Browsing Master of Science by Title
Now showing items 908-927 of 1800
Internal Employer Branding: A quantitative study investigating the relationship between internal employer branding and retention from an HRM perspective.
(Master thesis, 2023)The purpose of the present study was to explore the quality of relationship between perceived internal employer brandings’ employee value propositions (EVP), affective organizational commitment and turnover intention, in ... -
Internasjonalisering av norsk regnskapsregulering
(Master thesis, 2016)I denne oppgaven har vi sett på Regnskapslovutvalget 2014 sitt forslag til ny regnskapslov, som følger av første delutredning NOU 2015: 10 Lov om regnskapsplikt. Forslaget innebærer en internasjonalisering av norsk ... -
International Bond Return Predictability
(Master thesis, 2021)We study time-varying risk premia across international bond- and equity markets by running predictive regressions of excess returns. We nd that the single factor of Cochrane and Piazzesi (2005) and global factor of ... -
International portfolio diversification : commodities
(Master thesis, 2013-02-13)We study whether Norwegian Investors should include commodities in their portfolios. Firstly, we discuss the correlation and dispersion between commodities and international equity markets, in addition to possible time ... -
International portfolio diversification through ETFs
(Master thesis, 2017)This thesis investigates whether the difference in correlation between the US market and a country ETF or its underlying index is due to asynchronous returns or US transitory effects. We study the performance and ... -
International Portfolio Diversification through ETFs.
(Master thesis, 2019)We examine whether for a US investor, investing in 15 country equity index ETFs traded on US exchange yields the same international diversification benefits as direct investments in these countries’ equity markets. We ... -
Internet IPOs & the DotCom Bubble: Determinants of Post- Issue Performance
(Master thesis, 2020)This paper investigates the short-term and long-term performance of initial public offerings (IPO) within the internet industry using a sample of 596 and 572 US listings from 1996 until 2016, respectively. Internet ... -
Internprising - Kostnadseffekten for norske skattytere som følge av endringene i OECDs retningslinjer etter BEPS-prosjektet
(Master thesis, 2018)På toppmøtet i Mexico i 2012 forespurte G20 landene OECD om de kunne komme med en utredning angående BEPS. OECD tok dette til seg, og det var starten på BEPS-prosjektet. 2013 kom rapporten ved navn «Adressing base erosion ... -
Internprising : fungerer dagens internprisingsregler etter sin hensikt eller bør det iverksettes tiltak eller endringer for å bedre dagens situasjon
(Master thesis, 2014-02-10)I denne oppgaven vil det bli satt fokus på dagens internprisingsregler og hvorvidt de fungerer etter sin hensikt. Videre tar oppgaven for seg i hvilken grad alternative tiltak eller endringer bør iverksettes for å bedre ... -
Internprising av immaterielle eiendeler
(Master thesis, 2017)Denne masteroppgaven drøfter hvordan de nye BEPS-retningslinjene til OECD vil påvirke internprising av immaterielle eiendeler. Armlengdeprinsippet er det sentrale begrepet innenfor internprising, og er nedfelt både i ... -
Internprising ved restrukturering av konsernintern forretningsvirksomhet «under hvilke omstendigheter krever armlengdeprinsippet at det ytes vederlag ved konsernintern omfordeling av eiendeler, funksjoner og/eller risiko, og potensiell påfølgende allokering av fortjenestepotensial som følge av endringene?»
(Master thesis, 2023)I vår avsluttende oppgave på Handelshøyskolen BI har vi valgt å granske de internprisingsspørsmål som kan oppstå når et multinasjonalt konsern velger å foreta restruktureringer innenfor samme interessefellesskap, jf. ... -
The Internship Equation: Balancing Expectations and Experiences in Work Integrated Learning
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis explores host organizations’ facilitation of student internships, aiming to guide host organizations in designing meaningful internships while mitigating common pitfalls. Through a comprehensive analysis combining ... -
Interoperable and Silo clearing: How do clearing setups affect collateral requirements and systemic risk?
(Master thesis, 2024)Clearing plays a crucial role in the post trade processing of cash equities trading. It not only ensures the timely and accurate settlement of securities but also serves as a risk mitigation tool for market participants. ... -
Interpersonal Mistreatment in the Workplace: The Experience of Envy and Incivility Related to Turnover Intention
(Master thesis, 2019)Workplace incivility violates the norms of mutual respect between employees. Milder forms of aggression are common in business, despite their negative interpersonal effects and impact on organizations as a whole. Even ... -
The Interplay Between Structural and Cultural Barriers to Knowledge Sharing in Project-Based Organizations : A Single Case Study from the Norwegian Construction Industry
(Master thesis, 2022)The learning paradox, that is frequently associated with project-based organizations, is commonly linked to both structural and cultural barriers to knowledge sharing. While a significant amount of research has been ... -
The Interplay of Brand Associations in Market Transitions: An Examination of Non-FMCG Brands in the FMCG Landscape
(Master thesis, 2023)This thesis aimed to examine a research gap within brand extensions to uncover the impact of luxury value dimensions, presented as associations, on consumer attitudes towards brand extensions from outside and into the ... -
Intrapreneurial Behaviour at BI Norwegian Business School : A Qualitative Study on the Success of BI2020 Pilot Program
(Master thesis, 2019)The purpose of this research study was to investigate and shed light on intrapreneurial behaviour at BI Norwegian Business School. This thesis examines in what ways the participants of the BI2020 pilot program experienced ... -
Introducing Subjective Logic in Portfolio Management
(Master thesis, 2022)In this research, we attempt to open a new window in finance by presenting and using the subjective logic. Recently, subjective logic, introduced by Prof. Audun Jøsang in UiO, is presented successfully in different fields ... -
Investigating attitudinal and behavioral employee responses towards digitalization through the lens of Theory of Planned Behavior: A qualitative approach
(Master thesis, 2018)In response to the digital transformation now taking place in many organizations, this thesis aims to shed light on the need for research to direct more focus toward the employee experience related to digital change in ... -
Investigating employees’ participation in the digitalisation of the audit profession in light of individual unlearning: a qualitative approach
(Master thesis, 2019)The continuous development and advances in technology makes organisational change a reality most organisations must face. This thesis explores employee participation in digitalisation. In particular, a form of passive ...