Browsing Publikasjoner fra CRIStin - BI by Title
Now showing items 692-711 of 1085
Palm oil plantation productivity during the establishment of the Malaysian refinery sector 1970–1990
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The Malaysian palm oil sector is an example of how a developing country can manage to establish itself as a world leader in the production and processing of an agricultural crop. This paper examines the formative period ... -
The Paradox of Inclusion in Elite Workforce Differentiation Practices: Harnessing the Genius Effect
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)We examine the assumption that making workforce differentiation practices more inclusive will cause employees to react more positively. We identify a fundamental ‘paradox of inclusion’, where practices designed to be more ... -
Paradoxes, challenges, and opportunities in the context of ethical customer experience management
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)This article examines paradoxes, challenges, and opportunities in the context of ethical customer experience management. Central to this discussion are different stakeholders such as firms, customers, policymakers, regulators, ... -
Parallel Machine Scheduling with Time Constraints on Machine Qualifications
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This paper studies the scheduling of jobs of different families on parallel machines, where not all machines are qualified (eligible) to process all job families. Originating from semiconductor manufacturing, an important ... -
Parodirettslig vakuum i norsk rett
(Chapter, 2021) -
Partial Fiscal Decentralization and Subnational Government Fiscal Discipline: Empirical Evidence from OECD Countries
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Recent theoretical research suggests that financing sub-national governments’ expenditure out of own revenue sources is linked to more responsible budgeting, because the financial implications of spending decisions then ... -
Parties, Legislators, and the Origins of Proportional Representation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)A prominent line of theories holds that proportional representation (PR) was introduced in many European democracies by a fragmented bloc of conservative parties seeking to preserve their legislative seat shares after ... -
Partisanship, Blame Avoidance Behaviours and Voter Reactions to Allegations of Political Misconduct
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Politicians often engage in blame avoidance behaviours in order to evade electoral punishment following allegations of misconduct. A key question concerns the (in)effectiveness of such behaviours in mitigating voter opinions ... -
Party Cues in Elections under Multi-Level Governance: Theory and Evidence from US States
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)In federal countries, voters’ ability to evaluate the performance of their leaders might be reduced when different levels of government shape policy outcomes. This can blur political accountability. In this article, we ... -
Passiv identifikasjon ved revisors erstatningsansvar
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014) -
Paywalls? Impact on Local News Websites? Traffic and Their Civic and Business Implications
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)In an attempt to manage a looming revenue crisis in their transition from print to digital, many local newspapers have implemented user payment (paywalls) in their online editions. This paper asks what the business and ... -
Perceived benefits of balanced scorecard implementation: some preliminary evidence
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Since its introduction more than 20 years ago the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) has garnered the interest of both academics and practitioners. In the ‘official’ practitioner-oriented literature the BSC’s main proponents Kaplan ... -
Perceived job insecurity climate in uncertain times: implications for work-related health among leaders versus non-leaders
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Purpose Previous studies have demonstrated that perceived job insecurity climate denotes an individual-level stressor. The present study reiterated this notion and investigated whether leadership responsibility moderated ... -
Perceived Mastery Climate, Felt Trust, and Knowledge Sharing
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Interpersonal trust is associated with a range of adaptive outcomes, including knowledge sharing. However, to date, our knowledge of antecedents and consequences of employees feeling trusted by supervisors in organizations ... -
Perceptions of e-lending in Scandinavian libraries: tension and harmony between institutional logics
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)This study examines e-lending dynamics in Scandinavian public libraries, by exploring the relationship between libraries and publishing houses. We ask how representatives of both fields perceive the public library’s role. ... -
Perfect bidder collusion through bribe and request
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)We study collusion in a second-price auction with two bidders in a dynamic environment. One bidder can make a take-it-or-leave-it collusion proposal, which consists of both an offer and a request of bribes, to the opponent. ... -
Performance evaluation of single and multi-class production systems using an approximating queuing network
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Performance evaluation, and in particular cycle time estimation, is critical to optimise production plans in high-tech manufacturing industries. This paper develops a new aggregation model based on queuing network, so-called ... -
Performance Management: Perceiving Goals as Invariable and Implications for Perceived Job Autonomy and Work Performance
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-12)In this study, we investigated whether perceiving goals as invariable is negatively related to work performance and whether this relationship is mediated by perceived job autonomy. Perceiving goals as invariable refers to ... -
Pernicious Polychorics: The Impact and Detection of Underlying Non-normality
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Ordinal data in social science statistics are often modeled as discretizations of a multivariate normal vector. In contrast to the continuous case, where SEM estimation is also consistent under non-normality, violation of ... -
Personality and political orientation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)This study examined the incremental validity of the Big-Five personality traits over primarily demographic factors in predicting Left-Right political orientation (PO) in a large British adult sample. Gender and trait ...