Blar i Master of Science på tittel
Viser treff 564-583 av 1822
Exploring Cultural Intelligence’s influence on performance of multicultural teams within a Vietnamese empirical setting.
(Master thesis, 2016)RELEVANCE. Increasing globalization at the workplace leads to the frequent use of multicultural teams. Thus, over the last century, a vast number of researchers have been looking for ways to enhance team performance in ... -
Exploring e-hrm as an antecedent to absorptive capacity: further exploration and explanation of moderating and mediating effects.
(Master thesis, 2019)The present study investigates operational-, relational- and transformational- e- HRM practices as potential antecedents of Potential and Realized Absorptive Capacity. The potential moderating and mediating effects of ... -
Exploring early leader careers : a study of personality, motivation to lead and self-efficacy as possible predictors of leader emergence
(Master thesis, 2013-02-08)The purpose of this study was to examine and gain further knowledge of how and to what degree young individuals are influenced by the factors Personality, Motivation to Lead and Self-Efficacy when emerging into leadership ... -
Exploring error management training, cognitive processing, stress and mindfulness
(Master thesis, 2014-02-10)In this study we compared Error Management Training (EMT) and Traditional Training by exploring its effectiveness in relation to trainees‟ intuitive and analytical processing. Next, we examined the degree to which stress ... -
Exploring factors which contribute to making people with disabilities feel included at the workplace : a qualitative study
(Master thesis, 2014-02-11)The aim with this study is to explore potential factors that contribute to making people with disabilities feel more included at the workplace. The first step was to investigate whether people with disabilities feel ... -
Exploring how Inclusive Leadership facilitate Workplace Inclusion of People with Disabilities
(Master thesis, 2023)This study explores middle managers' role in promoting and facilitating workplace inclusion for people with disabilities through the model of inclusive leadership, in Norway. Through qualitative interviews, valuable ... -
Exploring Leadership amid Technological Shifts - A Study of AI in Norwegian Newsrooms
(Master thesis, 2024)This study explores how leaders influence AI adoption in the Norwegian news media industry. It aims to provide a snapshot of the current degree of AI integration in journalistic practices. Given the study's pioneering ... -
Exploring Long-Run Skewness of Stock Returns and Their Relative Performance to Treasury Bills
(Master thesis, 2024)We study whether Treasury bills are able to outperform the stock market, over long horizons, by comparing lifetime buy-and-hold returns and wealth creation of US individual common stocks to US Treasuries from 1926 to ... -
Exploring Remote Work: A Quantitative Study Analyzing Factors Impacting Intrinsic Motivation
(Master thesis, 2024)The rise of technological advancements has significantly transformed the traditional work environment, making remote work feasible in many occupations. This thesis investigates the impact of three factors; autonomy ... -
Exploring Renewable Energy Adoption in the OECD: An Observational Panel Data Analysis of the Energy Mix Dynamics
(Master thesis, 2023)This thesis aims to develop understanding of the determinants of the energy transition by employing panel data analysis of 37 OECD countries over the time period 1990 to 2020. To control for unobserved heterogeneity, ... -
Exploring Risk-Based Portfolio Construction: Empirical Evaluation of Equal Risk Contribution and Inverse Volatility Portfolios
(Master thesis, 2023)We examine the effectiveness of risk-based portfolio construction methods, specifically Equal Risk Contribution (ERC) and Inverse Volatility (IVP), using the same data set and performance measures as in DeMiguel, Garlappi, ... -
Exploring SOI as a dynamic innovation process : A multiple case study of pilot projects in a Norwegian cooperative
(Master thesis, 2022)Previous research on sustainability and innovation has received increased attention from researchers over the past years. However, the literature on sustainableoriented innovation (SOI) still is at an early stage and ... -
Exploring the adoption of virtual reality in a business meeting context: Proposal of a conceptual framework
(Master thesis, 2022)This study explores the relatively novel topic of virtual reality (VR) technology in the context of business meetings. Accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses have increasingly opened up for remote work, and ... -
Exploring the Causal Link between Early Life Experiences and Risk-Taking Behavior: Evidence from Venture Capitalists
(Master thesis, 2023)This master thesis examines the causal relationship between early-life exposure to natural disasters and risk-taking behavior among venture capital investors. Drawing on a comprehensive literature review, we define specific ... -
Exploring the challenges of implementing a sustainable strategy : A case study
(Master thesis, 2016)Sustainability has become the defining challenge of our time and companies have started to realize the many benefits that lie within this field. However, sustainability is known for its complexity and implementing ... -
Exploring the drivers and prediction of fund flow in the Norwegian Bond Fund Market: Deploying classic statistics and machine learning methods
(Master thesis, 2023)This paper aims to analyze the drivers and predict flow of Norwegian bond funds one month in advance using machine learning models and macro variables. The study investigates a sample of 79 bond funds and a subset of medium ... -
Exploring the influence of entrepreneurial leadership on the context for creativity : the case of Åpent Bakeri
(Master thesis, 2014-02-12)BACKGROUND AND CASE SELECTION In the post-industrial society organisations are increasingly recognising ideas as their most valuable commodity and their employee’s creative potential as a huge resource. The creative ... -
Exploring the Interplay Between Digitalization and Sustainability in the Maritime Industry
(Master thesis, 2021)The following Master thesis investigates the interplay between two of the current important and pervasive trends: digitalization and sustainability. The academic literature shows how these trends impact business separately ... -
Exploring the Leverage and Profitability Relation in the Norwegian Market
(Master thesis, 2023)The Leverage-Profitability Puzzle has long been one of the most well-known empirical inconsistency in the literature on capital structure. There are few empirical studies that focus solely on the Norwegian market in relation ... -
Exploring the link between gender diversity and financial performance on Norwegian boards
(Master thesis, 2023)In recent years, gender diversity has become a much-debated topic with regards to optimal board compositions. This paper studies the relationship between gender diversity on Norwegian boards and firms’ financial performance. ...