• Ignorance and Organization Studies 

      Bakken, Tore; Wiik, Eric Lawrence (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The article discusses ignorance and organization studies, both as a topic of study and a basic problem of organization theory understood as design theory. How should we regard knowledge not yet known? Is the development ...
    • Ikke-observerbar økonomi (NOE) 

      Bøckman, Elias Marcelo Rojas Preter (Bachelor thesis, 2017)
      Anslag på økonomiske hovedstørrelser bidrar til svært viktig informasjon om tilstanden og utviklingen av et lands økonomi. Bak ethvert land står en stat som legger til rette for politiske og økonomiske systemer. Som en ...
    • Ikke-observerbar økonomi (NOE) 

      Reimertz, Henrik Solbakken (Bachelor thesis, 2017)
      Anslag på økonomiske hovedstørrelser bidrar til svært viktig informasjon om tilstanden og utviklingen av et lands økonomi. Bak ethvert land står en stat som legger til rette for politiske og økonomiske systemer. Som en ...
    • #ikkemertomtmatskap 

      Tømta, Ida Wendel; Joner, Emilie Wolf (Bachelor thesis, 2017)
      Dette er en avsluttende bacheloroppgave i kampanjeplanlegging ved Handelshøgskolen BI. Oppgaven oppsummerer et treårs studie i PR og markedskommunikasjon. Oppdragsgiver for kampanjen er Hjelpende hender, og vi har ...
    • Illegitimate tasks: A systematic literature review and agenda for future research 

      Ding, Haien; Kuvaas, Bård (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Although expecting to undertake core tasks affirming their professional identity, employees often have to deal with tasks they perceive as unnecessary or unreasonable. The concept of illegitimate tasks captures this ...
    • Illuminating the role of the project owner 

      Andersen, Erling S. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present the findings from a research project in Norway on the role of the project owner. The research was carried out in order to gain a better understanding of how project owners ...
    • The Illusion of Meritocracy 

      Zhang, Tong (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Meritocracy claims to reward the meritorious with more resources, thereby achieving social efficiency and justice in a level playground. This article argues that the rise of meritocracy in a society is the institutional ...
    • The Illusion of Meritocracy 

      Zhang, Tong (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Meritocracy claims to reward the meritorious with more resources, thereby achieving social efficiency and justice in a level playground. This article argues that the rise of meritocracy in a society is the institutional ...
    • The IMF, the credit crunch and Iceland: A new fiscal saga? 

      Chand, Sheetal K. (CME Working Paper Series;3/2009, Working paper, 2009)
      Iceland was badly hit by a fundamental mismatch between the assets and international liabilities of her banking system, with severe consequences for the welfare of the population. The country now has an IMF program. The ...
    • Immigration, welfare generosity and electoral preferences: an empirical study of Yugoslavian immigrants in Norway 

      Jarlsby, Hedda Struve (Master thesis, 2017)
      Does immigration reduce natives’ support for the welfare state? Immigration is a growing source of ethnic heterogeneity, which is said to change individual attitudes towards redistributive public spending. This paper ...
    • IMP theory in light of process- and system theories 

      Olsen, Per Ingvar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      This paper compares and discusses IMP theory in relation to Process Theory and Systems Theory, and also relates it to the ANT. It contrasts and illuminates ontological and epistemological underpinnings, methodologies and ...
    • The Impact of Abnormal Accruals on Earnings Surprise and the Performance of Firms Listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange 

      Søvik, Maria Hjelle; Nicolaysen, Ingrid Jaatog Aars (Master thesis, 2023)
      This study examines the effect of abnormal accruals on market valuation of earnings surprises and the reversal implications of abnormal working capital accruals for firms listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. We hypothesize ...
    • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Fashion Marketing in the Modern Business Environment 

      Lien, Natalie Strøm (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      With digital technologies like AI having gained attention due to their ability to connect businesses at a global level, the fashion industry has slowly begun to adopt the technology despite using traditional marketing ...
    • The Impact of Brand Experience on Attitudinal Loyalty through the Moderating Role of Actual and Ideal Self- concept 

      Stamatiou, Katerina Alexandra Lørum; Leber, Meagan Narie (Master thesis, 2021)
      This thesis examines which brand experience dimension(s) are most effective in achieving attitudinal loyalty depending on whether they were presented in either an actual or ideal self-concept context. Drawing on branding, ...
    • The impact of Brent crude price on the Norwegian stock market 

      Haug, Ivar Hagalid; Heimdal, Marius (Master thesis, 2023)
      This study presents a comprehensive econometric analysis of the interplay between Brent crude oil prices and international stock indices, with a particular focus on Norway. Leveraging multiple models, namely ARDL, VAR, and ...
    • The Impact of Capital Requirements on Bank Lending Behavior 

      Greve, Christoffer Jansønn; Beltestad, Jørgen (Master thesis, 2020)
      In this paper, we investigate if stricter capital requirements have a significant impact on bank lending to European households and corporations. The Basel III accords tightened Tier 1 capital and Common Equity Tier 1 ...
    • Impact of CEO change on Stock Prices in Norwegian Companies. 

      Mitra, Sunita; Badhwar, Amrita (Master thesis, 2018)
      This thesis is a research on the impact of CEO change on stock prices in Norwegian companies listed on OSE. Using an event-study with a sample size of 110 observations, we analyze the abnormal returns and find that the ...
    • The impact of class attendance on student learning in a flipped classroom 

      Foldnes, Njål (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)
      We investigate the relationship between class attendance and academic achievement in a flipped classroom that was designed to foster social learning in fixed groups. Controlling for initial mathematical skill and attitudes, ...
    • The impact of corporate social irresponsibility on prosocial consumer behavior 

      Kim, Sumin; He, Hongwei; Gustafsson, Anders (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Corporate social irresponsibility (CSI) refers to violations of the social contract between corporations and society. Existing literature documents its tendency to evoke negative consumer responses toward the firm involved, ...
    • The impact of COVID-19, the Suez Canal blockage and the War in Ukraine on the container shipping industry and an analysis of how to prepare for disruptions in the future 

      Dahlberg, Erlend Alexandersen; Vangdal, Erlend (Master thesis, 2022)
      The container shipping industry is considered the backbone of global trade and is therefore of severe importance for our globalised business world. COVID-19, the Suez Canal blockage, and the War in Ukraine are unprecedented ...