• Narcissism and creativity 

      Martinsen, Øyvind L.; Arnulf, Jan Ketil; Furnham, Adrian; Lang-Ree, Ole Christian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      In this study, we investigated the relationship between narcissism, creative personality traits, ideational fluency, and accomplishments in various creative activities. We measured narcissism with the Narcissistic Personality ...
    • A Narrative Approach to Corporate Relations: The Historical Background on Telenor’s Success 

      Christensen, Sverre August (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      This article examines the development of buyer-supplier relations in the telecom sector. The literature on telecoms in Scandinavia has been dominated by the narrative praising the trusting and collaborative relations between ...
    • Narrative Monetary Policy Surprises and the Media 

      Thorsrud, Leif Anders; Larsen, Vegard Høghaug; ter Ellen, Saskia (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      This paper should not be reported as representing the views of Norges Bank. The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Norges Bank. Helene Olsen provided valuable research assistance, ...
    • The National Authority in Norway is No Serious Economic Crime Office Anymore? An Empirical Study of Press Releases 

      Gottschalk, Petter (Journal article, 2023)
      One reason many nations have centralized policing functions is to manage knowledge that can take on and solve the most complex criminal investigations and prosecutions in the country. Somewhat similar to the Serious Fraud ...
    • National culture and economic performance: a cross-cultural study of culture’s impact on economic performance across the 27 member countries of the European Union 

      Grenness, Tor (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      This paper examines the impact of national culture on variations in economic performance among the European Union countries. In order to explain differences in economic performance we have used two data sets: The scores ...
    • National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic 

      Van Bavel, Jay J.; Cichocka, Aleksandra; Capraro, V; Sjåstad, Hallgeir; Nezlek, J. B.; Pavlovic, T; Alfano, Mark; Gelfand, M.J.; Azevedo, F.; Birtel, M.D.; Cislak, A.; Lockwood, P.L.; Ross, R.M.; Abts, K.; Agadullina, E.; Aruta, J.J.B.; Besharati, S.N.; Bor, A.; Choma, B.L.; Crabtree, C.D.; Cunningham, W.A.; De, K.; Ejaz, W.; Elbæk, C.T.; Findor, A.; Flichtenrei, Daniel; Franc, R.; Gjoneska, B.; Gruber, J.; Gualda, E.; Horiuchi, Y.; Huynh, T.L.D.; Ibanez, A.; Imran, M.A.; Israelashvili, Jacob; Jasko, K.; Kantorowicz, J.; Kantorowicz-Reznichenko, E.; Krouwel, André; Laakasuo, M.; Lamm, C.; Leygue, C.; Lin, Ming-Jen; Mansoor, M.S.; Marie, Antoine; Mayiwar, L.; Mazepus, H.; Mc-Hugh, C.; Minda, J.P.; Mitkidis, P.; Olsson, Andreas; Otterbring, Anders Emil Tobias; Packer, D.J.; Perry, A.; Petersen, M.B.; Puthillam, Arathy; Riano-Moreno, J.C.; Rothmund, T.; Santamaria-Garcia, H.; Schmid, P.C.; Stoyanov, D.; Tewari, S.; Todosijevic, B.; Tsakiris, Manos; Tung, H.H.; Umbres, R.G.; Vanags, E.; Vlasceanu, Madalina; Vonasch, Andrew; Yucel, Meltem; Zhang, Y.; Abad, Mohcine; Adler, Eli; Akrawi, Narin; Alaoui Mdarhri, H; Amara, Hanane; Amodio, D.M.; Antazo, B.G.; Apps, Matthew; Ay, F.C.; Ba, M.H.; Barbosa, Sergio; Bastian, Brock; Berg, Anton; Bernal-Zarate, M.P.; Bernstein, Michael; Bialek, Michal; Bilancini, Ennio; Bogatyreva, Natalia; Boncinelli, Leonardo; Booth, J.E.; Borau, Sylvie; Buchel, Ondrej; Cameron, C.D.; Carvalho, C.F.; Celadin, Tatiana; Cerami, Chiara; Chalise, H.N.; Cheng, Xiaojun; Cian, Luca; Cockcroft, Kate; Conway, Jane; Cordoba-Delgado, M.A.; Crespi, Chiara; Crouzevialle, Marie; Cutler, Jo; Cypryanska, M; Dabrowska, Justyna; Daniels, M.A.; Davis, V.H.; Dayley, P.N.; Delouvee, Sylvain; Denkovski, Ognjan; Dezecache, Guillaume; Dhaliwal, N.A.; Diato, A.B.; Di Paolo, Roberto; Drosinou, Marianna; Dulleck, Uwe; Ekmanis, Jānis; Ertan, A.S.; Etienne, Tom W.; Farhana, H.H.; Farkhari, Fahima; Farmer, Harry; Fenwick, Ali; Fidanovski, Kristijan; Flew, Terry; Fraser, Shona; Frempong, R.B.; Fugelsang, J.A.; Gale, Jessica; Garcia-Navarro, E.B.; Garladinne, Prasad; Ghajjou, Oussama; Gkinopoulos, Theofilos; Gray, Kurt; Griffin, Siobhán M.; Gronfeldt, Bjarki; Gümren, Mert; Gurung, Ranju Lama; Halperin, Eran; Harris, Elizabeth; Herzon, Volo; Hruška, Matej; Huang, Guanxiong; Hudecek, Matthias F. C.; Isler, Ozan; Jangard, Simon; Jørgensen, Frederik J.; Kachanoff, Frank; Kahn, John; Katuwal Dangol, A; Keudel, Oleksandra; Koppel, Lina; Koverola, Mika; Kubin, Emily; Kunnari, Anton; Kutiyski, Yordan; Laguna, Oscar; Leota, Josh; Lermer, Eva; Levy, Jonathan; Levy, Neil; Li, Chunyun; Long, Elizabeth U.; Longoni, Chiara; Maglic, M; McCashin, Darragh; Metcalf, Alexander L.; Miklousic, I; Mimouni, S; Miura, Asako; Molina-Paredes, Juliana; Monroy-Fonseca, César; Morales-Marente, Elena; Moreau, David; Muda, Rafał; Myer, Annalisa; Nash, Kyle; Nesh-Nash, Tarik; Nitschke, Jonas P.; Nurse, Matthew S.; Ohtsubo, Y.; Oldemburgo de Mello, Victoria; O'Madagain, C; Onderco, Michal; Palacios-Galvez, M. Soledad; Palomakki, J; Pan, Yafeng; Papp, Zsófia; Pärnamets, Philip; Paruzel-Czachura, Mariola; Pavlovic, Zoran; Payán-Gómez, César; Perander, Silva; Pitman, Michael Mark; Prasad, Rajib; Pyrkosz-Pacyna, Joanna; Rathje, Steve; Raza, Ali; Rêgo, Gabriel G.; Rhee, Kasey; Robertson, Claire E.; Rodríguez-Pascual, Iván; Saikkonen, Teemu; Salvador-Ginez, Octavio; Sampaio, Waldir M.; Santi, Gaia C.; Santiago-Tovar, Natalia; Savage, David; Scheffer, Julian A.; Schönegger, Philipp; Schultner, David T.; Schutte, Enid M.; Scott, Andy; Sharma, Madhavi; Sharma, Pujan; Skali, Ahmed; Stadelmann, David; Stafford, Clara Alexandra; Stanojevic, D; Stefaniak, Anna; Sternisko, Anni; Stoica, Augustin; Stoyanova, Kristina K.; Strickland, Brent; Sundvall, Jukka; Thomas, Jeffrey P.; Tinghög, Gustav; Torgler, Benno; Traast, Iris J.; Tucciarelli, Raffaele; Tyrala, Michael; Ungson, Nick D.; Uysal, Mete S.; Van Lange, Paul A. M.; van Prooijen, W; van Rooy, Dirk; Västfjäll, Daniel; Verkoeijen, Peter; Vieira, Joana B.; von Sikorski, Christian; Walker, Alexander Cameron; Watermeyer, Jennifer; Wetter, Erik; Whillans, Ashley; Willardt, Robin; Wohl, Michael J. A.; Wójcik, Adrian Dominik; Wu, Kaidi; Yamada, Yuki; Yilmaz, Onurcan; Yogeeswaran, Kumar; Ziemer, Carolin-Theresa; Zwaan, Rolf A.; Boggio, Paulo S. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Changing collective behaviour and supporting non-pharmaceutical interventions is an important component in mitigating virus transmission during a pandemic. In a large international collaboration (Study 1, N = 49,968 across ...
    • Natural resources and economic growth: comparing nineteenth century Scandinavia and twentieth century Southeast Asia 

      Bruno, Lars Christian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      This paper aims to bridge part of the gap that exists between the resource curse literature and economic historical research on natural resources by analysing four resource-abundant countries. The study proposes that at ...
    • Nature exposure and positive body image: (Re-)examining the mediating roles of connectedness to nature and trait mindfulness 

      Swami, Viren; Barron, David; Todd, Jennifer; Horne, George; Furnham, Adrian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Previous studies have reported a significant association between nature exposure and positive body image, but understandings of the mechanisms that help to explain this link remain nascent. Here, we considered the extent ...
    • The Nature of Positive Body Image: Examining Associations Between Nature Exposure, Self-Compassion, Functionality Appreciation, and Body Appreciation 

      Swami, Viren; Barron, David; Hari, Ranjeev; Grover, Simmy; Smith, Lee; Furnham, Adrian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Previous studies have shown that exposure to natural environments is associated with positive body image, but mechanistic pathways are not fully understood. Here, we tested one possible pathway, namely with self-compassion ...
    • Navigating MNE control and coordination: A critical review and directions for future research 

      Zeng, Rong (Ratchel); Grøgaard, Birgitte; Björkman, Ingmar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Control and coordination efforts are at the heart of MNE functioning. Yet, our review reveals that the literature on MNE control and coordination lacks conceptual clarity, which may hamper the development of the field. In ...
    • Når "vennene" lurer deg 

      Biong, Harald; Wathne, Kenneth H. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)
      Nyhetsmediene rapporterer stadig saker der både organisasjons- og privatkunder føler seg lurt av svikefulle selgere ved kjøp av finansprodukter. Felles for flere av sakene er at det står velrenommerte finansinstitusjoner ...
    • Når subjektivitet og saklighet møtes: sluttinnlegg 

      Bech-Karlsen, Jo (Journal article, 2014)
      Den nye dokumentarlitteraturen nøyer seg ikke med å dokumentere, men vil også markere seg som en særegen form for litteratur. Den kjennetegnes av at subjektivitet og saklighet møtes og skaper en ny form for skrivekunst. ...
    • Negative and positive effects of social capital on co-located firms’ withholding efforts 

      Silkoset, Ragnhild (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Purpose – This study aims to demonstrate that the investments in social capital do not always pay off. Although an important function of social capital is its potential for influencing co-located companies' opportunistic ...
    • Negative and Positive Synergies: On Employee Development Practices, Motivational Climate, and Employee Outcomes 

      Nerstad, Christina G. L.; Dysvik, Anders; Kuvaas, Bård; Buch, Robert (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      While previous studies have increased our knowledge of how employees’ perceptions of devel-opment practices influence employee outcomes, the role of potential contingencies in this rela-tionship remains relatively unexplored. ...
    • The negative impact of individual perceived isolation in distributed teams and its possible remedies 

      Wong, Sut I; Berntzen, Marthe; Warner-Søderholm, Gillian; Giessner, Steffen Robert (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Previous research on distributed teams indicates that physical distance between team members is problematic for team functioning. We advance this research by investigating the role of team members' psychological experiences ...
    • Negative nominal interest rates and the bank lending channel 

      Eggertsson, Gauti; Summers, Lawrence H.; Juelsrud, Ragnar Enger; Wold, Ella Getz (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      We investigate the bank lending channel of negative nominal policy rates from an empirical and theoretical perspective. For the empirical results we rely on Swedish data, including daily banklevel lending rates. We find ...
    • Negative organizational dynamics as enabler of white-collar crime 

      Gottschalk, Petter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Policing white-collar crime continues to be a critical issue for law enforcement all over the world. Organizational dynamics is an interesting perspective on white-collar crime. Organizational dynamics can cause a downward ...
    • Network Change as a Battle of Ideas? Analysing the Interplay Between Idea Structures and Activated Structures 

      Abrahamsen, Morten H.; Henneberg, Stephan C.; Huemer, Lars; Naudé, Peter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      How should a network be organised? In what direction should it change? In networks actors have distinct network positions which are defined by their connected relationships. If an actor wants to change this network position ...
    • Network Governance for Interorganizational Temporary Organizations: A Systematic Literature Review and Research Agenda 

      Wang, Linzhuo; Müller, Ralf Josef; Zhu, Fangwei (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Governance of interorganizational networks for joint project execution has become a popular research theme in recent years. However, little is known about how the knowledge in this field is structured and how to further ...