Browsing Master of Science by Title
Now showing items 1172-1191 of 1622
Revisjonsplikt i et lite marked; Vestfold
(Master thesis, 2012-05-15)17.12.2010blerevisjonspliktenendret.ForsmåASmedomsetningunderMNOK5,balansesumunderMNOK20oggjennomsnittligantallansatteunder10årsverkblerevisjonspliktenfrivilligfraogmedregnskapsåret2011.Deterallikeveleraktivtbortvalg,sås ... -
Revisors fratreden
(Master thesis, 2018)Sammendrag Etter at EY valgte å trekke seg som Norske Skogs revisor i 2017, ble vår interesse for revisors fratreden vekket. Revisors fratreden er et tema det er gjort få norske studier på, men det finnes en del utenlandske ... -
Revisors rapporteringsplikt etter hvitvaskingsloven
(Master thesis, 2014-02-19)Bakgrunn og problemstilling: Temaet økonomisk kriminalitet er et dagsaktuelt og spennende tema. Hvitvasking og terrorfinansiering har fått stadig større plass i samfunnsdebatten. På bakgrunn av dette har vi valgt å se ... -
Revisors rolle ved vurderingen om fortsatt drift
(Master thesis, 2018)Formålet med denne oppgaven har vært å belyse revisors rolle ved forutsetningen om fortsatt drift og selskapets forsvarlige egenkapital. Problemstillingen for oppgaven er følgende: Hvilken rolle har revisor i forbindelse ... -
Revitalization Through the Use of Art? A Comparative Study of Collaborative Strategies for Enhanced Luxury Brand Image
(Master thesis, 2021)Luxury brand managers should obtain knowledge and understanding on the impact of collaborative strategies as one accommodates revitalization as a critical phase in a brands’ life cycle. Within the concept of luxury, an ... -
The Rise of Social Expectations in Sports: How the Notion of Fairness Can Affect Sports Sponsorships
(Master thesis, 2021)Sports sponsorship is a worldwide acknowledged concept for brands to obtain customer-based brand equity. Thus, a marketing activity with highly lucrative potential, exposing the brand to a wide audience and making it ... -
Risk and rationality in occupational pensions : defined-benefit vs. defind-contribution from a corporate standpoint
(Master thesis, 2013-02-11)In Norway, pensions are conceived to be a right, and perhaps not an earned benefit. Changes in the demographic structure in the Norwegian population have produced a need for pension accumulation outside the public scope. ... -
Risk and return characteristics of the swap spread arbitrage strategy
(Master thesis, 2019)We conduct a study on the risk and return characteristics of the swap spread arbitrage strategy. Specifically, we investigate the two-year, three-year, five-year, seven-year, ten-year, and an equally-weighted swap spread ... -
The Risk and Return Characteristics of the U.S. Treasury Basis Trade
(Master thesis, 2023)We conduct an analysis of the risk and return characteristics of the U.S. Treasury basis trade by regressing the strategy returns of the 2-year, 5-year and 10-year futures contracts on a variety of bond and equity market ... -
Risk and return of the merger arbitrage strategy in the European market
(Master thesis, 2022)In this thesis we have created a European merger arbitrage index consisting of 786 cash, stock, and combination deals from 2000 to 2022. Three portfolios have been created; equaly-weighted, value-weighted, and a practitioner ... -
Risk Factors in the Norwegian Stock Market
(Master thesis, 2018)This study investigates which risk factors are priced in the Norwegian stock market and which asset pricing model is superior among the CAPM, the Fama- French three-factor and five-factor model and a macroeconomic model. ... -
Risk management of carry trade with options
(Master thesis, 2013-02-12)his paper examines currency carry trades as well as an extension to the strategy by embracing options for risk management. Due to severe losses by Norwegian investors due to exchange rate movements during the financial ... -
Risk modelling and Optimization of Hedging Strategy for a Norwegian Hydropower Producer
(Master thesis, 2022)Presented in collaboration with Hafslund Eco, this thesis examines the process of decision making for a Norwegian hydropower producer over the medium term. As part of this process, risk modelling and optimization of the ... -
Risk Premium in Norwegian Covered Bonds
(Master thesis, 2018)In this thesis we study the determinants of risk premium in Norwegian covered bonds. Due to di erences in data quality and bond characteristics we study the market for EUR and NOK denominated bonds issued by Norwegian ... -
Risk-return relationship of the renewable energy industry
(Master thesis, 2017)This paper examines the risk-return relationship of the renewable energy industry by estimating the systematic risk and its determining factors. Using a variable beta model, we find that the systematic risk has decreased ... -
Risky Business: Assessing Personality Through LinkedIn
(Master thesis, 2018)LinkedIn is a widely popular professional networking site across the world, and represents an increasingly used tool in the recruitment process. The platform contains valuable information about potential candidates with ... -
RIV-B modellen : resultatprognoser og normalisering
(Master thesis, 2013-02-11)Vi har studert verdsettelsesmodellen residualinntekts verdsettelse (RIV). Hensikten med oppgaven er klargjøre om RIV-B modellen kan gi et mer riktig og pålitelig anslag på verdien av olje-/gass og shipping selskaper. ... -
Robust meaningmaking – paving the way towards a system understanding
(Master thesis, 2022)Given the context of a multi-actor innovation project, this case study aims to study the experience of the representative actors involved to answer our research question. The aim of the thesis was to identify how a ... -
Role conflict and turnover intention among middle managers: Testing emotional exhaustion as mediator and perceived support as moderator
(Master thesis, 2020)This study investigates the relationship of role conflict among middle managers on emotional exhaustion and turnover intention and how perceived support moderates this relationship. A sample of 115 was received, through ... -
The role of artificial intelligence in internal audit procedures
(Master thesis, 2023)This thesis examines the relationship between the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and the success of internal control over financial reporting for US-listed companies. Based on the existing theory, we see AI as an ...