Noise and Cognitive Flexibility: Exploring the Moderating Roles of Eastern and Western Perspectives of Mindfulness, and the Mediating Mechanisms of Arousal and Cognitive Processing
Using a between-subject experimental design, the current thesis takes an
exploratory approach in examining the effects of open-office noise on cognitive
flexibility. In attempts of gaining a holistic understanding of this relationship, we
investigated the mediating effects of arousal and cognitive processing, as well as
the moderating roles of Eastern and Western trait mindfulness. Three central
models were employed in order to see whether a) arousal and cognitive processing
would comparably mediate the relationship (parallel mediation), b) if arousal and
cognitive processing would mediate sequentially (serial mediation), and c) if
arousal and cognitive processing would behave differently with the inclusion of
Eastern or Western trait mindfulness as a moderator (moderated mediation).
Although parallel and serial mediation analyses did not reveal any significant
findings, we found a significant moderated mediation model with Western
mindfulness. Practical implications and limitations are discussed.
Masteroppgave(MSc) in Master of Science in Leadership and Organizational Psychology - Handelshøyskolen BI, 2018