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Valuation of housing attributes and the effect of tenant and landlord characteristics in the Norwegian rental market
(Master thesis, 2012-05-10)The present study uses a standard hedonic log–log framework to analyze rent variations in the Norwegian housing market. Using data from the national rental survey (Leiemarkedsundersøkelsen) as a basis, this study finds ... -
Moral hazard : complex exchange ties in embedded networks
(Master thesis, 2012-05-11)Network form of economic organization is subtle compared to markets and hierarchies, due to the importance or social interactions. Based on a literature review we establish complex exchange ties; a set of behavioral patterns ... -
Strategic distribution : a cross-national investigation of swing voter effects
(Master thesis, 2012-05-11) -
Weathering the global financial crisis : results from Australia, Canada and Norway
(Master thesis, 2012-05-11)This thesis examines how some countries have performed above average during the global financial crisis. In order to study this Australia, Canada, and Norway have been selected. We investigate whether the industry structure ... -
Empirical study on flow-performance relationship of Norwegian mutual funds : retail investor versus institutional investor
(Master thesis, 2012-05-11)In this paper we study the relationship between past performance and investor flows of Norwegian mutual funds by using a dataset from February, 2003 to May, 2007. We divide mutual fund investors into two subgroups-retail ... -
Formueskatt på fast eiendom
(Master thesis, 2012-05-11)Reglene for formueskatt på fast eiendom ble endret i 2009. Motivet for endringene var å oppnå et mer rettferdig skattegrunnlag som bedre gjenspeiler reelle økonomiske verdier. Resultatet er at det for ligningsåret 2010 ble ... -
Exercising growth options through seasoned equity offerings : comparative impact on the stock returns of Nordic issuers
(Master thesis, 2012-05-11)The apparent long-run abnormal underperformance of equity issuers has stirred great interest in finance until real (growth) options explanations have been successfully developed and tested on American SEO data in recent ... -
Subsequent repair offerings on Oslo stock exchange
(Master thesis, 2012-05-11)This master thesis aims to investigate why subsequent repair issues are performed. Using data from the Oslo Stock Exchange from 1997 to 2009, we will take a look at whether the following factors are possible explanations ... -
Macroeconomic risk and stock market anomalies in Norway
(Master thesis, 2012-05-11) -
The European Union : the climate change package : renewable energy directive 2009/28/EC
(Master thesis, 2012-05-11)The following general problem for discussion has been chosen: Why did the EU decide on targets concerning renewable energy sources and why exactly these targets? What are the European Union and the nation-states doing to ... -
Ownership dynamics : how ownership changes hands over time and the determinants of these changes
(Master thesis, 2012-05-11)This paper investigates the determinants of ownership structure and adjustments in ownership for Norwegian private firms. We find that firm characteristics such as size, riskiness, profitability, growth prospects, leverage ... -
Causes of price premiums with the presence of performance ambiguity in the occupational health services market
(Master thesis, 2012-05-11)Managers and academics have historically paid little attention to pricing. To set the right price is the fastest and most effective way for a company to maximize profits. Therefore, it is surprising that it has received ... -
Inntektsføring av fraktavtaler i shippingbransjen etter IFRS
(Master thesis, 2012-05-14)Inntektsføring av fraktavtaler i shippingbransjen etter IFRS. fraktavtale til lossing av den inneværende fraktavtale. Slik den foreslåtte modellen for inntektsføring fremkommer i høringsutkastet, vil den etter vår mening ... -
Managing commercialization : how McKinsey & Company turned Nyegaard & Co into the world leader of contrast media
(Master thesis, 2012-05-14)This thesis studies to what extent engaging a management consultant firm during the innovation process may increase the likelihood of success. Firms often fail to benefit financially from their innovations, and this paper ... -
Derfor skifter selskap revisor : en studie av revisorskifter blant norske aksjeselskap
(Master thesis, 2012-05-14)Temaet for denne masteroppgaven er norske aksjeselskapers skifte av revisor. Oppgaven søker å gi svar på hvorfor og hvor ofte selskap skifter revisor. Til sist forsøker jeg å finne ut hvorfor mange selskap aldri bytter ut ... -
Currency risk premiums in CEE emerging stock markets
(Master thesis, 2012-05-14)The paper addressees the issue of pricing currency risk as well as the importance of the size of the risk premium. We test the conditional version of an International Capital Asset Pricing Model using a multivariate GARCH ... -
Size heuristics : the influence of physical size on consumers' product evaluations
(Master thesis, 2012-05-14)Consumer behaviour has always been the focus of academic marketing research due to its significant managerial implications; even so, various aspects worth analyzing have been neglected. Size heuristics is one of the topics ... -
Forecasting rental rates for Norwegian commercial real estate
(Master thesis, 2012-05-14)This study seeks to identify key determinants of rents of commercial real estate in Oslo and formulate econometric models capable of describing and predicting their movements. Such a model will improve the precision of ... -
Finding fraud : the role of auditing in the detection of white-collar crime
(Master thesis, 2012-05-15)Economic or white-collar crime is on the rise, making the study of possible means of both deterrence and detection of such crime ever more relevant. Accounting fraud is among the fastest growing categories of economic ... -
Generational differences in employee work values : an explorative study in a Norwegian work context
(Master thesis, 2012-05-15)In an increasingly knowledge intensive economy, it is essential to determine what drives knowledge workers into action and motivate them to excel. According to the value- based view on motivation, work values underlie these ...