Browsing Master of Science by Title
Now showing items 604-623 of 1791
Financial valuation of Norway Royal Salmon
(Master thesis, 2017)Initiating coverage Share price: NOK 131 Recommendation: Buy Target price: 170 Key facts Number of shares (millions) 43.57 Market cap NOK (millions) 5708 Share price NOK 131 Ticker NRS Stock exchange Oslo ... -
Finansiell restrukturering i luftfartsnæringen – hvilken effekt har det?
(Master thesis, 2021)Forskningsoppgavens tema er finansiell restrukturering i luftfartsnæringen. I 2020 ble luftfartsnæringen hardt rammet som følge av utbruddet av COVID-19. Pandemien satte utallig bedrifter i økonomiske problemer, og flere ... -
Finansielle restruktureringer i selskaper med store økonomiske utfordringer, belyst ved utvalgte selskaper i offshoreservicenæringen
(Master thesis, 2019)Forskningsoppgavens tema er privat finansiell restrukturering i offshoreservicenæringen. I 2014 var det en markant nedgang i markedene for denne næringen. Dette ga merkbare ettervirkninger for mange av selskapsgruppene ... -
Finding fraud : the role of auditing in the detection of white-collar crime
(Master thesis, 2012-05-15)Economic or white-collar crime is on the rise, making the study of possible means of both deterrence and detection of such crime ever more relevant. Accounting fraud is among the fastest growing categories of economic ... -
Firm Performance and CEO Turnover in Private Family Firms: Evidence from Norway
(Master thesis, 2019)In this paper, we examine the relationship between firm performance and CEO turnover within the dynamics of private firms. More specifically, we will compare and analyse the differences of CEO turnover in private family ... -
Firm Performance During Oil Price Shocks: Norwegian Oil & Shipping Family and Non-Family Firms
(Master thesis, 2018)This paper is an attempt to deepen the understanding of the family firm performance compared to non-family owned companies in times of oil price shocks of 2010-2015 with period of high oil prices followed by low prices. ... -
Firm Resilience During Oil Price shocks: Norwegian Family and Non-Family Firms
(Master thesis, 2022)We study resilience in Norwegian limited liability companies highly affected by the oil price shock in 2014. We analyze whether family firms are more resilient than non-family firms in terms of profitability, financial ... -
Fiscal policy convergence and business cycle synchronization in the euro area
(Master thesis, 2012-04-26)This thesis aims to detect whether fiscal policy convergence (or divergence) is a determinant of business cycle synchronization in the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) of the European Union. The thesis is based ... -
Fiscal spending in an oil rich economy
(Master thesis, 2018)In this thesis we investigate two matters concerning Norwegian scal policy. We rst assess the e ects of an oil revenue shock on mainland GDP and scal spending. Then we examine how discretionary scal spending a ects ... -
Fisjoner og fusjoner : en kartlegging av praksis i norske børsnoterte selskaper i perioden 2006-2011
(Master thesis, 2013-02-06) -
Flemasjonale digitale selskaper og uønsket skatteplanlegging
(Master thesis, 2022)Tema for denne masteroppgaven er uønsket skatteplanlegging. Formålet er å undersøke hvordan digitale og multinasjonale selskaper vil støte på utfordringer knyttet til nasjonale og internasjonale skatteregler. Vi har tatt ... -
Flexible work environments: Understanding the role of employee’s motives and personal preferences in work location decisions
(Master thesis, 2023)As the trend towards flexible work environments continues to grow, gaining a deeper understanding of the underlying motives and personal preferences driving employees' decisions regarding work location becomes increasingly ... -
Food imperfection and customer perception: can additional humorous labelling on imperfect fruit affect customers' perception?
(Master thesis, 2018)The aim of this thesis is to analyze in depth a matter that has been of great interest in the last 10 years: food waste. After various studies (Elder & Krishna, 2011; Loebnitz & Grunert, 2014;) that have established that ... -
“For lite, for sent? : En studie av innregnede verdifall i goodwill på Oslo Børs i perioden 2009 til 2017
(Master thesis, 2018)Oppgaven gir en gjennomgang av det teoretiske bakteppet og eksisterende forskningslitteratur. Videre bruker oppgaven deskriptiv analyse og regresjon i et forsøk på å tegne et bilde av innregnede nedskrivninger i goodwill ... -
Forced ranking : friend or foe? : on forced ranking and its effect on intrinsic motivation, justice perceptions and performance
(Master thesis, 2012-04-26)This study explores the effects of forced ranking, conceptualized as a summative, norm‐referenced form of feedback, on performance. It was hypothesized that the lower ranked individuals would demonstrate less performance ... -
Forecasting and Hedging in the Ship Recycling Market
(Master thesis, 2021)This study examines the accuracy and hedge effectiveness of different static models to forecast and hedge ship demolition prices. Nine international forecasting variables and six futures contracts relevant in the ship ... -
Forecasting crude oil futures volatility
(Master thesis, 2013-02-18)This thesis examines the accuracy of different volatility models in forecasting the volatility of West Texas Intermediate crude oil futures returns. We examine the information content of implied volatility by embedding it ... -
Forecasting Global Energy Commodity Prices: A Systematic Approach to Forecast Combination
(Master thesis, 2024)We investigate the accuracy of different forecasts of the global real price of oil and natural gas, on a monthly basis. In particular, we investigate whether combinations of forecasts including newer models are more ... -
Forecasting Implied Volatility Returns for At-The-Money Currency Options Using Machine Learning
(Master thesis, 2023)This paper explores the use of machine learning models to predict what characteristics affect illiquidity in stocks using historical data. The paper uses thirteen different regressions, exploring the effects of 43 ... -
Forecasting Norwegian Mainland Gross Domestic Product - Using Deep Learning Algorithms
(Master thesis, 2022)Gross domestic product is a measure of overall economic activity. It is therefore regarded as one of the most important summary factors for understanding the economic state of a country. Hence, an accurate prediction of ...