Browsing Master of Science by Title
Now showing items 619-638 of 1622
Halo effect of organic food on physical effort
(Master thesis, 2017)Abstract Previous research has demonstrated that consumers frequently experience a health halo effect from “organic” claims when evaluating food products. This bias can be highly inaccurate, leading to unintended, ... -
The halo vs. horn effect: How does a green product affect the perception of the same brand's non-green product portfolio?
(Master thesis, 2020)With the increasing consumer demands of eco-friendly alternatives in the marketplace, companies have started to think green. Many well-established nongreen companies are now contemplating the launch of a green product ... -
Has Sinning Stopped Winning? A Revised Look at Sin Stock Performance and Recent Trends
(Master thesis, 2022)This thesis investigates the performance of sin stocks between 2000 and 2021. With the historically strong performance of the sector, it is interesting to observe whether investors are turning down abnormal returns as ... -
Has the Inclusion of Unlisted Real Estate Improved the Risk-Return Trade-off of the Government Pension Fund- Global?
(Master thesis, 2018)This paper examines whether the inclusion of unlisted real estate has improved the risk-return trade-off of the Norwegian Government Pension Fund - Global. Firstly, we did a regression analysis with the fund returns as ... -
Heart, Mind and Action: Investigating Resistance to Change
(Master thesis, 2016)Organizations are continually confronted with the need to implement changes in order to compete, prosper and survive. Therefore, understanding what makes a change implementation successful or not is crucial. This ... -
Hedging crude oil during shocks
(Master thesis, 2023)Crude oil is a valuable commodity that significantly impacts the global economy. Therefore, protecting against the risks associated with its price volatility is necessary. This thesis focuses on regime shift periods and ... -
Hedging electricity price risk
(Master thesis, 2023)In this thesis we analyze how effective it is to hedge electricity spot prices with futures. Using data from 2004 to the end of 2022 with the Nord Pool system price as spot and the monthly and quarterly futures from Nasdaq ... -
Hedging House Price Risk in Norway
(Master thesis, 2018)In this paper, we empirically examine the effectiveness of housing futures for homeowners in Oslo and try to answer the questions of whether housing futures should be introduced in Norway. If an individual buys a house ... -
HEDGING WITH ELECTRICITY FUTURES Hedge Performance and Market Development in the Nordic Electricity Market
(Master thesis, 2020)This Master Thesis estimates and applies three various futures hedging strategies for the spot exposures at the Nordic electricity market. We compare the variance and hedging effectiveness of the traditional naïve hedge, ... -
Hedging, exposure and rm value: A study of European and U.S. Airlines
(Master thesis, 2019)For several reasons, the airline industry is a reasonable industry to analyze the relation between corporate risk exposure, hedging policy, and rm value. We ex- plore the relationship between hedging, exposure, and rm ... -
Hierarchical levels of social and economic leader-member exchange and their relationship with knowledge sharing
(Master thesis, 2019)The aim of this master thesis is to first, explore the relationship between perceived social- and economic leader-member exchange relationships and knowledge sharing, and second, to explore if the trickle-down effect ... -
High frequency arbitrage in foreign exchange markets
(Master thesis, 2014-02-11)In this thesis we investigate the efficiency of the FX market by searching for triangular and multi-currency arbitrage opportunities from 1997 to 2007. We show that both triangular and multi-currency arbitrage opportunities ... -
High Household Debt and the Transmission of Monetary Policy: A Canadian Case Study
(Master thesis, 2021)This thesis investigates whether the transmission of monetary policy in Canada is affected by the level of household indebtedness. The answer to this has remained distinctly unclear in the literature across countries. ... -
High-level bureaucrat compensation in the United Nations
(Master thesis, 2017)This thesis studies agency problems in the United Nations and how these agency problems are characterised. Two models of agency problems are studied; career concerns, and pay-for-performance. This thesis finds that ... -
High-quality connections in retail stores
(Master thesis, 2018)Reflecting upon the gap in the literature regarding how high-quality connections between employees and customers in retail stores may look like, and how these potentially may affect organizational performance outcomes, ... -
High-quality leader-member exchange and attitudes toward change : the mediating role of mindset
(Master thesis, 2017) -
(Historical) Income inequality and social capital.
(Master thesis, 2017)This master thesis examines whether – and, if so, how – income inequality has an impact on social capital looking from a historical and present perspective. After a brief literature review and a detailed theoretical ... -
Hjemmehørendebegrepet i skatteloven : Hva vil være virkningen av endringen av skatteloven § 2-2 første ledd, med særlig vekt på unntaksbestemmelsen i tredje punktum?
(Master thesis, 2018)Denne oppgaven omhandler hjemmehørendebegrepet i skatteloven, og inneholder en analyse av Finansdepartementets forslag til endring av skatteloven § 2-2, med spesielt fokus på den foreslåtte unntaksbestemmelsen i tredje ... -
Home bias in international equity and debt holdings: A study of cross-border portfolio allocation
(Master thesis, 2018)We investigate home bias and the determinants of cross-border portfolio allocation on total, equity and debt portfolios across the 30 largest economies in the world based on GDP and economic openness. The thesis is based ...