• A user-friendly earth system model of low complexity: The ESCIMO system dynamics model of global warming towards 2100 

      Randers, Jørgen; Wenstøp, Fred; Wenstøp, Søren; Göluke, Ulrich (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      We have made a simple system dynamics model, ESCIMO (Earth System Climate Interpretable Model), which runs on a desktop computer in seconds and is able to reproduce the main output from more complex climate models. ESCIMO ...
    • Attitudes towards ethical pension management among Norwegians 

      Ditlev-Simonsen, Caroline D.; Wenstøp, Fred (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      We have surveyed the attitudes of Norwegians toward ethical pension management that carries an opportunity cost. We study attitude regarding own pension fund as well as belief about other people’s attitudes. The focus is ...
    • How stakeholders view stakeholders as CSR motivators 

      Ditlev-Simonsen, Caroline D.; Wenstøp, Fred (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Purpose This study investigates perceptions of the relative importance of different stakeholders (owners, employees, customers, NGOs and governmental authorities) as agents motivating managers to engage in CSR. The purpose ...
    • Hva tror de ansatte skal til for motivere til å sykle til og fra jobb? 

      Ditlev-Simonsen, Caroline D.; Wenstøp, Fred (Journal article, 2014)
      Klimaproblematikken er en av vår tids største utfordringer. Utallige studier og artikler dokumenterer faren ved det stadig økende utslippet av klimagasser. Betraktelig færre studier har sett på hva som skal til, i praksis, ...
    • Ledelse av samfunnsansvar (CSR): hva ønsker de ansatte? 

      Ditlev-Simonsen, Caroline D.; Wenstøp, Fred (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Bedrifters samfunnsengasjement blir stadig viktigere, og Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) og støtte til ideelle formål blir stadig vanligere. De ansatte er en av bedriftens viktigste interessenter, men spørsmålet er ...
    • On Operations Research, Ethics and Value Conflicts 

      Wenstøp, Fred; Koppang, Haavard (Journal article, 2009)
      The paper addresses the question of how Operations Research ought to handle decision problems that involve value conflicts. First, we note that early OR was essentially value free with a mechanistic systems perspective, ...
    • Operational research virtues in the face of climate change 

      Wenstøp, Søren H.; Wenstøp, Fred (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      This paper argues that the virtue of righteousness sustained by raw emotions can explain the apparent deadlock of the climate change debate, and proposes virtues that are more conducive to consequential action. The ...
    • A user-friendly earth system model of low complexity: the ESCIMO system dynamics model of global warming towards 2100 

      Randers, Jørgen; Göluke, Ulrich; Wenstøp, Fred; Wenstøp, Søren (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)
      We have made a simple system dynamics model, ESCIMO (Earth System Climate Interpretable Model), which runs on a desktop computer in seconds and is able to reproduce the main output from more complex climate models. ESCIMO ...