Now showing items 1290-1309 of 6145

    • Doing Business in Norway: An International Perspective 

      Warner-Søderholm, Gillian; Bertsch, Andy; Abdullah, ABM; Saeed, M. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      With the recent economic crisis, in having a petroleum-based economy, Norway has withstood the fluctuation in the international business sector. Indeed, the Norwegian economy is prosperous despite the global recession. ...
    • Doing More With Less! How Population Density Impacts the Product Scope Strategies of Real Ale Breweries in the United Kingdom 

      Karsch, Mirjam Barbara; Huynh, Silvia (Master thesis, 2019)
      This paper seeks to explore how an organization’s product scope evolves upon changing population density. Considering prior academic achievements on both focal topics, our study provides an exciting opportunity to enhance ...
    • Doing the right things or doing things right? Paradoxes and Swedish communication professionals’ roles and challenges 

      Falkheimer, Jesper; Heide, Mats; Simonsson, Charlotte; Zerfass, Ansgar; Verhoeven, Piet (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine and analyze the prevailing form of rationality that governs the challenges, goals and roles of communication professionals. The authors will also explore alternative ...
    • Doing well by doing good: Samfunnsansvarets effekter på omdømmet 

      Honoré, Peter Jong; Helland, Ingvild (Bachelor thesis, 2016)
      Denne oppgaven er en studie av strategien samfunnsansvar som et virkemiddel for et forbedret omdømme og forbrukeres holdninger til dette. Følgende problemstilling er utviklet for studien: Hvilke forbrukerholdninger ligger ...
    • Dokumentasjon ved fritak for merverdiavgift ved utførsel av varer 

      Henriksen, Line (Master thesis, 2023)
      Norge har en liten og åpen økonomi, som i stor grad er avhengig av økonomisk samarbeid med andre stater. Norge eksporterte varer for 2 601 milliarder kroner i 2022. De siste tiårene har råolje og naturgass utgjort den ...
    • Domene Autoritet og SERP plassering 

      Birkeland, Michael (Bachelor thesis, 2020)
      I denne oppgaven har jeg sett på Domene Autoritet, hva det er og hvorfor bedrifter bør bry seg. Jeg har gjennomført regresjonsanalyser for å bevise korrelasjonen mellom Domene Autoritet og SERP rangering. Hensikten med ...
    • Domestic Alliance Networks and Regional Strategies of MNEs: A Structural Embeddedness Perspective 

      Iurkov, Viacheslav; Benito, Gabriel R. G. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      We draw on a social network perspective to explain multinational enterprises’ (MNEs) propensity to distribute their operations unevenly across various regions of the world. We focus on how the positioning of MNEs in their ...
    • Dominant Drivers of National Inflation 

      Ditzen, Jan; Ravazzolo, Francesco (CAMP Working Paper Series;08/2022, Working paper, 2022-12-29)
      For western economies a long-forgotten phenomenon is on the horizon: rising inflation rates. We propose a novel approach christened D2ML to identify drivers of national inflation. D2ML combines machine learning for model ...
    • Domstolenes prøvelsesrett etter sktl. § 13-1 (3) 

      Ekerum, Catharina (Master thesis, 2022)
      Oppgaven drøfter spørsmålet om omfanget av domstolenes prøvelsesrett etter sktl. § 13-1 (3). Prøvelsesretten blir drøftet i lys av skattemyndighetenes metode ved skjønnsfastsettelse etter bestemmelsen. I arbeidet med ...
    • Don’t Pass Them By: Figuring the Sacred in Organizational Values Work 

      Espedal, Gry; Carlsen, Arne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      How and why could some stories be construed as sacred in organizations, and what functions does the sacred have in organizational values work? Research has shown how values can be made formative of a range of organizational ...
    • Doughnut Economics i byutvikling 

      Kåpvik, Tor Aarseth; Moslet, Håkon (Master thesis, 2023)
      Global oppvarming truer livsgrunnlaget på jorda. Parallelt har verden en naturkrise hvor nedbygging av natur gjør at m ange arter står i fare for utryddelse. Dette er utfordringer som må løses samtidig som den sosiale delen ...
    • Drivers and barriers in public diplomacy evaluation: understanding attitudes, norms, and control 

      Buhmann, Alexander; Sommerfeldt, Erich (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      While the need for evaluation has become increasingly emphasized within the global public diplomacy community, recent research suggests the state of the practice is grim. However, the few writings that exist on evaluation ...
    • Drivers for M&As and Strategic Alliances: an Industry Based Analysis 

      Strologo, Francesca Romana Dello (Master thesis, 2020)
      Business ecosystem is a key concept that is nowadays ever more present in managers’ minds and is studied in many industrial business articles and research papers. A business ecosystem is the network of all actors that ...
    • The Drivers of Emission Reductions in the European Carbon Market 

      Bjørnland, Hilde C.; Cross, Jamie L.; Kapfhammer, Felix (CAMP Working Paper Series;08/2023, Working paper, 2023-09-17)
      This paper studies the drivers of emission reductions in the carbon market of the European Union Emission Trading System (EU ETS) since its inception in 2005. We introduce a novel empirical framework that facilitates the ...
    • The Drucker intangibles measurement system: An academic perspective 

      Crosby, Lawrence; Ghanbarpour, Tohid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      There is widespread agreement in the literature that intangible assets, particularly those of a relational nature, are key determinants of firm performance. Scholars also acknowledge that stakeholder relationships and ...
    • Drug shortages: A systems view of the current state 

      van Oorschot, Kimball Elizabeth; Van Wassenhove, Luk N.; Jahre, Marianne; Selviaridis, Kostas; de Vries, Harwin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The objective of this thought leadership article is to create a systems view of drugshortages based on the perceptions of practitioners and policymakers. We developa comprehensive framework describing what stakeholders are ...
    • Du er ikke alene: Psykodrama kan hjelpe overgangen til høyere utdanning 

      Onarheim, Benedicte Astor; Lofquist, Eric (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Overgangen til studier i høyere utdanning, enten som ung eller voksen student, kan oppleves stressende og vanskelig og i verste fall medføre emosjonelle problemer og avslutning av studiet. Nye undersøkelser viser at mer ...
    • Dual Argument, Double Truth: On the Continued Importance of the State in Neoliberal Thought. 

      Innset, Ola (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      It has been established that the neoliberal creed arising in the interwar and early postwar years, despite its strong rejection of economic planning, also entailed a rejection of laissez-faire liberalism. This article ...
    • Dubrowka - a free-standing company from a Norwegian family-network capitalism 

      Christensen, Sverre August (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The first globalisation, in the decades around 1900, was propelled by free-standing companies. This article discusses the establishment of a Norwegian free-standing company in Russia in 1910. It was the culmination of an ...