• Kledd for suksess? Kan valg av klær påvirke førsteinntrykket av hvor lederaktig man er? 

      Hagen, Morgan (Master thesis, 2017)
      I denne studien har det blitt undersøkt om valg av klær påvirker førsteinntrykket av hvor lederaktig en person blir oppfattet. Studien ble gjennomført som et felteksperiment med 210 deltagere fra infrastrukturforvalteren ...
    • Klimakostnadenes påvirkning på norsk petroleumsvirksomhet til havs 

      Morterud, Ole Eintveit; Krüger, Martin; Bratthammer, Samuel Langeland (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Denne bacheloroppgaven innen anvendt makroøkonomi undersøker karbonkostnader og deres innvirkning på norsk petroleumssektors lønnsomhet. Gjennom en omfattende analyse av karbonpriser, utslippstrender og scenarioer, presenteres ...
    • Klimaregnskap som konkurransefortrinn 

      Stoknes, Per Espen; Walderhaug, Elisa Dahl (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
      Hvordan står det egentlig til med klimaregnskapene i norske bedrifter? Artikkelen gir en kort status på dagens utbredelse og drøfter formål, metoder og praksis for klimaregnskap og klimamål med henblikk på konkurransefortrinn. ...
    • Klimarisiko i årsrapporter 

      Løberg, Frederik Christopher (Master thesis, 2023)
      I dag er det stadig mer bevissthet rundt klimaendringer og det å ha søkelys på klimarisiko og bærekraftige praksiser har blitt stadig viktigere for næringslivet. Finanssektoren, som spiller en sentral rolle i økonomien, ...
    • Klimatilpasning av vårt bygde miljø og utfordringer ved dagens kost-nytteanalyser 

      Seljom, Liselotte; Bygballe, Lena Elisabeth; Riis, Christian; Petkovic, Gordana; Berg, Hallvard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
    • KLP Banken - En liten bank i et stort konsern 

      Hauge, Marthe Bjerkelien; Aarsnes, Runar Digernes; Eikås, Hanna Monslaup (Bachelor thesis, 2018)
      Vi har i denne oppgaven samarbeidet med KLP Banken, en strategisk forretningsenhet i KLP-konsernet. Formålet med oppgaven har vært å undersøke hvordan banken jobber for å oppnå sine egne mål, og samtidig operere i ...
    • The knock-on effects of COVID-19 pandemic on the supply and availability of generic medicines in Ethiopia: mixed methods study 

      Mekonnen, Zeleke; Melaku, Tsegaye; Tucho, Gudina Terefe; Mecha, Mohammed; Årdal, Christine Oline; Jahre, Marianne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      COVID-19 pandemic posed a major impact on the availability and affordability of essential medicines. This study aimed to assess the knock-on effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the supply availability of non-communicable ...
    • Knowing in mobile organisations – trust and knowledge sharing in virtual teams 

      Filstad, Cathrine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      We investigate how trust and knowledge sharing affect collaboration in virtual teams as knowing across boundaries in a mobile organisation. It is important for collaborative work that personnel have sufficient understanding ...
    • Knowing your boundaries: Integration opportunities in international professional service firms 

      Breunig, Karl Joachim; Kvålshaugen, Ragnhild; Hydle, Katja Maria (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      This study presents three different business models (continuous, repetitious, and unique) identified in international professional service firms that pursue a transnational strategy. These business models have varying ...
    • Knowledge Based Health 

      Sasson, Amir (Forskningsrapport;4/2011, Research report, 2011)
      In this study, we assess the underlying properties of a global knowledge hub to examine the extent to which the Norwegian health industry constitutes such a hub. We begin with a general discussion of the industry before ...
    • Knowledge Based Oil and Gas Industry 

      Sasson, Amir; Blomgren, Atle (Forskningsrapport;3/2011, Research report, 2011)
      This study presents the Norwegian upstream oil and gas industry (defined as all oil and gasrelated firms located in Norway, regardless of ownership) and evaluates the industry according to the underlying dimensions of a ...
    • Knowledge donating and knowledge collecting - The moderating role of social and economic leader-member exchange 

      Dysvik, Anders; Buch, Robert; Kuvaas, Bård (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether the relationship between employees’ knowledge donating and managers’ knowledge collecting is moderated by social leader-member exchange (SLMX) and economic ...
    • Knowledge Hiding in Organizations: Meta-Analysis 10 Years Later 

      Skerlavaj, Miha; Černe, Matej; Batistič, Saša (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      A decade since the seminal paper on knowledge hiding in organizations (Connelly et al., 2012) emerged, this research area has witnessed rapid evolution, resulting in a fragmentation of the field and conceptual proliferation. ...
    • Knowledge management in criminal investigations: The case of fraud examiners 

      Gottschalk, Petter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      The activity of private investigations by fraud examiners is a business of lawyers, auditors and other professionals who investigate suspicions of financial crime by white-collar criminals. Private investigations represent ...
    • Knowledge Management Strategy in Professional Service Firms 

      Gottschalk, Petter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Knowledge management is concerned with knowledge sharing and knowledge creation inorganizations. Knowledge management activities include creation, acquisition, identification,storage, sharing and application of knowledge. ...
    • Knowledge sharing in virtual teams : investigating the impact of social interaction ties on the quality of knowledge 

      Letrud, Elise Nettelhorst (Master thesis, 2013-02-14)
      Key Words: Virtual/Distributed Teams, Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge Quality, Social Network Theory, Social Interaction Ties Context of the Study: One unique aspect of virtual teams is that they can be comprised of expert ...
    • Knowledge sources and SME internationalization 

      Ottesen, Anders Kristoffer; Thunem, Eric (Master thesis, 2017)
      Our thesis focuses on the knowledge that small and medium firms need to internationalize. Our study reviews relevant literature on internationalization and combines several theoretical lenses to take an integrated approach ...
    • Knowledge spillovers and R&D subsidies to new, emerging technologies 

      Heggedal, Tom-Reiel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Is knowledge spillover a rationale for supporting R&D on new, emerging technologies more than R&D on other technologies? In this paper, I analyze whether innovation externalities caused only by knowledge spillovers differ ...
    • Knowledge transfer in shipbuilding projects: A study of facilitating mechanisms 

      Solli-Sæther, Hans; Karlsen, Jan Terje (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      This research provides insight into the important role of experiencedsailing officers in shipbuilding projects. The aim of this exploratory case studywas to develop an understanding of mechanisms used to facilitate ...
    • Knowledge transfer in shipbuilding projects: A study of facilitating mechanisms 

      Solli-Sæther, Hans; Karlsen, Jan Terje (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      This research provides insight into the important role of experienced sailing officers in ship-building projects. The aim of this exploratory case study was to develop an understanding of mechanisms used to facilitate ...