BI Research Centre's Series
BI has established several research centres. Some of them publish their reports/working papers (pdf) in publication series.
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Centre for Applied Macro- and Petroleum economics (CAMP) [136]
Working Papers from Centre for Applied Macro- and Petroleum economics (CAMP) -
Centre for Corporate Governance Research (CCGR) [20]
Research reports and working papers from CCGR -
Centre for Research in Economics and Management (CREAM) [18]
Publications from Centre for Research in Economics and Management -
Nordic Centre for Internet and Society (NCIS) [7]
Working papers and research reports from NCIS
Nye registreringer
Earnings dynamics and top-earnings inequality
(HOFIMAR Working Paper Series;01/2025, Working paper, 2025-02)We introduce a simple generalization of the canonical permanent-transitory earnings process, a square-root process. The square-root process generates a Pareto tail in earnings and is able to match the dynamics of top-earnings ... -
Flexible Negative Binomial Mixtures for Credible Mode Inference in Heterogeneous Count Data from Finance, Economics and Bioinformatics
(CAMP Working Paper Series;09/2024, Working paper, 2024-08-29)In several scientific fields, such as finance, economics and bioinformatics, important theoretical and practical issues exist involving multimodal and asymmetric count data distributions due to heterogeneity of the underlying ... -
How Do Macroaggregates and Income Distribution Interact Dynamically? A Novel Structural Mixed Autoregression with Aggregate and Functional Variables
(CAMP Working Paper Series;01/2025, Working paper, 2025-01-29)This paper investigates the interactions between macroeconomic aggregates and income distribution by developing a structural VAR model with functional variables. With this novel empirical approach, we are able to identify ... -
Forecasting oil and gas Prices: A Model Combination Approach
(CAMP Working Paper Series;08/2024, Working paper, 2024-12-31)This paper advances energy price forecasting by extending state-of-the-art econometric models for oil markets to address the distinct characteristics of fragmented natural gas markets. Using a forecast combination framework, ... -
Piecing the puzzle: Real exchange rates and long-run fundamentals
(CAMP Working Paper Series;07/2024, Working paper, 2024-12-19)This paper examines the structural determinants of real exchange rates, emphasizing the persistent low frequency movements that traditional models, such as Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) and Uncovered Interest Parity (UIP), ... -
A Constrained Dynamic Nelson-Siegel Model for Monetary Policy Analysis
(CAMP Working Paper Series;06/2024, Working paper, 2024-07-15)The Dynamic Nelson-Siegel (DNS) model implies that the instantaneous bond yield is a linear combination of yield curve’s level and slope factors. However, this constraint is not used in practice because it induces a ... -
The housing channel of intergenerational wealth persistence
(HOFIMAR Working Paper Series;6/2024, Working paper, 2024-09)We use Norwegian micro data and a life-cycle model with housing to study how wealth transmits across generations through the housing market. A mediation analysis reveals large housing gaps based on parental wealth. A ... -
Winners and Losers from Property Taxation
(HOFIMAR Working Paper Series;4/2024, Working paper, 2024-06-21)This paper studies how down-payment requirements for house purchases affect households’ saving and housing decisions, and the implications for macroeconomic policy. Using a quantitative model, we find that households not ... -
Joint Search over the Life Cycle
(HOFIMAR Working Paper Series;5, Working paper, 2024-05-09)This paper provides novel evidence that the added worker effect – labor force entry upon spousal job loss – is substantially stronger for young than old households. Using a life cycle model of two-member households in a ... -
Estimating the Elasticity of Intertemporal Substitution using Dividend Tax News Shocks
(HOFIMAR Working Paper Series;2/2024, Working paper, 2024-07)This paper studies the spending response to news about a dividend tax reform to estimate the elasticity of intertemporal substitution (EIS). The Norwegian dividend tax reform was proposed in 2003, announced in 2004, and ... -
Down-payment requirements: Implications for portfolio choice and consumption
(HOFIMAR Working Paper Series;3/2024, Working paper, 2024-05)This paper considers optimal taxation of housing capital. To this end, we employ a life-cycle model calibrated to the U.S. economy, where asset holdings and labor productivity vary across households, and tax reforms lead ... -
Saving after Retirement and Preferences for Residual Wealth
(HOFIMAR Working Paper Series;1/2024, Working paper, 2024-05)We use administrative data for Norway to estimate an incomplete-market life-cycle model of retired singles and couples with a bequest motive, health-dependent utility, and uncertain longevity and health. We allow the ... -
Unveiling inflation: Oil Shocks, Supply Chain Pressures, and Expectations
(CAMP Working Paper Series;05/2024, Working paper, 2024-07-05)This paper demonstrates that inflation expectations have acted as significant amplifiers of recent global demand and supply shocks, thereby playing a crucial role in maintaining inflation at relatively high levels. This ... -
The impact of knowledge and financial resource flows for MNE strategy: A typology of subsidiary roles
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)What are the implications of finance and knowledge flows for MNE strategy? In this perspective paper, we discuss the antecedents and implications of HQ-subsidiary financial and knowledge flows. These flows differ, as the ... -
Taylor Rules with Endogenous Regimes
(CAMP Working Paper Series;04/2024, Working paper, 2024-05-07)The Fed’s policy rule switches during the different phases of the business cycle. This finding is established using a dynamic mixture model to estimate regime-dependent Taylor-type rules on US quarterly data from 1960 to ... -
The Gender Investment Gap over the Life-Cycle
(HOFIMAR Working Paper Series;3/2023, Working paper, 2023)Single women hold less risky financial portfolios than single men. This paper analyzes the determinants of the “gender investment gap” based on a structural life-cycle framework. The model is able to rationalize the ... -
The leverage-liquidity trade-of mortgage regulation
(HOFIMAR Working Paper Series;4/2023, Working paper, 2023)We evaluate the impact of loan-to-value restrictions on household financial vulnerability. Using Norwegian tax data, we first document a beneficial leverage effect, in which households respond to the regulation by reducing ... -
How Does Monetary Policy Affect Household Indebtedness?
(HOFIMAR Working Paper Series;5/2023, Working paper, 2023)Growth in household debt-to-income ratios can be attributed to nominal debt changes or mechanical “Fisher effects” from interest income and expenses, real income growth, and inflation. With microdata covering the universe ... -
The importance of unemployment risk for individual savings
(HOFIMAR Working Paper Series;6/2023, Working paper, 2023)In this paper we use a novel natural experiment and Norwegian tax data to quantify the causal impact of unemployment risk on individual savings. We show theoretically that higher unemployment risk increases liquid savings ... -
The Finance Uncertainty Multiplier
(HOFIMAR Working Paper Series; 1/2023, Working paper, 2023)We show how real and financial frictions amplify, prolong and propagate the negative impact of uncertainty shocks. We first use a novel instrumentation strategy to address endogeneity in estimating the impact of uncertainty ...