Blar i Books, book chapters and other faculty works på tittel
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Tariffavtalen som et rettslig instrument
(Chapter, 2020) -
The internationalization of Executive education
(Chapter, 2019) -
Toppen av isfjellet: Omfanget av hvitsnippkriminalitet i Norge
(Rapport nr. 1/2017 Manifest tankesmie;, Report, 2017)Kriminalitet på toppen innen næringsliv, politikk og forvaltning kan være et større samfunnsproblem enn myndighetene har trodd. Sjefen for Økokrim,Trond Eirik Schea, mener at tre av fire økonomiske kriminelle trolig går ... -
Transformational Leadership: Learning and Difficulties.
(Chapter, 2020) -
Travelling ideas as virus infections for leadership and management
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Ugyldighetsvurderingen etter aksjeloven § 3-8
(Chapter, 2020) -
Utenlandsinvesteringer i sjømatnæringen og norsk tilknytning til EU
(Chapter, 2020)I kapittelet drøfter vi utenlandsinvesteringer i sjømatnæringen og Norges forhold til EU. Mens eierskap i fangst hovedsakelig er nasjonalt, er oppdrettsnæringen preget av multinasjonale selskaper. Norge og mange EU-land ... -
Who’s got the time? Temporary organizing under temporal institutional complexity
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2020)This chapter addresses the challenges associated with temporary organising under conditions of institutional complexity. The authors draw on findings from an in-depth case study of a megaproject initiated to reshape ... -
Wittgenstein’s Revenge: How Semantic Algorithms Can Help Survey Research Escape Smedslund’s Labyrinth
(Chapter, 2020)Empirical research has shown how semantic algorithms can often predict the statistics of survey data a priori, particularly in topics like “leadership” and “motivation.” In those cases, the survey data reflect the language ... -
Working Smarter and Greener in the age of Digitalization: The Corporate Knowledge Work Design in the Future
(Peer reviewed; Chapter, 2020)This paper investigates what forms the knowledge work design in the future on a corporate level. The future is 2030. The methodology includes 20 in-depth interviews with researchers working with these issues in the Swedish ...