furnham, Adrian; Grover, Simmy (Journal article, 2022)
      This study examined sex differences in domain and facet scores on a new dark-side personality test (Hogan Development Survey: Form 5) measuring sub-clinical personality disorders. Over 50,000 adults completed the new HDS ...
    • Filling the Mattress’. Trust development in the governance of megaprojects 

      Ruijter, Hans; van Marrewijk, Alfons; Veenswijk, Marcel; Merkus, Sander (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      The development of trust is a major challenge for the governance of public private infrastructure megaprojects. Contractual pre-arrangements should provide a blueprint for collaborative behavior and trust development but ...
    • Filter mot pandemien - om taus kunnskap i en krise 

      Sæbø, Thomas (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      I denne oppgaven har jeg sett på konsekvensene for nettavisen Filter Nyheter da pandemien traff Norge i mars 2020. Filter ble ekstra hardt rammet av pandemien fordi den hadde valgt en forretningsmodell som var ekstra sårbar ...
    • Final Thesis - Licensing effect on consumers in the ecofriendly fashion industry 

      Biot, Alexane; Mouhcine, Lina (Master thesis, 2020)
      This paper studies moral licensing in ecofriendly fashion. The results show that ecofriendly fashion is fulfilling more than basic human needs: it fulfills psychological and moral needs as well. Some customers are therefore ...
    • Finance and employment: evidence from U.S. banking reforms 

      Boustanifar, Hamid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Economic theory offers competing hypotheses about how the cost and availability of finance influence labor market outcomes. Making use of the U.S. banking reforms between the 1970s and the 1990s as a quasi-natural experiment, ...
    • The Finance Uncertainty Multiplier 

      Alfaro, Iván; Bloom, Nicholas; Lin, Xiaoji (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      We show how real and financial frictions amplify, prolong and propagate thenegative impact of uncertainty shocks. We first use a novel instrumentation strategy toaddress endogeneity in estimating the impact of uncertainty ...
    • The Finance Uncertainty Multiplier 

      Alfaro, Iván; Bloom, Nicholas; Lin, Xiaoji (HOFIMAR Working Paper Series; 1/2023, Working paper, 2023)
      We show how real and financial frictions amplify, prolong and propagate the negative impact of uncertainty shocks. We first use a novel instrumentation strategy to address endogeneity in estimating the impact of uncertainty ...
    • Financial advisors influence on private investors’ financial decisions 

      Møller, Amanda Staude; Rita Maria, Gunnerød (Master thesis, 2019)
      Most individual retail investors today rely on recommendations from financial advice when investing in stocks or bonds. Understanding the impact of financial advice on individual investors portfolio decision is thus of ...
    • Financial constraints in search equilibrium: Mortensen Pissarides meet Holmstrom and Tirole 

      Boeri, Tito; Garibaldi, Pietro; Moen, Espen R. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      A key lesson from the Great Recession is that firms’ leverage and access to finance are important for hiring and firing decisions. It is now empirically established that bank lending is correlated with employment losses ...