• Shipshaped: Kongsberg industry and innovations in deepwater technology, 1975-2007 

      Bjørnstad, Stein (Series of Dissertations, Doctoral thesis, 2009)
      Shipshaped is a thesis on the emergence of an innovative offshore supplier industry. Multiple influences combined to the success of various techniques to extract oil and gas without fixed platforms; this thesis put particular ...
    • Sikkerhet i risikosamfunnet? 

      Bakken, Tore (Research Report, Research report, 2003)
      Rapportens utgangspunkt er noen av de problemer matvaresektoren står ovenfor når det gjelder sikker mat til forbrukerne. I Norge er det besluttet opprettet et Mattilsyn som har som formål å se de ulike delene av ...
    • A Simulation Study of the Model Evaluation Criterion MMRE 

      Foss, Tron; Stensrud, Erik; Kitchenham, Barbara; Myrtveit, Ingunn (Discussion Paper, Working paper, 2002)
      The Mean Magnitude of Relative Error, MMRE, is probably the most widely used evaluation criterion for assessing the performance of competing software prediction models. It seems obvious that the purpose of MMRE is to assist ...
    • Sluttrapport "Samhandling og prosessledelse" 

      Kvålshaugen, Ragnhild; Swärd, Anna (Forskningsrapport;1/2018, Report, 2018)
      Konfliktnivået i anleggsprosjekter er et stadig tilbakevendende tema i den offentlige debatten. Debatten handler ofte om kontraktsformer, tildelingskriterier og ikke minst kvaliteten på samhandlingen mellom aktørene i disse ...
    • Social, Biological and Cultural Foundations of Corporate and Investor Behaviors. 

      Rhee, Andrew Sang Jun (Series of Dissertations;, Doctoral thesis, 2024)
      Abstract chapter 1: I investigate the effect of religiosity on the organizational capital of firms. By examining the county-level religious adherence rates in the US, I find that firms located in counties with higher ...
    • Some Consequences of Vulnerability in Consumers' Life 

      Stagno, Emanuela (Series of Dissertations;07/2021, Doctoral thesis, 2021)
      Under the label of consumer vulnerability, researchers have included a variety of studies that focus on consumers who face challenging situations in the marketplace because of consumers’ individual characteristics (e.g., ...
    • Sosialiseringsspøkelset - bare et knirk i trappen? Debatten om sosialisering og demokratisering av norsk forsikring 1915-1985 

      Trosdahl, Kristian (Forskningsrapport;4/2007, Research report, 2007)
      Formålet med denne rapporten er å studere nærmere et fenomen som mange i norsk forsikring kalte Sosialiseringsspøkelset – at Staten ville overta forsikringsnæringen og videreføre driften i ett eller flere statlige ...
    • Standardiserte lederutviklingsmetoder og verktøy 

      Nilsen, Sølvi; Lervik, Jon Erland (Discussion Paper, Working paper, 2000)
      Organisasjoner synes i økende grad å innføre standardiserte ledelsesverktøy utenfra for å møte utfordringer knyttet til økt kompleksitet og endringstakt i omgivelsene. Dette synes å være et paradoks, da økt kompleksitet ...
    • State Ownership and Corporate Governance: Empirical Evidence from Norway and Sweden 

      Ludvigsen, Stine (Series of Dissertations;3/2010, Doctoral thesis, 2010)
      Since the late 1990s, the corporate governance of state-owned companies (SOCs) has moved to the forefront of the political agenda in several Western European countries and elsewhere. Triggered by large corporate scandals, ...
    • Statlige selskaper med sektorpolitiske mål: En evaluering av statlig styring 

      Rattsø, Jørn; Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (Forskningsrapport;14/2011, Research report, 2011)
      I rapporten analyseres styring og styringsrelasjoner overfor statlige selskaper og forvaltningsorganer med eget styre. Virksomhetene omfatter forretningsorienterte selskaper som selger produkter på markeder med sterk ...
    • Statsmakt og mediemakt 

      Rolland, Asle (Research Report, Research report, 2002)
      Rapporten inneholder fire essays om to mediepolitiske tema: Statens tiltak for å begrense eierkonsentrasjon i mediene, og dens bebudede tiltak for å fravriste eierne kontrollen med innholdet i sine egne medier. Tiltakene ...
    • The Stochastic Parameter Approach to Residual Income Valuation 

      Tangenes, Tor (Discussion Paper, Working paper, 2001)
      In residual income valuation the information dynamics (ID) provides a connection between current observable information and unobservable forecasts of future residual income (RI). Traditionally the ID is formulated as ...
    • Strategic Acting as Stagesetting: The Case of Industrial Design 

      Jevnaker, Birgit Helene (Discussion Paper, Working paper, 2002)
      Recent research in strategy, organization theory and industrial marketing is emphasizing the new complexities of gaining a dynamic resource-advantage that can reinvent and differentiate the industrial firm's offerings. ...
    • Strategic CSR Innovation - Serving Societal and Individual Needs 

      Midttun, Atle, (ed.) (Research Report, Research report, 2009)
      This report explores the challenges and opportunities of strategic CSR, and is primarily based on three cases of CSR-driven innovation in Norway. The study has been undertaken within the framework of a project on CSR-driven ...
    • Structural changes in the organisation of world trade and implications for the shipping industry 

      Bjørnland, Dag; Hernes, Tor; Omtvedt, Petter C. (Research Report, Research report, 2002)
      The report documents the results of a research and technical development (RTD) project focusing on the implication for the shipping industry of structural changes in the organisation of world trade. Among the many driving ...
    • Student life in Covid-19 times - a longitudinal study 

      Wilberg, Erik (Research report, 2021)
      This study is on how business school students at BI Norwegian Business School – campus Bergen have lived and studied through the pandemic of 2020 and 2021. We have surveyed the students twice – the first time in May 2020, ...
    • Supply chain management: en flerdisiplinær studie av integrerte forsyningskjeder 

      Persson, Gøran; Grønland, Stein Erik (Research Report, Research report, 2002)
      Studiens formål: Prosjektet Supply Chain Management, Ledelse av integrerte forsyningskjeder, har hatt flere forskjellige formål. For det første ønsker vi med dette prosjektet å knytte sammen noen relevante og eksisterende ...
    • SW Cost Estimation: Measuring Model Performance of Arbitrary Function Approximators 

      Stensrud, Erik; Myrtveit, Ingunn (Discussion Paper, Working paper, 2002)
      Estimating software development cost with high accuracy is still a largely unsolved problem. Consequently, there is ongoing, high activity in this research field; a large number of different estimation models ranging from ...
    • Switching Relations: The rise and fall of the Norwegian telecom industry 

      Christensen, Sverre A. (Series of Dissertations, Doctoral thesis, 2006)
      The last ten years have been marked by the increasing use of information and communication technologies, and particularly by different forms of telecommunications. At the same time, the telecom industry has gone through ...
    • Sølvrevenes digitalisering: Sterk utvikling i digital mediebruk blant 60+ 

      Wilberg, Erik (Research report, 2019)
      Er 60+ et segment som bare kan glemmes i digitaliseringen av mediebruken? Nei, slett ikke. Det er overraskende hvor raskt det går også i denne gruppen, som tradisjonelt er vokst opp og har levd med papirbaserte medier og ...