Now showing items 1710-1729 of 6147

    • Etter oljen: Utfordringer for norsk økonomi 

      Mork, Knut Anton (CME Working Papers;2/2013, Working paper, 2013)
      Petroleumsressursene er viktigste årsak til at Norge ligger på inntektstoppen i OECD, selv om en bare ser på fastlandsøkonomien. Ved hjelp av en naturlig, lokal monopolfordel har denne klart å tilegne seg store deler av ...
    • Etterlevelse som bidrag til virksomhetsstyring 

      Jenssen, Caroline Nerlien; Øhrbom, Thomas (Master thesis, 2023)
      Det å sikre god virksomhetsstyring er avgjørende dersom virksomheten skal vokse og utvikle seg, og samtidig håndtere krevende perioder og hendelser. Denne oppgaven handler om hvordan etterlevelse kan være et bidrag til at ...
    • Ettervirkning - grunnlag, rekkevidde og betydning 

      Skjønberg, Alexander Næss (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Artikkelen er et innlegg i den pågående debatten om ettervirkning. Forfatteren mener at det er endel misoppfatninger om hva den alminnelige regelen om ettervirkning går ut på. I artikkelen utdypes regelens rettsgrunnlag, ...
    • EU Energy Union: A Critical View 

      Noreng, Øystein (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      This paper discusses the Energy Union project of the current European Union (EU), asmanifest in the 2018 Clean Energy for All.1 The focus is on energy policy objectives in relation to wider political ambitions, using energy ...
    • EU Taxonomy and Stock Performance 

      Bergan, Magnus Myhre; Refseth, Ådne Viken (Master thesis, 2022)
      This thesis investigates the link between environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) performance and stock performance in Europe between 2012-2021. We apply ESG data from Refinitiv's Eikon database and construct ...
    • EU, ØMU og EU etter ØMU 

      Skånland, Hermod (CME Working paper series;2/1999, Working paper, 1999)
    • Euro-zone equity returns: country versus industry effects 

      Eiling, Esther; Gerard, Bruno; Roon, Frans A. de (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      This paper investigates whether Euro-zone equity returns are driven by country or industry effects over the 1990 to 2008 period. Using a style analysis approach, we find that before the introduction of the Euro country ...
    • Euroen og de nordiske velferdsstater 

      Isachsen, Arne Jon (CME Working paper series;6/2000, Working paper, 2000)
    • Euroen og den norske kronens skjebne 

      Isachsen, Arne Jon (CME Working paper series;4/1998, Working paper, 1998)
    • Euronext Growth Oslo: The Balancing Between Investor Protection and Efficient Markets 

      Paulsen, Julie Elise; Gjeruldsen, Jeanett (Master thesis, 2021)
      The topic for this thesis is the investor protection on Euronext Growth Oslo (“Growth”). More specifically we will analyse the balance between investor protection and listed companies’ need for raising capital ...
    • European Perspectives on Participation in the Sharing Economy 

      Andreotti, Alberta; Anselmi, Guido; Eichhorn, Thomas; Hoffmann, Christian Pieter; Jürss, Sebastian; Micheli, Marina (Research report, 2017)
      Recent analyses have indicated a rising share of Europeans participating in the sharing economy (Eurobarometer, 2016). However, few studies have delved deeply into the distinctions between those participating in the sharing ...
    • European Perspectives on Power in the Sharing Economy 

      Newlands, Gemma; Lutz, Christoph; Fieseler, Christian (Research report, 2017)
      This report, ‘European Perspectives on Power in the Sharing Economy’, forms one element of a European Union Horizon 2020 Research Project on the sharing economy: Ps2Share ‘Participation, Privacy, and Power in the Sharing ...
    • European Perspectives on Privacy in the Sharing Economy 

      Ranzini, Giulia; Etter, Michael; Vermeulen, Ivar (Research report, 2017)
      This report ‘European Perspectives on Privacy in the Sharing Economy’ forms one element of a European Union Horizon 2020 Research Project on the sharing economy: Ps2Share ‘Participation, Privacy, and Power in the Sharing ...
    • The EU’s Enfants Terribles: Democratic Backsliding in Central Europe since 2010 

      Bakke, Elisabeth; Sitter, Nick (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      In the academic literature, Hungary and Poland are often cited as paradigmatic cases of democratic backsliding. However, as the backsliding narrative gained traction, the term has been applied to the rest of the post-communist ...
    • Eva Joly - Den som intet våger, intet vinner 

      Sveen, Sissel; Sollien, Stine Fet (Master thesis, 2023)
      Eva Joly sitt virke som forhørsdommer i Paris var starten på banebrytende arbeid i kampen mot økonomisk kriminalitet. Hun er internasjonalt kjent for sin kamp og fikk tidlig tilnavnet korrupsjonsjegeren. Hennes største sak ...
    • Evaluating Efficient Public Good Provision: Theory and Evidence from a Generalised Conditional Efficiency Model for Public Libraries 

      De Witte, Kristof; Geys, Benny (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      Provision of most public goods (e.g., health care, libraries, education, police, fire protection, utilities) can be characterized by a two-stage production process. In the first-stage, basic inputs (e.g., labor and capital) ...
    • Evaluating Modern Asset Pricing Models in the Norwegian Stock Market 

      Scheen, Fredrik Oland; Flotten, Ole Andreas (Master thesis, 2021)
      This master thesis evaluates three different asset pricing models in the Norwegian stock market. We chose to evaluate the CAPM, Fama- French three factor model and the q-factor model. This is the first time the q-factor ...
    • Evaluating Social Programs: The Process of Impact Evaluations Described and Applied 

      Brenden, Emilie Grini; Miyata, Naomi Petersen (Master thesis, 2019)
      There is an increasing demand for quality evaluations of aid projects to find out what works for development and what does not. The effect of specific aid projects should be measured through impact evaluations using ...
    • Evaluating store location and department composition based on spatial heterogeneity in sales potential 

      Hunneman, Auke; Bijmolt, Tammo H.A.; Elhorst, J. Paul (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      In this paper, we extend a retail location evaluation model with the possibility to include the effect of department size adaptation at the store level. We relate department-level store sales to a store's competitive and ...
    • Evaluating the Forecast Accuracy of Policymakers, Private Banks and Exchange Rate Forecasting Models 

      Solbakken, Alexander Deilhaug (Master thesis, 2016)
      This paper compares the out-of-sample forecast accuracy of policymakers, private banks and three classes of exchange rate models in predicting the yearly Norwegian kroner/Euro, I-44 and KKI exchange rate. The three classes ...