Browsing BI Open by Title
Now showing items 5714-5733 of 6610
The Engel curve of owner-occupied housing consumption
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Housing is a major component of aggregate demand, and understanding how the demand for housing co-varies with income is useful for analysis and policy. While estimating housing consumption for tenants amounts to observing ... -
The European Central Bank's announcement effect on stock returns in Europe
(Master thesis, 2018)This study investigates how the European Central Bank has influenced European stock markets on the scheduled announcement of monetary policy decisions. Our findings conclude that the European Central Bank does not have ... -
The European Union : the climate change package : renewable energy directive 2009/28/EC
(Master thesis, 2012-05-11)The following general problem for discussion has been chosen: Why did the EU decide on targets concerning renewable energy sources and why exactly these targets? What are the European Union and the nation-states doing to ... -
The Evolution of Born Globals’ Internationalization Strategy ; the case of Opera Software
(Master thesis, 2016)Firm internationalization has for long been viewed as a gradual process, wherein firms expand internationally in an incremental stepwise manner. In the last couple of decades however, evidence of a more rapid ... -
The Evolution of Corporate Accounts of Scandals from Exposure to Investigation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)We extend research on how corporations respond to scandals by examining the evolution of the accounts that are developed by corporate agents after a scandal becomes public. Guided by the theory of accounts and a recently ... -
The exchange rate and its fundamentals in a complex world
(CME Working paper series;3/2002, Working paper, 2002) -
The expected returns and valuations of private and public firms
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Characteristics play a similar role in describing returns in private rms as in public rms. This evidence suggests a causal e¤ect of optimal investment underlying the role of characteristics, as private rms do not have ... -
The facilitation of knowledge sharing and innovative behavior in a demanding organizational context
(Master thesis, 2017)This master thesis investigated the relationship between perceived training intensity and innovative behavior through the mediating role of knowledge sharing as well as the moderating roles of self-efficacy and coworker ... -
The factor structures of the Classroom Assessment Scoring System Pre-K and mature play observation tool in multi-ethnic Norwegian early childhood centers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The use of standardized assessment tools for the evaluation of quality in early childhood education and care (ECEC) is on the rise, yet a greater understanding of the applicability of these tools across contexts is still ... -
The failing measurement of attitudes: How semantic determinants of individual survey responses come to replace measures of attitude strength.
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The traditional understanding of data from Likert scales is that the quantifications involved result from measures of attitude strength. Applying a recently proposed semantic theory of survey response (STSR), we claim that ... -
The family firm as an arena for white-collar crime
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)In this article, we identify certain aspects of family firms that can cause specific personal motives, organisational opportunities and deviant behaviours. Based on the theory of convenience, we identify organisational ... -
The Fear of Missing Out in the digital age
(Bachelor thesis, 2018)I en tidsalder hvor vi stadig får tilgang til profesjonaliserte hjemmetjenester og digitale plattformer, kan vi i teorien snart gjøre alt innenfor husets fire vegger. Samtidig opplever mange av oss at vi gjøres til offer ... -
The Female Boards of Norway: Empirical Research on Whether Norwegian Private Firms Changed Their Governance as a Result of the Gender Quota.
(Master thesis, 2019)This study evaluates the changes in the governance of Norwegian private limited firms as a result of the gender quota implemented in 2008. We analyze whether the mechanism of the quota corresponds to its intention, and ... -
The financial and environmental costs and benefits for Norwegian electric car subsidies: are they good public policy?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Norway is the current per-capita leader in battery-electric vehicle (BEV) sales due in large part to generous government subsidies for BEV buyers. These subsidies are designed to support the government’s goal of electrifying ... -
The Financial Cost of Sustainable Investing in the Nordic Region
(Master thesis, 2019)This master thesis investigates whether there are financial costs associated with sustainable investing with a focus on the Nordic stock market. We apply two different models to test our hypotheses. Firstly, inspired by ... -
The Financial Value Added from Petroleum-Fund Mechanism
(Master thesis, 2018)In this thesis, we quantify the financial value added by reallocating petroleum revenues from oil reserves to the Government Pension Fund Global. By making a comparable scenario of a hypothetical oil reserve with ... -
The Fiscal Incentive of GHG Cap and Trade: Permits May Be Too Cheap and Developed Countries May Abate Too Little
(CAMP Working Papers Series;9/2014, Working paper, 2014)The theoretical justification for a greenhouse gas (GHG) cap and trade system is that participants will trade emission permits until their marginal cost of abatement equals the equilibrium price of emission permits. However, ... -
The fiscal incentive of GHG cap and trade: Permits may be too cheap and developed countries may abate too little
(Working paper, 2014)The theoretical justification for a greenhouse gas (GHG) cap and trade system is that participants will trade emission permits until their marginal cost of abatement equals the equilibrium price of emission permits. ... -
The Five-Factor Asset Pricing Model: A Corporate Finance Point of View
(Master thesis, 2018)Derivations of the ‘Terminal Value of Free Cash Flow’-formula (Koller & Goedhart, 2015) show that the return on investment capital is a key driver of firm value. This implies that the investment factors from well-established ... -
The flipped classroom and cooperative learning: Evidence from a randomised experiment
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)This article describes a study which compares the effectiveness of the flipped classroom relative to the traditional lecturebased classroom.We investigated two implementations of the flipped classroom. The first implementation ...