• Green innovation value chain analysis of PV solar power 

      Olson, Erik L. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Governments around the world have employed a variety of generous subsidies to help promote and develop clean energy technologies in the hope that they will widely replace dirtier carbon-based power sources. Unfortunately ...
    • Green innovation value chain frame of comparisons: market and public policy implications 

      Olson, Erik L. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      The green innovation value-chain (GIVC) is a framework that compares the relative attractiveness of a green technology with conventional competitors(s) along stakeholder links representing the manufacturer, distributor, ...
    • The green last mile: How does providing a sustainable delivery method affect purchase intentions in B2C ecommerce? 

      Mathisen, Ida; Nordgarden, Liv Jorunn (Master thesis, 2020)
      The thesis highlights an understanding of the green last mile, and how providing a sustainable delivery method affect purchase intentions in B2C e-commerce. The study examined consumers purchase intentions in different ...
    • Green parties and their effect on policy 

      Aas, Henrik Fransplass (Master thesis, 2022)
      This paper examines the effect of green parties on environmental policy in Norway. Environmental policy is measured through the share of bike roads, number of charging stations for electric vehicles per capita, and ...
    • The Green Shift and Consumer Behaviour 

      Sterri, Rebecka Viktoria (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      The increased attention to the word ‘green’ has not only caused a shift in consumers behavior but has rippled its way into the business world as well. This can not only be seen in new marketing messages, from many world ...
    • Greenhouse gas emissions per unit of value a corporate guide to voluntary climate action 

      Randers, Jørgen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      How much must I reduce my greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions if I want to do my fair share to contribute towards the global effort to keep global warming below a 2 °C rise in average temperature over preindustrial times? This ...
    • Greening of European electricity industry: The challenge of policy integration across cognitive and administrative specialisation 

      Gundersen, Mari Hegg; Koefoed, Anne Louise; Midttun, Atle (Research Report, Research report, 2004)
      Focusing on greening of electricity industry (GEI), this report explores the positions and outlook of various units within the EU system with mandates in the greening of electricity industry process. The study takes a ...
    • Greening of Nordic electricity industry: policy convergence and diversity 

      Midttun, Atle; Gundersen, Mari Hegg; Koefoed, Anne Louise (Research Report, Research report, 2003)
      With a comparative focus on policy similarity and diversity, this report comes out of the project named “The Energy- related Environmental Policy Game” financed by Norwegian Research Council , Industry and Energy and the ...
    • Greening the construction industry through short sea shipping and port integration 

      Moe, Marte Marie Danielsen; Norheim, Erlend Markus Hansen (Master thesis, 2019)
      HeidelbergCement has enhanced their sustainable strategy and developed the Sustainable Commitments 2030 as a response to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In order to reach their sustainability goals, HeidelbergCement ...
    • Greenspan går fra borde, og Erna vil ha euro 

      Isachsen, Arne Jon (CME Working paper series;1/2006, Working paper, 2006)
      Arbeidsnotatet er satt sammen av Månedsbrevet til Arne Jon Isachsen for august-desember 2005. Månedsbrevet består av 6 ulike artikler.
    • Greenwashing, but make it fashion 

      Sundbotten, Karoline (Master thesis, 2021)
      The following thesis investigates the fast fashion market and the impact greenwashing has on consumers’ perceptions of well-known fashion brands. The participants were faced with a purchase decision where green and ...
    • Grensedragningen mellom avgiftsunntatt forsikringsformidling og avgiftspliktige tjenester 

      Engerdahl, Malin; Storm, Fabian Mikarlsen (Master thesis, 2020)
      Omsetning og formidling av forsikringstjenester er ansett som finansielle tjenester, og er unntatt merverdiavgift etter det såkalte finansunntaket i merverdiavgiftsloven1 § 3-6 bokstav a. Forsikringsselskaper har følgelig ...
    • Group lending with endogenous group size 

      Bourjade, Sylvain; Schindele, Ibolya (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      This paper focuses on the size of the borrower group in group lending. We show that, when social ties in a community enhance borrowers incentives to exert e¤ort, a pro t-maximizing nancier chooses a group of limited size. ...
    • Growth with Age-Dependent Preferences 

      Mehlum, Halvor; Torvik, Ragnar; Valente, Simone (CAMP Working Paper Series Paper No. 14/2018;, Working paper, 2018-12-10)
      We study the consequences of age-dependent preferences for economic growth and structural change in a two-sector model with overlapping generations and nondimishing returns to capital. Savings and accumulation rates depend ...
    • Grunnrentebeskatning av Havbruksnæringen 

      Syvertsen, Johan August; Shinwary, Amir (Master thesis, 2021)
      Den norske havbruksnæringen har i løpet av de siste tiårene utviklet seg fra å være en liten og lokal forankret næring, til å bli en betydelig kommersiell næring for norsk næringsliv. En av grunnene til dette er Norge ...
    • Grønn markedsføring, eller grønnvasking? 

      Nordstad, Stine Synnøve Kristensen (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      Denne oppgaven har blitt utarbeidet med hensikt å belyse fenomenet grønnvasking. Jeg har intervjuet fire faglig dyktige representanter fra næringslivet, som har bidratt med å belyse oppgavens hovedtemaer: bærekraft, ...
    • Grønn rehabilitering i borettslag og sameier 

      Solbakken, Silje Maler; Carstensen, Henriette (Master thesis, 2023)
      Formålet med oppgaven har vært å få mer kunnskap om hvilke faktorer som påvirker beslutningene i styret mest ved valg av løsning/tiltak når boligselskapet skal utføre rehabilitering. Vi har sett på kortsiktig og langsiktig ...
    • Grønn vekst gjennom transformasjon av Veas fra renseanlegg til næringsstofforvalter 

      Holmstad, Rune (Master thesis, 2022)
      Avløpsrensing er normalt utenfor folks bevissthet, men sikrer at vi har gode sanitære forhold og hindrer at næringsstoffene samlet i avløpet gir skadelige effekter i vannforekomstene. Slik sett bidrar Veas, Norges største ...
    • Grønn vekst i Norge mot 2050 

      Randers, Jørgen (Journal article, 2019)
      Det er ikke én som må gjøre alt. Alle må gjøre litt. Individuelle initiativ er ikke nok. Her kreves kollektiv respons. Her er det ikke nok å gjøre sitt beste. Her må man gjøre det som trengs.
    • Grønn vekst i Næringseiendom AS 

      Blinkenberg, Lise (Master thesis, 2022)
      Global oppvarming truer livsgrunnlaget til alle på jorden. FNs klimapanel sin siste rapport sier at vi må nå toppen av på CO2 utslippene før 2025 og ned til netto null innen 2050. Det er derfor viktig med kutt i CO2 ...