Blar i Master of Science på tittel
Viser treff 1357-1376 av 1822
Sailing green : a protection motivation analysis of green consumption choices in China
(Master thesis, 2017)Many Chinese consumers experience environmental problems like air and water pollution first-hand - does that lead them to making greener consumption choices? We aim to show the suitability of Protection Motivation Theory ... -
Samfunnsansvar i leverandørkjeden En analyse av hvordan et lite norsk foretak i klesbransjen forholder seg til samfunnsansvar i egen leverandørkjede, og hvordan informasjon om samfunnsansvar overføres i denne kjeden
(Master thesis, 2019)Bedriftens samfunnsansvar er et viktig tema i dagens næringsliv. I tillegg til å være økonomisk lønnsom forventes en bedrift å forholde seg til hvordan virksomheten påvirker samfunnet rundt seg. I et globalt marked der ... -
Sammenligning av den generelle- og den spesielle omgåelsesregelen i skatteloven – er det nødvendig med en egen spesiell omgåelsesregel?
(Master thesis, 2022)I forbindelse med lovfestingen av den ulovfestede omgåelsesnormen i 2020, oppsto spørsmålet om den spesielle omgåelsesregelen i sktl. § 14-90 skulle videreføres, oppheves eller innlemmes i den generelle omgåelsesnormen. ... -
Samvirke mellom strafferett og sivilrett for kreditors vern
(Master thesis, 2024)Formålet med oppgaven er å analysere samhandlingen mellom straffeloven § 402 og dekningsloven § 5-5, sett opp mot kreditorvern. Problemstillingen vi undersøker er: «I hvilken grad og på hvilken måte samvirker de strafferettslige ... -
Saving Shocks, House Prices and Limited Access to Investment in Local Publicly Traded Firms
(Master thesis, 2022)In this thesis, we examine the relationship between stock market investment and real estate investment, with roots in the Home bias theory. We explore in detail, the connection between house price growth in states and ... -
Saving Towards Homeownership in Norway: Including the BSU in Portfolio Choice
(Master thesis, 2022)We research the effect of housing and the Boligsparing for Unge (BSU) savings account on portfolio allocation and performance. By applying the mean-variance optimality framework to form portfolios, we use the Sharpe Ratio ... -
Scale Effects in Mutual Fund Performance: A Study of the Norwegian Market
(Master thesis, 2018)In this paper, we investigate the effect of scale on performance in the Norwegian mutual fund industry. The study includes a data sample free of survivorship bias containing 70 Norwegian open-end actively managed mutual ... -
Scandi Chic or Nordic Noir – The Value of the Nordic Brand and the Effect of Consumer Affinity and Stereotypes on Behaviour among International Consumers
(Master thesis, 2018)In this thesis I have explored the effectiveness and implications of the relatively new construct of consumer affinity and its potential ability to determine or predict consumer behaviour and preference for brands and ... -
Scarcity as a marketing instrument : the roles of goal frames and perceived consumer competition.
(Master thesis, 2017)Purpose: This master thesis has three main objectives. The first aim is to investigate the influence of scarcity appeals on consumer purchase behaviors. The second aim is to investigate the moderator effect of goal frames ... -
Scientific, Smart & Safe: Sensor Technology as a Marketing Tool to Increase Restaurant Visits During COVID-19
(Master thesis, 2021)Inspired by the possibilities of novel IoT sensor technology, this master’s thesis tests a new way to encourage customer visits to restaurants at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. Inspired by recent advances in sensor ... -
Seasoned Equity Offerings and Earnings Management
(Master thesis, 2024)The relationship between earnings management and seasoned equity offerings (SEO) is a topic which have generated interest from scholars. However, there has been limited research focusing on the connection between earnings ... -
Segmentation in the B2B markets: Closing the gap between theoretical segmentation models and the actual segmentation practice
(Master thesis, 2021)There exists a gap between the implementation of advanced theoretical segmentation models and the actual practice of segmentation in the B2B markets. Practitioners have called forth the need for easy applicable guidelines ... -
Selecting characteristics using the Adaptive Group Lasso on U.S. industries
(Master thesis, 2020)Throughout the years, hundreds of factors have been proposed to forecast stock returns. Cochrane (2011) referred to these factors as the "zoo of new factors." In this thesis, we consider 62 of these factors and analyze ... -
Selecting Future Leaders - A validation study of the selection process for military leadership education in the Norwegian Armed Forces
(Master thesis, 2020)The ability to predict future performance is crucial for sustainable selection procedures. While several selection methods individually predict both performance in job training programs and subsequent job performance, ... -
Selection into Politics : The Significance of Local Government Revenue
(Master thesis, 2018)This master thesis investigates selection effects in Norwegian local governments and explores the effect of increased revenue in local governments on the quality of politicians. Quality is measured by educational level, ... -
Selective Startups: The importance of partnering experience on new ventures’ learning outcomes from collaboration with established ventures
(Master thesis, 2021)The blue economy has been recognized for its potential to meet future requirements and represent immense opportunities for economic growth, employment and sustainable development. Emerging ocean industries are particularly ... -
Self-Other agreement in Perspective Taking and Employee Affective Commitment: The Mediating Role of Leader-Member Exchange
(Master thesis, 2022)This study seeks to establish and test the integrative theory of Leader- Member Exchange (LMX) that extends our understanding of self-other agreement in perspective taking and affective commitment. We predicted that ... -
Self-service technology versus human interaction : a study of how customers respond differently to human and machine in credence based service encounters
(Master thesis, 2017)Self-service technologies (SST) have been introduced extensively and promoted to replace traditional service encounters with human interaction (HI) in the last years. Advances in digital technologies and artificial ... -
Seniority and Hierarchy in Thai Work Environment ; An Additional Factor Influencing Transfer of Training of Management Trainees in a Leading International Hotel Chain in Thailand
(Master thesis, 2016)With attention to the amount of money and other resources that company invests in training and developing its people, only minimal attention is, however, given to ensure that learned skills, knowledge and attitudes are ... -
Seniority purchase option in the norwegian housing market, and its effect on auction dynamics
(Master thesis, 2017)In our thesis, we study the effects of the presence of “forkjøpsrett”, or seniority purchase option (SPO), on the market for cooperative apartments. Norwegian housing is transacted via English auctions, and we hypothesize ...