Now showing items 261-280 of 342

    • R&D and productivity: A firm level investigation of the Norwegian manufacturing industry 

      Moen, Martin Styrmoe; Burchardt, Stine Marguerite (CREAM Publications;6/2010, Working paper, 2010)
      For centuries researchers have grappled with the question: What drives technological progress which in turn powers the all important aggregated growth of the economy? We argue that this question is interesting because it ...
    • Recommendations for the Sharing Economy: (Re-)Balancing Power 

      Newlands, Gemma Elisabeth Marjorie; Lutz, Christoph; Fieseler, Christian (Research report, 2018)
      This report, ‘Recommendations for the Sharing Economy: (Re-)Balancing Power’, forms one element of a European Union Horizon 2020 Research Project on the sharing economy: Ps2Share ‘Participation, Privacy, and Power in the ...
    • Regulating for competition and security: The European energy sector 

      Sitter, Nick (CEAS Reports;7/2011, Working paper, 2011)
      The present paper explores the changing priorities in EU energy policy, its effects on the European energy market and the robustness of the regulatory toolbox available to the EU and its member states.
    • Regulering av fjernvarme 

      Dalen, Dag Morten; Moen, Espen R.; Riis, Christian (CREAM Publications;3/2010, Working paper, 2010)
      I denne rapporten vurderer vi reguleringer av fjernvarmesektoren i Norge. Utgangspunktet for analysen er hensynet til en samfunnsøkonomisk effektiv energiforsyning. Prinsippene for effektive investeringer i energiinfra ...
    • Reisebrev fra Amerika 

      Isachsen, Arne Jon (CME Working paper series;5/2003, Working paper, 2003)
    • Reisebrev fra Belgia 

      Isachsen, Arne Jon (CME Working paper series;3/2004, Working paper, 2004)
    • Residential investment and recession predictability 

      Aastveit, Knut Are; Anundsen, Andr K.; Herstad, Eyo I. (CAMP Working Paper Series;8, Working paper, 2017-12)
      We assess the importance of residential investment in predicting economic recessions for an unbalanced panel of 12 OECD countries over the period 1960Q1–2014Q4. Our approach is to estimate various probit models with di↵erent ...
    • Residential investment and recession predictability 

      Aastveit, Knut Are; Anundsen, Andre K.; Herstad, Eyo I. (CAMP Working Paper Series;8, Working paper, 2017-12)
      We assess the importance of residential investment in predicting economic recessions for an unbalanced panel of 12 OECD countries over the period 1960Q1–2014Q4. Our approach is to estimate various probit models with di↵erent ...
    • Resolving international financial crisis 

      Haldane, Andrew G. (CME Working paper series;4/2002, Working paper, 2002)
    • Ringvirkninger: Norsk økonomi og olje 

      Bjørnland, Hilde C.; Thorsrud, Leif Anders (CME Working Papers;7/2013, Working paper, 2013)
      Norsk økonomi går godt. En viktig grunn til dette er petroleumsnæringens bidrag til økt produktivitet i resten av økonomien. Men flere varsellamper blinker. Den senere tid har produktivitetsveksten vært avtagende. Høyere ...
    • Risk management with cash and insurance in non-listed firms 

      Ehling, Paul (CCGR Working Paper, Working paper, 2008)
      I study corporate risk management with property insurance in non-listed small and medium sized rms. I document negative relations between various ownership measures CEO salary, ownership concentration and aggregate female ...
    • Risky news and credit market sentiment 

      Labonne, Paul; Thorsrud, Leif Anders (CAMP Working Paper Series;14/2023, Working paper, 2023-12-14)
      The nonlinear nexus between financial conditions indicators and the conditional distribution of GDP growth has recently been challenged. We show how one can use textual economic news combined with a shallow Neural Network ...
    • The Role of Precautionary and Speculative Demand in the Global Market for Crude Oil 

      Cross, Jamie L.; Nguyen, Bao H.; Tran, Trung Duc (CAMP Working Paper Series;06/2021, Working paper, 2021-11-01)
      Contemporary structural models of the global market for crude oil jointly specify precautionary and speculative demand as a composite shock, known as storage demand shocks, due to difficulties in identifying these distinct ...
    • Samfunnsøkonomiske virkninger av fergefri E-39 Stavanger-Bergen 

      Reiel-Heggedal, Tom; Moen, Espen R.; Riis, Christian (CREAM Publications;2/2014, Working paper, 2014)
      Rapporten drøfter og beregner de samfunnsøkonomiske virkningene av en fergefri veiforbindelse E-39 fra Stavanger til Bergen. Det er to strekninger med to nye forbindelsespunkter som blir gjenstand for analyse. Den første ...
    • Samspillet mellom pengepolitikken og finanspolitikken ved et inflasjonsmål 

      Steigum, Erling (CME Working paper series;7/2000, Working paper, 2000)
      Denne artikkelen er hentet fra "Perspektiver på pengepolitikken", redigert av Jan Fredrik Qvigstad og Øistein Røisland, utgitt av Gyldendal Akademisk 2000.
    • Saving after Retirement and Preferences for Residual Wealth 

      Fella, Giulio; Holm, Martin B.; Pugh, Thomas M. (HOFIMAR Working Paper Series;1/2024, Working paper, 2024-05)
      We use administrative data for Norway to estimate an incomplete-market life-cycle model of retired singles and couples with a bequest motive, health-dependent utility, and uncertain longevity and health. We allow the ...
    • Scener fra en finanskrise 

      Isachsen, Arne Jon (Working Paper Series;7/2009, Working paper, 2009)
      Industri – eller mer generelt virksomhet i internasjonal konkurranse – er med på å gi norsk næringsliv for øvrig og norsk offentlig forvaltning noe å måle seg opp mot. En mal for effektiv ressursutnyttelse. Om denne ...
    • Sectorial interdependence and business cycle synchronization in small open economies 

      Bergholt, Drago; Sveen, Tommy (CAMP Working Paper Series;2/2014, Working paper, 2014)
      Existing DSGE models are not able to reproduce the observed influence of international business cycles on small open economies. We construct a two-sector New Keynesian model to address this puzzle. The set-up takes into ...
    • Seks artikler om økonomisk vekst, renter og valuta 

      Isachsen, Arne Jon; Leitemo, Kai (CME Working paper series;2/2004, Working paper, 2004)