• Audits of private firms 

      Langli, John Christian; Svanström, Tobias (CCGR Working Paper;1/2013, Working paper, 2013)
      Private and public firms differ across a number of important dimensions. Public firms are under scrutiny by stock exchanges, regulators, and market participants and they share the feature of separation of ownership and ...
    • Augmented Reality and Authenticity: An Experimental Study to Investigate their Impact on Luxury Perception 

      PAGLIARINI, VALENTINA (Master thesis, 2020)
      Abstract In recent years, studies about luxury perception have proliferated. Nonetheless, few of these have investigated both product internal and external factors that may have an impact on it. On one side, a large ...
    • Augmented self - The effects of virtual face augmentation on consumers' self-concept 

      Javornik, Ana; Marder, Ben; Pizzetti, Marta; Warlop, Luk (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Augmented reality mirrors are popular marketing tools that allow virtual try-on of products, such as makeup. We study how such sensory experiences affect consumer perception of the self, specifically the gap between actual ...
    • Authentic leadership and employee agility in the context of a digital transformation: the roles of employees’ fixed digital mindset and affective commitment to change 

      Kleppe, Kine Marie Sandø; Nortvedt, Benedicte (Master thesis, 2020)
      There is growing attention to the importance employees have in supporting change initiatives. However, few models of commitment to change have focused on both antecedents and outcomes. Therefore, the purpose of the present ...
    • Authentic leadership, creativity, and innovation: A multilevel perspective 

      Cerne, Matej; Jaklic, Marko; Skerlavaj, Miha (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      This study aims to propose and empirically test a multilevel model of cross-level interactions between authentic leadership and innovation at the team level, and perception of support for innovation and creativity at the ...
    • Authenticity and the Sharing Economy 

      Bucher, Eliane; Fieseler, Christian; Fleck, Matthes; Lutz, Christoph (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Based on a qualitative interview-study as well as on a quantitative survey among users of the room sharing platform Airbnb, we show that situational closeness between sharing economy consumers and providers may prompt ...
    • Automated Detection of Front Companies: Exploring Machine Learning Potentials and Limitations 

      Høgtun, Liam Alexander (Master thesis, 2023)
      This project is aimed at understanding the potential and limitations of modern machine learning algorithms in automatically detecting front companies. We employed predictive classification models to analyse a company's ...
    • Automated General-to-Specific (GETS) Regression Modeling and Indicator Saturation for Outliers and Structural Breaks 

      Pretis, Felix; Reade, J James; Sucarrat, Genaro (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      This paper provides an overview of the R package gets, which contains facilities for automated general-to-specific (GETS) modeling of the mean and variance of a regression, and indicator saturation (IS) methods for the ...
    • Autonomous but Interdependent: The Roles of Initiated and Received Task Interdependence in Distributed Team Coordination 

      Berntzen, Marthe; Wong, Sut I (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Distributed team arrangements are becoming “the new normal”. The present study considers the evolution of electronic commerce into an area where operational interaction and coordination of work occurs when previously only ...
    • Autorisert regnskapsfører – rolle og ansvar 

      Birkeland, Kari (Chapter, 2020)
      Regnskapsførerbransjen har siden regnskapsførerloven trådte i kraft i 1993, vokst betydelig. Når det stilles krav til autorisasjon, forventes det at tjenestene som leveres, er av høy faglig kvalitet, og med det følger et ...
    • Availability Exceptions and Technology Use After-Hours and the Role of Boundary Control for Work-Life Outcomes 

      Lea, Ingrid-Alice Gudmundsen; Lassen, Karina (Master thesis, 2018)
      Advancements in communication technology have led to a more boundaryless relationship between work and non-work life for contemporary workers. Technology use after-hours proposes a flexibility-paradox, where workers ...
    • Avgiftsrettens tilknytningskrav - omsetning i og utenfor virksomhet 

      Mikelsen, Anders (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Artikkelen drøfter skillet mellom omsetning i avgiftspliktig virksomhet, i unntatt virksomhet og utenfor virksomhet. Det er bare omsetning som har tilknytning til avgiftspliktig virksomhet, som kan være merverdiavgiftspliktig. ...
    • Avgiftsrettslige utfordringer knyttet til nye kontorløsninger 

      Narum, Karoline; Nielsen, Maria Dalen (Master thesis, 2019)
      Oppgavens formål er å redegjøre for avgiftsrettslige utfordringer knyttet til nye kontorløsninger. Dette gjør vi for å skape en bedre forståelse av regelverket og problemstillinger som møter co-workingaktører. På bakgrunn ...
    • Avisenes utvikling i et publikumsperspektiv 

      Wilberg, Erik (Journal article, 2015)
      Avisene trykt på papir har hatt en sterk nedgang i lengre tid. Men på noen områder er avisene fremdeles sterke. Det gjelder spesielt de lokale nyheter. Samtidig ser vi at avisenes lesere tar til seg de nye digitale mediene, ...
    • AØL Globale perspektiver 

      Hagen, Julie Iren (Master thesis, 2021)
      I denne oppgaven har jeg valgt å se på år 1921 og hvorfor Norge opplevde negativ økonomisk vekst i denne perioden. Som en forenkling til virkeligheten brukes modeller til å diskutere mulige årsaker til svingningene i ...
    • B2C Disengagement on social media 

      Bakken, Hilde Sæstad; Danell, Josefine Anna (Master thesis, 2023)
      Social media has become a present part of modern life, connecting billions of people worldwide. Moreover, platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn have become crucial for businesses to reach and engage with consumers, ...
    • Bachelor - merkevarebygging med en bærekraftig tilnærming 

      Gevelt, Simon; Wold, Elle Louise (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Vår bacheloroppgave er utarbeidet våren 2023 ved Handelshøyskolen BI og baserer seg på temaet merkevarebygging med fokus på en bærekraftig tilnærming. Studien bygger på merkevarebygging for Amundsen Sports, som har hatt ...
    • Bachelor 2019 

      Ulstad, Mari Mobæk; Larsen, Charlotte (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      Hensikten med vår oppgave er å undersøke hvordan moralsk ansvar oppfattes i en situasjon der kunstig intelligens blir benyttet. Vi vil først ta for oss relevante teorier og forskning rundt temaene kunstig intelligens ...
    • Bachelor i Prosjektledelse 

      Woll, Johanne Marie (Bachelor thesis, 2016)
      Jeg har gjennom vinteren og våren 2016 fått lov å følge prosjektet ”Oslo kulturnatt”. Dette er et årlig arrangement i regi av kulturetaten i Oslo kommune, og dette er Norges største endagsfestival med flere enn 170 ...
    • Bachelor thesis 

      Sandve, Sondre Bore; Hansen, Alexander Lundekvam; Tarberg, Even (Bachelor thesis, 2019)
      The notion of cross-organizational collaboration has started to play a central role in the global business world since the start of the 21st century. It is important for organizations within business clusters to establish ...