Browsing Master of Science by Title
Now showing items 1278-1297 of 1822
Ready, steady, go ... or no? : Perceived human resource practices, change readiness and change turbulence
(Master thesis, 2017)In a world where digitalization and an accelerating environmental complexity is affecting organizations, managing changes with great complexity and high frequency is required. This can result in unexpected challenges, ... -
Realized Volatility Modeling of S&P 500 Index Members and the Impact of Temporal Variations in the Mean Levels
(Master thesis, 2021)Using a daily panel dataset including almost all the stocks in the S&P 500 dating back to 1985, we document strong similarities in the risk dynamics across stocks. The similarities in risk dynamics are exploited by ... -
Rebooting Healthcare: Deploying Collaborative Networks to Enhance Healthcare Effectiveness
(Master thesis, 2018)The following Master Thesis investigates how Collaborative Networks may be sustained in healthcare, by investigating their value creation and value appropriation activities. Collaborative Networks have appeared, due to ... -
Recruiter perceptions of interview faking in selection processes
(Master thesis, 2021)Existing literature determines that faking occurs within employment interviews but has not yet focused on patterns among faking behaviors. Furthermore, extant research has stated that recruiters, in general, are poor at ... -
Redefining Beauty: A quantitative investigation of the power of body-positive messaging on social media
(Master thesis, 2024)The portrayal of body image significantly influences user perceptions and interactions. This master’s thesis investigates how body-positive versus aspirational messaging on social media impacts perceived esteem, focusing ... -
Redefining family ownership and how it affects firm performance
(Master thesis, 2017)Through this thesis, we want to challenge the established family firm definition of 50% family ownership. We do this by incorporating additional criteria such as active management from the controlling family and a ... -
Redefining Leadership Practices in the Digital Age: The Role of Psychological Needs and Leader Support in Advancing Technology, Innovation, Creativity, and Sustainability
(Master thesis, 2024)This study investigates how basic psychological needs at work and leader support are associated with fostering development of technology, innovation, creativity, and sustainable solutions in the digital age. A quantitative ... -
Reducing food waste in the poultry industry by addressing the challenge of supply chain aging
(Master thesis, 2022)The consumer-packed good industry is facing significant challenges of reducing vast amounts of food waste along its entire supply chain. Throughout the last few years, the food industry, consumers, and politics have become ... -
Reducing food waste in the poultry industry by addressing the challenge of supply chain aging
(Master thesis, 2022)The consumer-packed good industry is facing significant challenges of reducing vast amounts of food waste along its entire supply chain. Throughout the last few years, the food industry, consumers, and politics have become ... -
Reflective practices as a way of learning in organizations
(Master thesis, 2013-02-12)The aim of this study is to investigate how reflective practices can affect learning in the organization. In the theoretical background two views on knowledge are presented – “knowledge as possession” and “knowledge as ... -
Register over reelle rettighetshavere - en analyse av forventet nytteverdi for rapporteringspliktige etter hvitvaskingsloven
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne oppgaven tar for seg et av de mest sentrale tiltakene EU har iverksatt for å bekjempe hvitvasking, register over reelle rettighetshavere. Økonomisk kriminalitet, inkludert hvitvasking, representerer en betydelig ... -
Regnskapsmanipulasjon : motivasjon, mulighet, rasjonalisering og avdekking
(Master thesis, 2014-02-12)Oppgaven har som mål å belyse temaet regnskapsmanipulasjon. Problemstillingen går på hvordan regnskapsmanipulasjon utføres, hva som er motivasjonen, hvem som avslører, og hvorfor de kriminelle ikke synes at de ikke har ... -
Regulation of Cryptocurrency: An Analysis of the Proposed Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation Emphasizing on the Issuer of Stablecoin
(Master thesis, 2021)The master thesis analyzes the proposed Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation published by the EU in September 2020. We provide explanations of the term ‘stablecoin’, its use as legal tender, as well as issuers and providers ... -
Rekonstruksjonslovens fremtid
(Master thesis, 2021)De norske gjeldsforhandlingsreglene har vært kjent for å være lite fleksible. Mange selskaper i økonomiske problemer har derfor i praksis vært nødt til å forhandle frem frivillige løsninger med sine kreditorer utenfor ... -
The Relationship between Board Diversity, ESG, and Financial Performance: A Nordic Study
(Master thesis, 2023)This thesis examines the relationship between diversity on the board of directors and firm performance, as measured by ESG performance and financial performance (ROA and Tobin’s Q). Using four different measures of ... -
The relationship between digitalization and profitability A cross-sectional study of firms in the Norwegian shipping industry
(Master thesis, 2021)In this paper, we study the relationship between profitability and the level of digitalization of firms in the Norwegian shipping industry. We found the digitalization level by using a Likert scale on a survey sent to ... -
The relationship between earnings yield, size, and stock returns across capital markets of different sizes
(Master thesis, 2023)We study the relationship between earnings yield, size, and stock returns across capital markets of different sizes. Using data from 2002-2022, we group index constituents of the SPX, ASX, NIKKEI 225, HEX, and OSEAX into ... -
The relationship between employees' perceived interpersonal justice and job burnout in the Norwegian consulting industry, and the mediating role of LMX quality
(Master thesis, 2023)This master thesis aims to examine the relationship between employees’ perceived interpersonal justice and job burnout in the Norwegian consulting industry. Further, it explores the potential mediating role of ... -
The relationship between Extraversion and Affective Well-Being in light of Telecommuting and Open Plan Offices - A Facet Perspective
(Master thesis, 2022)The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between extraversion and affective well-being for employees working both in an open plan office setting and telecommuting (working from home). Existing research ... -
The relationship between motivational climates and change readiness: the mediating roles of digital mindsets.
(Master thesis, 2020)Technology is a central part of the changes occurring in organisations, and the employees are the ones who will need to adapt and allow the digital changes and new technology to be put into practice. The motivational ...