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(Chapter, 2020) -
How strategic communication facilitates the internationalization of firms: A situational framework
(Chapter, 2019)This chapter examines the specific role of strategic communication as a facilitator for business internationalization. It provides a new and comprehensive rationale for explaining the contribution of strategic communication ... -
The Inclusive Knowledge Philosophy: Understanding practices through Deweyan and Naessian philosophical lenses
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)This conceptual paper discusses the inclusive knowledge philosophy fundamental for different modes of experiencing living enterprises. The American pragmatist philosopher John Dewey pointed to the importance of restoring ... -
The Influence of Demographics, Attitudinal and Behavioural Characteristics on Motives to Participate in the Sharing Economy and Expected Benefits of Participation
(Chapter, 2021)The sharing economy is a relevant economic phenomenon of recent times and important for sustainable economic growth. This chapter considers the motivational factors that drive and hinder participation in the sharing economy. ... -
Innholdsmarkedsføring i praksis
(Chapter, 2016)This chapter is partly conceptual, based on state-of-the-art market communication and public relations research, and partly empirical, based on text analysis and interviews with industry practitioners and leaders. We ... -
Juridiske og etiske rammer for innholdsmarkedsføring
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2016)This chapter investigates the legal and ethical framework for content marketing. The use of content marketing necessitates special considerations due to its legal implications for the marketer. In addition, legal rules ... -
KAM Disclosure in the Auditor’s Report – A Literature Review
(Chapter, 2020)The requirement of including Key Audit Matters (KAM) is the most significant change made to the auditor’s report in many years. The purpose of KAM is to meet the request from the users of accounting information to include ... -
Kan ikke leses i badekaret eller på den appen - bokens mangfoldige utvikling for bransje og forbruker
(Chapter, 2021)Kapittelet tar for seg hvordan bokbransjen har håndtert fremveksten av nye tjenester, og hvordan lesere tar i bruk digitale boktjenester. Kapittelet ser på hvordan et mangfoldig boktjenestetilbud påvirker bokens posisjon ... -
Logistikkmodellen i nasjonal godstransportmodell
(Chapter, 2020)Nasjonal godstransportmodell er et planleggingsverktøy som er utviklet for å kunne beregne effekten på godstransporten av ulike tiltak som for eksempel endringer i vegsystemer, endringer i jernbaneterminaler eller ... -
Når det synger i livsnerven: Motivasjon i organisasjoner fra et narrativt perspektiv
(Chapter, 2016)Hva driver og motiverer personer som skaper ekstraordinære prestasjoner i organisasjoner? Hovedsvaret jeg undersøker her, er en brennende higen etter livsberikelse – en skapende kraft som kommer i mange varianter, og som ... -
New normal, new leaders? Time for resilience and post-heroic leadership
(Chapter, 2020)The chapter focuses on COVID-19 as a wicked problem in a multi-dimensional space. It has medical, economic, business, sociological, technological, organizational, environmental, and psychological aspects that need to be ... -
Opphavsrett, håndheving og mangfold
(Chapter, 2021)Kapittelet analyser opphavsrettens betydning for mangfold i distribusjon og innhold. I en komparativ rettsøkonomisk analyse sammenlignes gjennomføringen av EUs Infosoc-direktiv i norsk, svensk og dansk rett. Funnene viser ... -
Pluralism or trivialism: A comparative study of academic ECKM papers
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)The purpose of this paper is to analyze and compare all the papers in the proceedings of ECKM in 2017 (Barcelona), 2018 (Padua), 2019 (Lisbon), and the digital conference in 2020. The study classifies the papers according ... -
Policing and prosecution of cybercrime
(Chapter, 2019)Policing cybercrime faces the challenge of determining the authenticity of messages by using judgment, intuition and deductive reasoning. A cybercrime investigation can be seen as composed of a number of discrete yet linked ... -
Power and micropolitics in project management
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)The problem of the paper is: What is the importance and conduct of power and micropolitics in project management? The issue has resulted in five research questions: • How do power and micropolitics appear in projects? • ... -
Privacy-As-A-Quality Parameter of Competition
(Chapter, 2019)Recent decisions from the European Commission recognise privacy as an important parameter of non-price (quality) competition in markets for communication services and professional social networks. This development acknowledges ... -
Public-Private Cooperation for Climate Adaptation - Providing Insurance Loss Data to the Municipalities
(Chapter, 2020)This chapter discusses experiences from public-private cooperation for climate services providing insurance loss data (from weather related damage) on asset level for Norwegian municipalities.‘Insurance loss data’ display ... -
Rings of fire: Training for systems thinking and broadened impact
(Chapter, 2017)What is the impact of training and development activities at work? In this chapter we argue that such a question should not only be an academic concern but also one that gets is built into all decisions about training. The ... -
The Rise and Fall of Managerial Capitalism in Norway, 1895-1940
(Chapter, 2021)This chapter argues that Norwegian managers at the turn of the last century actively used the emerging division of ownership and control and thus were creators of Norwegian modern business – and that their role in this has ... -
Sustainability: A Wicked Problem Needing New Perspectives
(Chapter, 2018)