• Risk and rationality in occupational pensions : defined-benefit vs. defind-contribution from a corporate standpoint 

      Goksøyr, Espen Løge (Master thesis, 2013-02-11)
      In Norway, pensions are conceived to be a right, and perhaps not an earned benefit. Changes in the demographic structure in the Norwegian population have produced a need for pension accumulation outside the public scope. ...
    • Risk and return characteristics of the swap spread arbitrage strategy 

      Tabbech, Adrian Gullvåg; Engelsgjerd, Kjetil (Master thesis, 2019)
      We conduct a study on the risk and return characteristics of the swap spread arbitrage strategy. Specifically, we investigate the two-year, three-year, five-year, seven-year, ten-year, and an equally-weighted swap spread ...
    • The Risk and Return Characteristics of the U.S. Treasury Basis Trade 

      Nestangen, Mats Holtan; Grov, Eirik Kollen (Master thesis, 2023)
      We conduct an analysis of the risk and return characteristics of the U.S. Treasury basis trade by regressing the strategy returns of the 2-year, 5-year and 10-year futures contracts on a variety of bond and equity market ...
    • Risk and return of the merger arbitrage strategy in the European market 

      Wall, Douglas Erik Leonard; Theodorsen, Olav Henrik Klingenberg (Master thesis, 2022)
      In this thesis we have created a European merger arbitrage index consisting of 786 cash, stock, and combination deals from 2000 to 2022. Three portfolios have been created; equaly-weighted, value-weighted, and a practitioner ...
    • Risk Aversion Sensitive Real Business Cycles 

      Zhanhui, Chen; Cooper, Ilan; Ehling, Paul; Xiouros, Costas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      Technology choice allows for substitution of production across states of nature and depends on state-dependent risk aversion. In equilibrium, endogenous technology choice can counter a persistent negative productivity shock ...
    • Risk Estimation with a Time-Varying Probability of Zero Returns 

      Sucarrat, Genaro; Grønneberg, Steffen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)
      The probability of an observed financial return being equal to zero is not necessarily zero, or constant. In ordinary models of financial return, however, e.g. ARCH, SV, GAS and continuous-time models, the zero-probability ...
    • Risk Factors in the Norwegian Stock Market 

      Kristiansen, Marcus Skarnes; Mahmood, Rabia (Master thesis, 2018)
      This study investigates which risk factors are priced in the Norwegian stock market and which asset pricing model is superior among the CAPM, the Fama- French three-factor and five-factor model and a macroeconomic model. ...
    • Risk management of carry trade with options 

      Holm, Bengt-Rune; Steinslien, Fredrik T. (Master thesis, 2013-02-12)
      his paper examines currency carry trades as well as an extension to the strategy by embracing options for risk management. Due to severe losses by Norwegian investors due to exchange rate movements during the financial ...
    • Risk management with cash and insurance in non-listed firms 

      Ehling, Paul (CCGR Working Paper, Working paper, 2008)
      I study corporate risk management with property insurance in non-listed small and medium sized rms. I document negative relations between various ownership measures CEO salary, ownership concentration and aggregate female ...
    • Risk modelling and Optimization of Hedging Strategy for a Norwegian Hydropower Producer 

      Nielsen, Eline Johansen (Master thesis, 2022)
      Presented in collaboration with Hafslund Eco, this thesis examines the process of decision making for a Norwegian hydropower producer over the medium term. As part of this process, risk modelling and optimization of the ...
    • Risk Premium in Norwegian Covered Bonds 

      Dalsegg, Lars Ovesønn; Münster, Fredric (Master thesis, 2018)
      In this thesis we study the determinants of risk premium in Norwegian covered bonds. Due to di erences in data quality and bond characteristics we study the market for EUR and NOK denominated bonds issued by Norwegian ...
    • Risk-return relationship of the renewable energy industry 

      Dirdal, Tonje Helland; Gjone, Kristin (Master thesis, 2017)
      This paper examines the risk-return relationship of the renewable energy industry by estimating the systematic risk and its determining factors. Using a variable beta model, we find that the systematic risk has decreased ...
    • Risk-weighted capital requirements and portfolio rebalancing 

      Juelsrud, Ragnar Enger; Getz Wold, Ella (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      We use a 2013 Norwegian policy reform to study how banks react to higher capital requirements and how these adjustments transmit to the real economy. Using bank balance sheet data, we document that banks raise capital ...
    • Risky Business: Assessing Personality Through LinkedIn 

      Kogstad, Annette Løver; Roulund, Ann Kristin (Master thesis, 2018)
      LinkedIn is a widely popular professional networking site across the world, and represents an increasingly used tool in the recruitment process. The platform contains valuable information about potential candidates with ...
    • Risky news and credit market sentiment 

      Labonne, Paul; Thorsrud, Leif Anders (CAMP Working Paper Series;14/2023, Working paper, 2023-12-14)
      The nonlinear nexus between financial conditions indicators and the conditional distribution of GDP growth has recently been challenged. We show how one can use textual economic news combined with a shallow Neural Network ...
    • RIV-B modellen : resultatprognoser og normalisering 

      Mamelund, Linn-Therese; Gangstad, Benedicte (Master thesis, 2013-02-11)
      Vi har studert verdsettelsesmodellen residualinntekts verdsettelse (RIV). Hensikten med oppgaven er klargjøre om RIV-B modellen kan gi et mer riktig og pålitelig anslag på verdien av olje-/gass og shipping selskaper. ...
    • RIV-B og RIV-E: bedre verdsettelsesmodeller 

      Dyrnes, Sverre (Journal article, 2011)
      RIV er en forkortelse for ResidualInntektsbasert Verdsettelsesmodell. RIV har i de siste 10-15 årene fått stor anerkjennelse i akademia. Den verdsettelsesmodellen som imidlertid er mest kjent og anvendt i dag blant praktikere ...
    • Road to unity? Nordic economic convergence in the long run 

      Bruno, Lars Christian; Eloranta, Jari; Ojala, Jari; Pehkonen, Jaakko (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      This study examines Nordic economic convergence from the sixteenth to twentieth century respective of the economic leaders, in effect the UK before 1914 and USA thereafter. The paper uses a novel approach of combining the ...
    • Roboter som hater/favoriserer kvinner 

      Kloven, Kristine Goa; Wenaas, Thea; Kulien, Silje (Bachelor thesis, 2018)
      Denne oppgaven tar for seg tematikken rundt bruken av kunstig intelligens i rekrutteringsprosessen, samt publikums reaksjoner ved bruken av kunstig intelligens. Det har blitt utført et eksperiment med 122 respondenter. ...