dc.description.abstract | Business network research, service-dominant logic and service system
thinking all reflect an interactional interpretation of value creation as the fundamental
approach to understanding modern economies and business behavior. This paper
aims at contributing to an integrative debate about innovation and value creation by
analyzing innovation management challenges in relation to the interfaces between
innovations and their environments in complex business landscapes. Any innovation
may be seen as an entity within a multidimensional business landscape where
relatedness, dynamism and variety are key dimensions. The innovation is typically
positioned within some partly visible, partly invisible business landscape where it
needs (1) to activate and stabilize a complex set of relationships between activities,
resources and actors, (2) to systematically handle reactions to friction forces across
these entities, and (3) to maintain and advance the necessary framing needed to
coordinate interactions across all the involved and affected business resources,
activities and actors. A general conclusion is that systematic managerial efforts appear
to be the main driving force enacting and coordinating across these complex
interfaces. In order for innovations to materialize, there is a critical need for some type
of multi-functional, managerial network capable of recreating simplified and conceptual
unity and a sense of direction while also managing the complexity, extendedness,
ambiguity and multi-contextual challenges across the many complex interfaces. | no_NO |