Blar i Student papers på emneord "innovasjon"
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Business model innovation : the South African BoP canvas
(Master thesis, 2014-02-10)This Master Thesis is a contribution to the ongoing discussion in the academic world surrounding the Bottom of the Pyramid as an un-captured growth opportunity for business operations. Although the concept has increasingly ... -
Exploring the influence of entrepreneurial leadership on the context for creativity : the case of Åpent Bakeri
(Master thesis, 2014-02-12)BACKGROUND AND CASE SELECTION In the post-industrial society organisations are increasingly recognising ideas as their most valuable commodity and their employee’s creative potential as a huge resource. The creative ... -
From David to Goliath : investigating the lack of global success for Norwegian IT start-ups
(Master thesis, 2015-08-07)Norway scores very high on various parameters that contribute to the competitiveness in the Information Technology industry. However it has not produced many large global information technology firms, in particular, ... -
Hva må til for at NTB skal lykkes med å innovere sin forretningsmodell?
(Master thesis, 2022)Som følge av de store strukturelle endringene i mediebransjen har også det tradisjonsrike nyhetsbyrået NTB vært nødt til å tenke nytt omkring sin forretningsmodell. Selskapet har de seneste årene derfor satset stort på ... -
Improving service innovation in Aker Solutions – How clients’ knowledge, management and organisational structure can facilitate service innovation
(Master thesis, 2014-10-20)Services have long been perceived as non-innovative or technologically backward. It is only recently that innovation in services has attracted greater interest. However, service innovation is important for organisational ... -
Innovasjon i Oslo kommune - Bydel Grünerløkka
(Master thesis, 2023)Jeg har valgt å studere Bydel Grünerløkka som er en av 15 bydeler i Oslo kommune. Bydelen har et ønske om å arbeide med mye med innovasjon og har en egen strategi. Jeg har undersøkt hvor sterk innovasjonsevnen er og hvilke ... -
Qualifying innovation in the Hall-Soskice "Varieties of capitalism" framework : beyond incremental and radical
(Master thesis, 2014-02-19)Innovation research, interested in understanding the mechanisms behind the discovery and survival of new products and services, is a young science still feeling its way in the vast academic world. It has frequently fascinated ... -
Rettferdig markedspris og gode prosesser
(Master thesis, 2023)Formålet med denne prosjektoppgaven har vært å få innsikt i hva næringsfestekunder av Opplysningsvesenets Fond (OVF) mener er problematisk med reguleringsprosessen av festetomter. Det pågår et arbeid med digitalisering i ...