Now showing items 2226-2245 of 6128

    • Hedging House Price Risk in Norway 

      Henriksen, Adrian; Krolevetska, Yuliia (Master thesis, 2018)
      In this paper, we empirically examine the effectiveness of housing futures for homeowners in Oslo and try to answer the questions of whether housing futures should be introduced in Norway. If an individual buys a house ...
    • HEDGING WITH ELECTRICITY FUTURES Hedge Performance and Market Development in the Nordic Electricity Market 

      Løvdahl, Ida Tønnessen; Tønjum, Hilde Daae (Master thesis, 2020)
      This Master Thesis estimates and applies three various futures hedging strategies for the spot exposures at the Nordic electricity market. We compare the variance and hedging effectiveness of the traditional naïve hedge, ...
    • Hedging, exposure and rm value: A study of European and U.S. Airlines 

      Kjonerud, Kristian Andresen; Vinningland, Ove (Master thesis, 2019)
      For several reasons, the airline industry is a reasonable industry to analyze the relation between corporate risk exposure, hedging policy, and rm value. We ex- plore the relationship between hedging, exposure, and rm ...
    • Helhetlig næringspolitikk: Forholdet mellom politikk og næringsutvikling i Finland, Nederland, Irland, Singapore og Chile 

      Moen, Eli (Discussion Paper, Working paper, 2004)
      Discussion paperet gir en kort framstilling av hvordan fem ulike land har tilpasset seg internasjonale endringer ved å ta i bruk nye politiske virkemidler. Samtlige land har i de siste tiårene investert betydelige ressurser ...
    • Helse og trivsel i små og mellomstore bedrifter 

      Eide, Asbjørn Korpberget; Utne, Tobias Birkeland; Liltved, Adrian (Bachelor thesis, 2018)
      Hovedformålet med denne oppgaven har vært å undersøke i hvilken grad små og mellomstore bedrifter legger til rette for helse og trivsel for sine ansatte. Ved å benytte oss av teoriene Krav-Kontroll-Støtte modellen og ...
    • Helsehus Lindesnes 

      Søreng, Fredrikke Flo; Sandnes, Birte (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      I denne bacheloroppgaven har vi fordypet oss i prosjektledelsesfaget med fokus på styring, usikkerhet og prosjektsuksess med utgangspunkt i Skanskas design-build anbud av «Helsehus Lindesnes». Prosjektet baserer seg på en ...
    • Helt hjem - Key Account Management - 

      Dahle, Kamilla Helen Hansrud; Andreassen, Isabell Riise (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      Vi går inn på viktigheten av Key Account Management samt utvikling av nøkkelkunder hos bedrifter. Vi tar også for oss teori om markedsorientering, relasjonsbygging, salg- og kjøpsprosessen, Key Account Team og CRM. Vi har ...
    • Here today, gone tomorrow: The duration of Norwegian salmon exports. 

      Straume, Hans-Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Success in the export markets is not only about entry into markets, but also about survival and export growth. General empirical evidence suggests that high export growth is positively associated with the duration of trade ...
    • Here we go again : a case study on re-entering a foreign market 

      Aguzzoli, Roberta; Lengler, Jorge; Sousa, Carlos M.P.; Benito, Gabriel R G (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Globalization has motivated firms to expand into foreign markets, but internationalization is inherently dynamic. Many firms have exited foreign markets for various reasons, but some later decide to re‐enter those same ...
    • Here, there, & everywhere: Development and validation of a cross-culturally representative measure of subjective career success 

      Briscoe, Jon P.; Kaše, Robert; Dries, Nicky; Dysvik, Anders; Unite, Julie (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Subjective career success continues to be a critical topic in careers scholarship due to ever changing organizational and societal contexts that make reliance upon external definitions of success untenable or undesirable. ...
    • Hermès «Hvilke faktorer bidrar til at forbrukere oppfatter Birkin-vesker som eliten av luksusvesker, og hva er motivasjonen bak denne type kjøp?» 

      Mossige, Thea Cesilie Nygård; Gudmundsen, Thea Fjeld (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Etterspørselen etter Birkin-vesken til Hermès er et interessant fenomen. Vesken har blitt til en av de mest ettertraktede luksusveskene på markedet i dagens samfunn. Kvinner over hele verden har et sterkt ønske om å eie ...
    • Heroisk HR - pragmatiske praktikere: Hvordan HR kan bidra til bedre resultater 

      Andersen, Svein S.; Kuvaas, Bård (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)
      Litteraturen om strategisk HR domineres av et urealistisk perspektiv på strategi, organisasjon og mennesker. En underliggende forutsetning er at organisasjoner bør designes som effektive instrumenter for realisering av ...
    • Heterogeneity and Persistence in Returns to Wealth 

      Fagereng, Andreas; Guiso, Luigi; Malacrino, Davide; Pistaferri, Luigi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      We provide a systematic analysis of the properties of individual returns to wealth using 12 years of population data from Norway's administrative tax records. We document a number of novel results. First, individuals earn ...
    • Heuristics and resource depletion: eye-tracking customers’ in situ gaze behavior in the field 

      Wästlund, Erik; Otterbring, Tobias; Gustafsson, Anders; Shams, Poja (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      When we visit a retail outlet, we go there to complete some type of shopping goal. These goals may be very specific and precisely planned prior to entering the store, or more abstract, and something we think of on the spur ...
    • Hiding behind a mask? Cultural intelligence, knowledge hiding, and individual and team creativity 

      Bogilovic, Sabina; Černe, Matej; Škerlavaj, Miha (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Culturally diverse colleagues can be valuable sources for stimulating creativity at work, yet only if they decide to share their knowledge. Drawing on the social exchange theory, we propose that cross-cultural interactions ...
    • Hierarchical levels of social and economic leader-member exchange and their relationship with knowledge sharing 

      Waage, Ida; Hæstad, Mona Electra Nilsen (Master thesis, 2019)
      The aim of this master thesis is to first, explore the relationship between perceived social- and economic leader-member exchange relationships and knowledge sharing, and second, to explore if the trickle-down effect ...
    • High frequency arbitrage in foreign exchange markets 

      Aarheim, Magnus; Johnsen, Nicolai (Master thesis, 2014-02-11)
      In this thesis we investigate the efficiency of the FX market by searching for triangular and multi-currency arbitrage opportunities from 1997 to 2007. We show that both triangular and multi-currency arbitrage opportunities ...
    • High Funding Risk and Low Hedge Fund Returns 

      Klingler, Sven (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      I show that hedge funds with a high exposure to market-wide funding shocks—measured by changes in Libor-OIS spreads—subsequently underperform funds with a low exposure to market-wide funding shocks by 5.76% annually on a ...
    • High Household Debt and the Transmission of Monetary Policy: A Canadian Case Study 

      Sanderson, Ian Rae (Master thesis, 2021)
      This thesis investigates whether the transmission of monetary policy in Canada is affected by the level of household indebtedness. The answer to this has remained distinctly unclear in the literature across countries. ...
    • High potential personality and intelligence 

      Furnham, Adrian; Treglown, Luke (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The present study investigated the relationship between six high flyer personality traits and intelligence measured at the domain and facet level. In all, 820 adults completed a multidimensional High Flyers Personality ...