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Rådgivningstjenester og revisjonskvalitet
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Denne artikkelen analyserer vi den tiltenkte effekten av revisjonsforordningen om begrensninger i honorar for rådgivningstjenester (537/2014/EU).1 Den monetære begrensningen på rådgivningstjenester er satt til maksimalt ... -
Rådgivningstjenester og revisjonskvalitet
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)I denne artikkelen analyserer vi den tiltenkte effekten av revisjonsforordningen om begrensninger i honorar for rådgivningstjenester (537/2014/EU).1 Den monetære begrensningen på rådgivningstjenester er satt til maksimalt ... -
The real effects of financial reporting: Evidence and suggestions for future research
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)This article systematically reviews 94 accounting and finance studies that address the real effects of financial reporting. Whereas the effects of financial reporting on capital suppliers’ decisions traditionally have ... -
Real‐time versus day‐ahead market power in a hydro‐based electricity market
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This paper develops a theoretical framework to analyze the link between real‐time and day‐ahead competition in a hydro‐based wholesale electricity market. Predictions of the model are tested on a detailed data set of trades ... -
Reasons for white-collar abuse of financial support packages during the Covid-19 pandemic: A convenience theory approach
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Convenience theory is an emerging theoretical perspective to explain the phenomenon of white-collar crime. This article presents a one-sided theoretical study of convenience themes that emerged for white-collar offenders ... -
Recommendations for the Sharing Economy: (Re-)Balancing Power
(Research report, 2018)This report, ‘Recommendations for the Sharing Economy: (Re-)Balancing Power’, forms one element of a European Union Horizon 2020 Research Project on the sharing economy: Ps2Share ‘Participation, Privacy, and Power in the ... -
Redaktører i Omstilling: Faktorer som påvirker et høyt jobbengasjement
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Norske redaktører er stort sett tilfreds med og er engasjert i jobben, men kjenner større usikkerhet i den digitale verden. Vår spørreskjemaundersøkelse til redaktørene i norske mediehus belyser ulike hendelser i utviklingen ... -
Redaktører og endringstrykk: Om koblingen mellom arbeidsmiljø, omstillinger og gjennomtrekk
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Mediebransjen er i stor endring. Dette er noe lederne i mediehusene kjenner på, ikke minst redaktørene. Kan all turbulensen rundt endring slite slik på redaktørene at de vurderer stillingen sin? Denne artikkelen tar opp ... -
Redefining green growth within planetary boundaries
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Over the last decade, green growth policies have drawn increasing interest. OECD, UNEP, the World Bank and the EC have had several initiatives on the issue, and the Nordic countries have a special program on it. Definitions ... -
Redernes motstand mot aksjeloven av 1910
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Norway got its first limited liability company law in 1910. The law was to regulate the establishment and management of limited liability companies, which until then had been established and operated based on freedom of ... -
Reducing Financial Crime Convenience for Sustainable Finance: A Case Study of Danske Bank in Estonia
(Chapter, 2023)This chapter presents a case study of Danske Bank activities in Estonia by application of convenience theory. Reducing financial crime convenience is a matter of financial motives, organizational opportunities, and willingness ... -
Reference points in sequential bargaining: theory and experiment
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)We introduce loss aversion in an infinite-horizon, alternating-offers model. When outside options serve as reference points, the equilibrium of our model follows that of the standard Rubinstein bargaining model, i.e., ... -
Reflections on crossmodal correspondences: Current understanding and issues for future research
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The past two decades have seen an explosion of research on cross-modal correspondences. Broadly speaking, this term has been used to encompass associations between and among features, dimensions, or attributes across the ... -
Reform pathways for integrating employment assistance to marginalized groups
(Chapter, 2023)Service integration—understood as cooperation and collaboration between sectors and organizations—is commonly employed in European countries as a response to internal fragmentation of social security systems. In this ... -
Regulating for Trust: Can Law Establish Trust in Artificial Intelligence?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The current political and regulatory discourse frequently references the term “trustworthy artificial intelligence (AI)”. In Europe, the attempts to ensure trustworthy AI started already with the High-Level Expert Group ... -
Reguleringen av avtaler mellom selskapet og tilknyttede parter i norsk aksjeselskapsrett
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The Norwegian regulation of Related Parties Transactions (RPT) has been developed through a total of five phases. The development startet with the EEA-adaption of the former Limited Liability Act of 1976 in 1995. Originally, ... -
Reinstating the Resourceful Self: When and How Self-Affirmations Improve Executive Performance of the Powerless
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Research has found that lack of power impairs executive functions. In the present research, we show that this impairment is not immutable. Across three studies and focusing on inhibitory control as one of the core facets ... -
Reinventing the business model for local newspapers by building walls
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Using a business model lens, we analyse local newspapers’ paywall strategies and ask how monetisation has affected the newspapers’ offerings to users and advertisers. Based on interviews with 20 local newspapers in Norway, ... -
Relationship Governance Dynamics: The Role of Partner Selection Efforts and Mutual Investments
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)To explicate interfirm governance in the context of supplier–reseller relationships, this article reports on a longitudinal study conducted to examine the roles of supplier selection efforts and mutual specific investments, ... -
Relationship Governance Dynamics: The Role of Partner Selection Efforts and Mutual Investments
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)To explicate interfirm governance in the context of supplier–reseller relationships, this article reports on a longitudinal study conducted to examine the roles of supplier selection efforts and mutual specific investments, ...