Browsing Master of Science by Title
Now showing items 105-124 of 1822
B2C Disengagement on social media
(Master thesis, 2023)Social media has become a present part of modern life, connecting billions of people worldwide. Moreover, platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn have become crucial for businesses to reach and engage with consumers, ... -
The Bachman Belson Dilemma How corporate and traditional accelerators impact startup trajectory through funding
(Master thesis, 2020)This paper tackles differences between startup accelerators that has previously been left unattended in research: How do corporate and traditional accelerators differ in the way they affect a startup’s trajectory in terms ... -
Back to Basis: Recent Evidence on Arbitrage Strategies and Interest Rate Derivatives
(Master thesis, 2019)We examine near-arbitrage strategies in the market for interest rate derivatives. Using futures and forward rate agreements, we construct replication portfolios that match cash flows of vanilla interest rate swaps. ... -
Back to the future - a meta-analysis of biases in innovation prediction
(Master thesis, 2017)The contribution of this paper is to review predictions of the adoption and diffusion of smart home technology, and investigate whether, and how researcher bias might influence such predictions. The background for the ... -
Bad Guys, Bad Brands? How product placement on cool movie antagonists alters brand recall, purchase intention and brand perception
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis addresses a gap in the product placement literature by addressing the effects of placing products on movie antagonists. The research explores if different characteristics of these antagonists will alter the ... -
Balance in Social and Economic LMX Relationships and its Relation to Work Performance - Relational Schemas as Moderator
(Master thesis, 2020)The aim of this study is to examine the link between social leader-member exchange (SLMX) balance, economic leader-member exchange (ELMX balance), and work performance. It also examines whether followers’ expressive and ... -
Balancing Efficiency and Co-Creation in Networks: A Case Study of Ruter
(Master thesis, 2018)This thesis aims to explore how efficient coordination and co-creation for innovation can be combined in a business network. To study this, we build on literature about networks and knowledge sharing, to provide insight ... -
The balancing of leadership between project managers and team members in the consulting industry: The role of empowerment and social-normative motivation to lead.
(Master thesis, 2022)This master thesis examines the nature of the relationship between a vertical leader’s empowerment of a team member and the empowered team member’s social-normative motivation to lead (SN-MTL) in project teams within ... -
Balancing Profitability and CSR: Industry Perspectives on Digitalization of Financial Advisory
(Master thesis, 2023)The study explores how digitalization of financial advisory affects the financial institutions' ability to perform CSR activities in savings and investment. The qualitative study applies a cross-sectional design by ... -
Banking regulation - A study of its effectiveness in reducing risk in European banks
(Master thesis, 2019)We gathered a dataset of 24 European banks from 10 different countries in order to test the effectiveness of European banking regulation through a fixed effects panel regression. Our results suggest that increased capital ... -
Basel III
(Master thesis, 2013-02-05)For at vi skal kunne ha en stabil og velfungerende økonomi er det viktig med finansiell stabilitet i banksektoren, ikke bare nasjonalt, men også på et internasjonalt nivå. Da vi opplevde den kraftige finanskrisen i 2007 ... -
Becoming Mainstream: What Makes You a Digital Nomad?
(Master thesis, 2023)In this fast-paced era, digital nomadism articles dominate social networking platforms, capturing the attention of individuals seeking an alternative to their mundane 9-to-5 lifestyles. While academic studies have explored ... -
Begrensning av revisors erstatningsansvar
(Master thesis, 2016)I denne oppgaven har jeg belyst temaet begrensning av revisors erstatningsansvar. I de siste årene har mange diskusjoner om begrensning av revisors erstatningsansvar dukket opp. Den 5. juni 2008 utstedte Europakommisjonen ... -
The Behavioural Implications of Passive Robo-Advising on Personal Savings - Evidence from Kron AS
(Master thesis, 2020)The political shift and technological development since the 2008 financial crisis have shaped a new era, taking financial wealth management to robo-advisory (RA). This thesis studies the behavioural implications of a ... -
BEPS-rapportens påvirkning på internprissettingen av immaterielle eiendeler
(Master thesis, 2016)I denne avhandlingen tar vi for oss temaet internprising av immaterielle eiendeler. Det ble i oktober 2015 utformet en rapport med tiltak mot Base Erosion and Profit Shifting av OECD. Bakgrunnen for disse endringene var ... -
Beskatning av multinasjonale og nasjonale konsern i Norge
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg beskatning av nasjonale og multinasjonale konsern i Norge. Bakgrunnen for avhandlingen er det nye internasjonale rammeverket, pilar 2, og er utarbeidet av OECD. Norges implementering av ... -
The Best Position To Be In – A Study on the Impact of Club Quality, League Quality, and Playing Position on a Soccer Player’s Post-Transfer Performance
(Master thesis, 2021)Today, more and more companies are struggling to develop internal talent at the same speed that the world changes. Therefore, it has become a common practice to search for high-performing talents on the external market. ... -
Beta Anomalies in Scandinavian Financial Markets
(Master thesis, 2022)In our master thesis, we build upon the works of Pedersen and Frazzini to study the beta anomaly. We first replicate their method for constructing the BAB factors in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. Then we adjust our ... -
Between a rock and a hard place : A national representative survey study of Norwegian middle managers
(Master thesis, 2022)Denne studien undersøker omfanget av mellomlederes opplevelse av rollestress og faktorene knyttet til denne typen jobbstress. Forskningsmålet for studien er delt i to deler. Den første delen utforsker hvor utbredt rollestress ... -
Beyond Budgeting in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: A Comparative Multi-Case Study of Equinor, Entra, Hurtigruten, and Tussa
(Master thesis, 2021)Purpose - The Master thesis aims to understand how Beyond Budgeting (BB) as a Management Control System (MCS) has been designed and used in companies of different sizes. Research design - We apply an interview-based, ...