• Næringsutvikling i norsk jordbruksvaresektor: Kommersialisering av teknologiske nisjer 

      Olsen, Per Ingvar; Espelien, Anne (Research Report, Research report, 2003)
      Denne rapporten utgjør den teknologiorienterte delen av fase 2 av forskningsprosjektet ”Norsk jordbruksvaresektor: Strategi og forretningsutvikling mot år 2010”. Prosjektet ledes av førsteamanuensis Per Ingvar Olsen, ...
    • Offentlig-private partnerskap som supplement til det offentlige velferdstilbudet 

      Midttun, Atle; Dirdal, Tore; Gautesen, Kristian (Research Report, Research report, 2005)
      Bærum kommune /Frivillighetssentralen har gjennom en fireårsperiode gjort forsøk med å engasjere private bedrifter i partnerskap med kommunen. De to første årene var prosjektet underlagt Frivillighetssentralen i Bærum ...
    • Offshore Oil and Gas as Industrial Driver 

      Zhovtobryukh, Yuriy; Nordkvelde, Marius; Reve, Torger (Forskningsrapport;3/2013, Research report, 2013)
      The project “Oil and gas as Industrial Driver” is a further development of professor Torger Reve’s nation-wide research project “Knowledge-based Norway” (2012). Common for the two projects is the cluster perspective on ...
    • Offshorerederiene: Konsolidering eller konkurs 

      Ramsøy, Ole Jakob; Reve, Torger; Nordkvelde, Marius (Forskningsrapport;3/2016, Research report, 2016-12)
      Offshore rederiene har i en årrekke tatt på seg for høy gjeld i et forsøk på å holde tritt med den vedvarende økende etterspørselen på norsk sokkel. Samtidig oppstod en slags «ettbenthet» i næringen der nesten alt fokus ...
    • Omstilling og utvikling i norske kommuner : mye skrik og lite ull? 

      Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (Forskningsrapport;3/2007, Research report, 2007)
      Local authorities in Norway countries face a number of challenges. Municipalities are often seen as old-fashioned and inefficient. Recent exposures of corruption have damaged their reputation further. Local government ...
    • On entrepreneurial teams and their formation in science-based industries 

      Misganaw, Bisrat Agegnehu (Series of Dissertation;10/2018, Doctoral thesis, 2018)
      This thesis focuses on entrepreneurial teams and is positioned in the literature that conceptualize entrepreneurship as a collective action. Writing this PhD thesis could also be explained in the same way. Although it ...
    • On Experiences as Economic Offerings 

      Poulsson, Susanne H.G. (Series of Dissertations;6/2014, Doctoral thesis, 2014)
    • On governance in collaborative communities 

      Kolbjørnsrud, Vegard (Series of Dissertations;12/2014, Doctoral thesis, 2014-10-24)
      This study explores how collaborative communities are governed. It investigates governance problems and mechanisms found in collaborative communities as well as the process of designing such mechanisms. It is an exploratory, ...
    • Opportunities for learning and knowledge creation in practice 

      Nilsen, Etty Ragnhild (Series of Dissertations 1/2010, Doctoral thesis, 2010)
      This study contributes to our understanding of opportunities for learning and knowledge creation at work. Through an interpretive case study the aim is to add insight to the theoretical debate on learning and knowledge ...
    • Organizational form, local market structure and corporate social performance in retail 

      Utgård, Jakob (Series of Dissertations;2/2015, Doctoral thesis, 2015-03-20)
      I study how organizational form and local market structure influence retail firms' corporate social performance (CSP). The theoretical model is based on agency theory, which in its origin focuses on the dyad between the ...
    • Organizational recipes and Management Practice in Multinational Corporations 

      Lervik, Jon Erland; Traavik, Laura Mercer; Amdam, Rolv Petter; Lunnan, Randi (Discussion Paper, Working paper, 2000)
      In this paper we explore potential factors explaining how organizational recipes are spread within Multinational Companies. Implementation of organizational recipes has become a widespread phenomenon, but most current ...
    • Organizing Local Democracy: The Norwegian Experience 

      Monkerud, Lars C. (Series of Dissertations, Doctoral thesis, 2007)
      The dissertation traces empirically certain prerequisites for effective local democratic politics as viewed in terms of the functioning of the local democratic chain of delegation and in terms of the functional organization ...
    • Perspektiver for norsk jordbruksvaresektor 

      Olsen, Per Ingvar; Gripsrud, Geir (Research Report, Research report, 2002)
      Rapporten diskuterer situasjonen for den norske jordbruksvaresektoren i et overordnet strategisk perspektiv. Perspektivet tar utgangspunkt i fire ulike fokus: 1) Den internasjonale ny-liberale transformasjonen av økonomiske ...
    • Ports as Actors in Industrial Networks 

      Hatteland, Carl Johan (Series of Dissertations;6, Doctoral thesis, 2010)
      The purpose of this thesis is to consider how port authorities can be characterized as actors in industrial contexts. The thesis uses the Industrial Network Approach to avoid bringing in typical views of what a port is ...
    • Ports as Actors in Industrial Networks 

      Hatteland, Carl Johan (Series of Dissertations;6/2010, Doctoral thesis, 2010)
      The purpose of this thesis is to consider how port authorities can be characterized as actors in industrial contexts. The thesis uses the Industrial Network Approach to avoid bringing in typical views of what a port is ...
    • Prestasjonskultur i kunnskapsadhokratier: motivasjon, koordinering og effektivitet i moderne kunnskapsvirksomheter 

      Andersen, Svein S.; Sæther, Øyvind (Research Report, Research report, 2002)
      Kunnskapsintensive virksomheter er ofte kjennetegnet av høy utviklings- og endringstakt i forhold til operative oppgaver og mål. I slike virksomheter vil bruk av tradisjonelle mekanismer for integrasjon, hierarkisk styring ...
    • Price differences between equity classes 

      Ødegaard, Bernt Arne (Discussion Paper, Working paper, 2000)
      Price differences between equities of different classes have long been of interest to financial economists. Price differences between voting and nonvoting equity have, for example, been used as evidence for the existence ...
    • Privat arbeidsformidling 

      Moen, Espen R.; Dalen, Dag Morten; Riis, Christian (Research Report, Research report, 2003)
      I denne rapporten diskuteres hvorvidt offentlig finansiert privat arbeidsformidling kan være et egnet virkemiddel i arbeidsmarkedspolitikken. Videre analyseres mulige effekter av å introdusere aktivitetsbasert finansiering ...
    • Private film financing: Gains and losses in the Norwegian film sector 

      Gaustad, Terje (Research Report, Research report, 2008)
      In a white paper to the parliament the Norwegian Ministry of Culture and Church Affairs in 2004 noted that while many of the recent national films could show a healthy return on its private capital of more than 50 percent ...
    • Rapport fra ti norske mediehus 

      Hjeltnes, Guri; Olsen, Ragnhild Kr.; Bech-Karlsen, Jo (Rapport;, Research report, 2007)