Browsing Student papers by Subject "markedsføringsledelse"
Now showing items 1-20 of 215
2028 - A field guide to the future of the Norwegian grocery industry
(Master thesis, 2018)In this paper we have sought to identify key drivers that will shape the Norwegian grocery industry the next ten years, with the final result being four scenarios revealing ranges of plausible development in the future. ... -
A Touch of Words: Influencing Consumers’ Purchase Intentions Using Touch-Describing Adjectives in Digital Advertisements
(Master thesis, 2019)The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate whether touch-describing adjectives in a digital advertisement can trigger consumers purchase intention. We answer this question by conducting an online survey-based ... -
Agile Contract Templates’ Management of Asset Specificity, Uncertainty and Performance Ambiguity
(Master thesis, 2018)The majority of today’s firms must take a stand to Industry 4.0, and how they can digitalize their business. Large investments in ICT projects are therefore made by customers of technological solutions, but reports find ... -
An Exploratory Study of the Meat Substitute Market in Norway
(Master thesis, 2018)This thesis explores the meat substitute market in Norway, more specifically in Oslo. We have investigated Norwegian consumers’ understanding of meat substitute products, their motivations for purchase and in which ... -
Are millennials swiping left on sports? an analysis of the causes behind young people’s apparent lack of interest in sports
(Master thesis, 2019)A rising concern in many sports markets around the world is the seeming lack of interest in sports among younger people. TV sports viewership from this demographic is frequently down, event attendance is down, even ... -
Augmented Reality and Authenticity: An Experimental Study to Investigate their Impact on Luxury Perception
(Master thesis, 2020)Abstract In recent years, studies about luxury perception have proliferated. Nonetheless, few of these have investigated both product internal and external factors that may have an impact on it. On one side, a large ... -
B2C Disengagement on social media
(Master thesis, 2023)Social media has become a present part of modern life, connecting billions of people worldwide. Moreover, platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn have become crucial for businesses to reach and engage with consumers, ... -
Bacheloroppgave i Markedsføringsledelse
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)I løpet av de siste årene har digitalisering ført til at bedrifter har gått gjennom en digital transformasjon. Digitalisering beskriver en teknologisk endring og omfatter nye forretningsmodeller som gir muligheter for ... -
Beyond the Label: Examining the Effects of Sustainability Labels on European
(Master thesis, 2023)The increasing attention to sustainability changes consumers’ decisions. While previous research has established a clear relationship between sustainability labels and the intention to purchase sustainable food items, ... -
Boikotter av Black Friday: En undersøkelse om hvordan boikotter av massekonsumpsjon påvirker forbrukeres oppfatning av merker
(Bachelor thesis, 2020)I dagens samfunn oppfordres forbrukere å handle ofte og mye, med den store salgsdagen Black Friday som et prakteksempel. I lys av miljøfokus og bærekraftige forretningsstrategier velger noen bedrifter å boikotte ... -
Bruk av CRM-systemer i prospektering for tjenesteytende B2B-selskaper
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)Det er essensielt for bedrifter å tilegne seg nye kunder, og å beholde dem over tid. Ved å henvende seg til de potensielle kundene som er mest aktuelle i utgangspunktet, samt gi dem god oppfølging i startfasen, har man ... -
Budskapsvinkling i bloddonasjon og den modererende effekten av altruisme
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)Denne bacheloroppgaven tar for seg tematikken bloddonasjon og hvordan en skal utforme kampanjer og reklamer for effektivt å rekruttere frivillige bloddonore. I denne sammenhengen tar vi for oss budskapsvinkling med negativ ... -
Building Authenticity in Brand Activism: Evaluating Consumer Trust Through Fit and Engagement
(Master thesis, 2024)This study explores how consumers react to social brand activism, highlighting how important perceived authenticity is in influencing consumers' sense of trust. Corporate involvement in socio-political concerns, or brand ... -
Bærekraft i frukt- og grøntavdelingen
(Bachelor thesis, 2019)I denne bacheloroppgaven vil det overordnede temaet være bærekraftig livsstil. Formålet med studiet er å kartlegge hvilke faktorer som påvirker en forbrukers intensjon til å handle mer bærekraftig. På grunn av temaets ... -
Bærekraft i klesbransjen
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)Denne oppgaven tar for seg temaet bærekraft i klesbransjen. Bakgrunn for valg av tema er økt fokus og oppmerksomhet rundt bærekraft og miljø. Etter videre forskning fant vi atferd og holdninger interessant, og ønsket å ... -
Can controversial behavior be advantageous? The Effect a Sponsor Object’s Controversial Behavior in Social Media has on the Sponsor’s Brand Image
(Master thesis, 2019)This study was conducted to investigate the effect a sponsor object’s controversial behavior in social media can have on the sponsor brand’s image. An experimental survey was conducted to examine the relationship. Based ... -
Can Protection Motivation Theory and Moral Licensing Explain Consumer Behaviour During the Covid-19 Pandemic?
(Master thesis, 2021)This thesis addresses how protection motivation theory and moral licensing can explain consumer behaviour in times of crisis, using the Covid-19 pandemic as a context for the research. The results of 53 in-depth interviews ... -
Can sponsorships connected to transgender cause be beneficial? The Impact a Controversial Statement made by a Sponsored Athlete has on a Sponsor’s Brand Judgments
(Master thesis, 2020)This study examines the effect of a sponsored athlete's controversial statement about M-W transgenders competing in women’s sports has on a sponsor’s brand judgment. A conjoint analysis was executed to investigate the ... -
Can you feel their pain? Examining the relationship between the mental simulation of visceral states and the willingness to donate to a charitable organization
(Master thesis, 2018)People's behavior is heavily influenced by the visceral state they are experiencing. Previous research has found that mental simulation can act as substitute for real experiences. This study combines these two concepts ... -
Charged Choices - How influencer endorsement and time-limited offers shape credit card behavior
(Master thesis, 2024)This master thesis investigates how influencer endorsements and time-limited offers affect consumer credit payment behavior. With the rise of alternative payment methods, credit cards have become a dominant choice, often ...