Viser treff 61-80 av 6119

    • Towards a Practice-Theoretical View of the Situated Nature of Attention 

      Nicolini, Davide; Mengis, Jeanne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      In this paper, we examine how a practice-theoretical perspective may complement and expand the central tenet of the attention-based view (ABV) that attention is contextually situated. We put forward three main arguments. ...
    • Organizational learning from construction fatalities: Balancing juridical, ethical, and operational processes 

      van marrewijk, Alfons; van der Steen, Hans (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Construction work is associated with high risks of fatalities. Effective, deep and lasting learning from incidents is important for the safety of employees, but not well developed in the construction sector. We studied the ...
    • Fra silo til en dør inn med hjelp av høykvalitetsforbindelser 

      Henriksen, Beate; Dyrberg, Nina (Master thesis, 2023)
      Prosjekteiere Teamleder, Mestring og omsorg, Bydel Nordstrand Nestleder, Tilrettelagte tjenester og psykisk helse, Bydel Nordstrand Bakgrunn Bydel Nordstrand gikk i 2017 bort fra bestiller-utfører modell og over ...
    • Psykt bra samarbeid på tvers 

      Møller, Rebecca; Murberg, Aslaug (Master thesis, 2023)
      Dette er en prosjektoppgave skrevet i tilknytning til nasjonal lederutdanning for primærhelsetjenesten på Handelshøyskolen BI. Prosjektoppgaven skrives av to helseledere i Helse- og omsorgstjenesten i Alta kommune – en ...
    • Synlig, tydelig og retningsgivende ledelse - Styrking av vi-følelsen i virksomheten 

      Ravn, Margrethe; Lindman, Gabriella Maria Birgitta (Master thesis, 2023)
      Kategori: Helsefremmende og forebyggende tjenester Tittel: Synlig, tydelig og retningsgivende ledelse – Styrking av vi-følelsen i virksomheten Kommune: Lørenskog kommune Gruppemedlemmer: Margrethe Ravn og Gabriella ...
    • Structured shadowing as a pedagogy 

      Nicolini, Davide; Korica, Maja (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      In this article, we introduce and discuss the potential benefits of structured shadowing, a distinct pedagogy in which the action-proximity of traditional unstructured job shadowing is supplemented by carefully designed ...
    • Hvordan kan bruk av systematisk positiv tilbakemelding påvirke arbeidsmiljø i endringsprosesser, med bruk av konseptet #Råbra? 

      Jensen, Tove Klette; Elvehaug, Janne Røgeberg (Master thesis, 2023)
      Problemstillingen for denne oppgaven er: Hvordan kan bruk av systematisk positiv tilbakemelding påvirke arbeidsmiljø i endringsprosesser, med bruk av konseptet #Råbra? Vi har brukt kvalitativ metode da denne vektlegger ...
    • Lederrefleksjon- et påtvunget gode? 

      Abrahamsen, Linda Bredkas; Salehi, Atusa; Lunde, Ine Hareland (Master thesis, 2023)
      Denne prosjektoppgaven handler om hvordan ledere kan bruke refleksjon som verktøy for læring og utvikling i endringsprosesser. Bildet av morgendagens omsorg i helsetjenesten utfordrer helseledere til å tenke nytt med økte ...
    • Designing the Intelligent Organization: Six Principles for Human-AI Collaboration 

      Kolbjørnsrud, Vegard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This article presents principles and practical guidelines for how managers can succeed in growing the intelligence of their organizations by harnessing the complementary strengths of humans and artificial intelligence (AI). ...
    • The varying effects of standardisation on digital platform innovation: evidence from OpenStreetmap 

      Arnold, Laurin; Hukal, Philipp (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      We investigate the effects of standardisation as a means of direct control on digital platform innovation. Specifically, we study the standardisation of parameters and procedures implemented in the web editing API on the ...
    • Licensing small modular reactors: A state-of-the-art review of the challenges and barriers 

      Sam, Rohunsingh; Sainati, Tristano; Hanson, Bruce; Kay, Robert (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Small Modular Reactors are gaining significant interest for their reduced footprint, lower power output, modularity, and innovative features. The licensing of SMRs is key to their successful deployment. However, the ...
    • Explanations for the Sources of Wealth: It Is Not a Just World 

      Arnulf, Jan Ketil; Robinson, Charlotte; Furnham, Adrian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Five hundred participants indicated the extent to which they thought very wealthy people had become rich from four routes: three by personal effort (executive, investor, entrepreneur) and one by inheritance. These ratings ...
    • Improved tests for Granger noncausality in panel data 

      Xiao, Jiaqi; Karavias, Yiannis; Juodis, Artūras; Sarafidis, Vasilis; Ditzen, Jan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      In this article, we introduce the xtgrangert command, which implements the panel Granger noncausality testing approach developed by Juodis, Karavias, and Sarafidis (2021, Empirical Economics 60: 93–112). This test offers ...
    • Styrets arbeid med bærekraft 

      Bråthen, Tore; Minde, Stine Winger (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      This article discusses the Norwegian judicial framework for the Board’s work with sustainability. Sustainability regulation is no longer a result of more or less targeted political initiatives, it largely presents as a ...
    • A method to evaluate the rank condition for CCE estimators 

      De Vos, Ignace; Everaert, Gerdie; Sarafidis, Vasilis (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      We develop a binary classifier to evaluate whether the rank condition (RC) is satisfied or not for the Common Correlated Effects (CCE) estimator. The RC postulates that the number of unobserved factors, m, is not larger ...
    • Mapping the Prestige and Social Value of Occupations in the Digital Economy 

      Newlands, Gemma Elisabeth Marjorie; Lutz, Christoph (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      With the emergence of the digital economy, the occupational landscape in many countries has undergone major transformations. While scholars have started to study the working conditions of digital economy occupations such ...
    • The Perceived Impacts of Short-Term Rental Platforms: Comparing the United States and United Kingdom   

      Lutz, Christoph; Majetić, Filip; Miguel, Cristina; Perez Vega, Rodrigo; Jones, Brian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Short-term rental platforms such as Airbnb have enjoyed considerable success in recent years. However, critics accuse the platforms of having negative impacts, leading to gentrification, disruption, and increased rent and ...
    • The Role of the Discount Rate in Investment and Employment Decisions 

      Møller, Stig; Priestley, Richard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Time variation in the discount rate affects investment and employment decisions in a manner consistent with Q-theory predictions. This evidence is uncovered when using cyclical consumption as a proxy for the discount rate. ...
    • All you need is...? Hvordan kan ansattes motivasjon til åvære barnekoordinator økes? 

      Renskaug, Ina Takle; Hvoslef, Ragnhild Olsen; Haakerud, Ingunn Cecilie (Master thesis, 2023)
      Kommune: Oslo kommune, Bydel St. Hanshaugen Tre ledere fra Helse- og miljøavdelingen (tjenester til barn og unge) Tema: Øke ansattes motivasjon Bakgrunn: De ansatte i Bydel St. Hanshaugen har beskrevet at de er lite ...
    • Hjelp, jeg er ny! Opplæring av nyansatte ved legevakt 

      Hoem, Line; Kjelbergvik, Trine; Andersen, Henning Engen (Master thesis, 2023)
      Bakgrunn: Ved begge legevaktene er det mange nyansatte til enhver tid, etter å ha gjennomført intervjuer med informanter på begge legevaktene har vi avdekket at opplæringen som gjennomføres ved nyansatte kan oppleves som ...