Browsing Handelshøyskolen BI by Title
Now showing items 4124-4143 of 6238
Orchestrating international production networks when formal authority shifts
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)We investigate how a brand-owning MNE can coordinate and safeguard exchanges in its international production network following a decline in formal authority and a shift in ‘hub firm’ status to another member of the network. ... -
Order flow and the Polish zloty : an empirical investigation
(Master thesis, 2017)This paper analyses price variations in the euro-zloty and dollar-zloty ex- change rates. Drawing from market microstructure, we use order ow|signed buy and sell orders|to model price variations. Our work adds support ... -
Order flow information and spot rate dynamics
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)This paper examines why order flows are empirically important drivers of spot exchange rate dynamics. We consider a decomposition for the depreciation rate that must hold in any model and show that order flows will appear ... -
Organic products: Consumers' subjective and objective knowledge
(Master thesis, 2018)The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate and examine how consumers’ objective knowledge about organic products in terms of nutrition, environment, and taste, differ based on their preference for and subjective ... -
Organisasjonskultur og innovasjon
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)Oppgaven har til hensikt å belyse hvordan organisasjonskulturer kan lede til innovasjon. I den forbindelse vil vi gå nærmere inn på temaer som tar for seg hvordan kulturen både kan tilrettelegge for, og hemme innovasjon, ... -
Organisasjonskultur og psykologisk trygghet
(Master thesis, 2023)I denne oppgaven har vi hatt som formål å undersøke hvordan endringer i organisasjoner påvirker organisasjonskultur og psykologisk trygghet. Vi tar for oss en anonymisert bedrift, heretter omtalt som Bedriften. Bedriften ... -
Organisasjonssosialisering - ansattes holdninger til å finne sin plass i organisasjonen
(Bachelor thesis, 2018)Denne studien undersøker betydningen organisasjonssosialisering har for ny-ansatte. De sosialpsykologiske variablene jobbtilfredshet, opplæring, rolleklarhet og kollegastøtte blir vektlagt og deretter knyttet opp mot ... -
Organisasjonstilhørighet i en hybrid arbeidshverdag
(Master thesis, 2022)Oppgaven er basert på en kvantitativ undersøkelse i de to organisasjonene DNB Bank ASA og Pasientreiser HF for å avdekke om graden av hjemmekontor i organisasjonene har en effekt på medarbeidernes organisasjonstilhørighet. ... -
Organisatorisk plassering av varslingsfunksjonen i virksomheten med utgangspunktet i trelinjeforsvarsmodellen
(Master thesis, 2023)Oppgaven handler om et tema som står sentralt både i programmet Governance: risikostyring, compliance og internrevisjon, og mine erfaringer fra arbeidslivet nemlig organisatorisk plassering av varslingsfunksjonen i ... -
Organisering av bankdrift i moderne tid
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)Implementering av agile metoder har resultert i en engasjerende organisasjonskultur, etablering av effektive rutiner for kunnskapsdeling og optimaliserte teamstrukturer i Sparebanken Vest. Gjennom kvantitativ og kvalitative ... -
Organisering, kontroll og etterlevelse i verdipapirforetak
(Master thesis, 2023)For å kunne starte virksomhet som verdipapirforetak og yte investeringstjenester og investeringsvirksomhet, jf. verdipapirhandelloven § 2-1 (1), må det først søkes om konsesjon for dette til Finanstilsynet. For at ... -
The organization of semantic associations between senses in language
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Distributional semantic representations were used to investigate crossmodal correspondences within language, offering a comprehensive analysis of how sensory experiences interconnect in linguistic constructs. By computing ... -
Organizational change capacity and composition of management teams : A visualization of how personality traits may restrain team adaptability
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)This study explores ten management teams over 33 monthly financial reporting terms and a critical incident requiring readjustment of business. Using financial data, market information and personality data, it is shown that ... -
The organizational climate for psychological safety: Associations with SMEs' innovation capabilities and innovation performance
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)This paper conceptualizes psychological safety as an organizational level phenomenon, andproposes that an organizational climate for psychological safety is positively related to SMEs'innovation performance and innovation ... -
Organizational convenience for white-collar crime: Opportunity expansion by offender behavior
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The theory of convenience suggests that the extent of white-collar crime is dependent on financial motive, organizational opportunity, and willingness for deviant behavior. Organizational opportunity is at the core of ... -
Organizational creativity as idea work : Intertextual placing and legitimating imaginings in media development and oil exploration
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)How do we understand the nature of organizational creativity when dealing with complex, composite ideas rather than singular ones? In response to this question, we problematize assumptions of the linearity of creative ... -
Organizational form, local market structure and corporate social performance in retail
(Series of Dissertations;2/2015, Doctoral thesis, 2015-03-20)I study how organizational form and local market structure influence retail firms' corporate social performance (CSP). The theoretical model is based on agency theory, which in its origin focuses on the dyad between the ... -
Organizational identification and serendipitous value creation in post acquisition integration
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)This study tells the story of two acquisitions made by a company the authors call Multifirm. Multifirm acquired two targets, Datagon and Teknico. The Datagon employees immediately identified with Multifirm, and the integration ... -
Organizational identities in networks: sense-giving and sense-taking in the salmon farming industry
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)The notion of organizational identity has received increased attention lately. This paper proposes a ‘balanced’ understanding of identities in networks by combining outside-in and inside-out perspectives on identity ... -
Organizational identity work in MNE subsidiaries: Managing dual embeddedness
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This paper adopts an organizational identity work perspective to examine how MNE subsidiaries manage dual embeddedness to strategically position themselves in both their local context and in the global MNE. Prior research ...